Alien Madness

Chapter 31

{Ask for a red ticket, ask for a collection, ask for a click. }

It is said that after Zhang Cheng was swallowed by the "Phoenix", his whole body felt dizzy for a while, and after a long time, his eyes brightened, and then he felt himself falling rapidly, subconsciously looked down, and immediately Jump off him, because the bottom of him is a bottomless cliff.

Fortunately, however, he fell on the cliff, not under it.

Wiping off his sweat, Zhang Cheng looked around and suddenly found that this was the place where he was thrown by ASRock. The reason why he remembered it was because there was a red stone on the cliff, so he remembered it very deeply.

However, when he came back here again, Zhang Cheng felt a lot of emotion in his heart. He was angry and grateful at the same time. If ASRock hadn't thrown him off the cliff, then he wouldn't have seen Xiang Tian, ​​let alone many powerful methods.

However, Zhang Chengdu firmly remembered what ASRock had done to him, and secretly vowed in his heart that he must tear his body into pieces to vent his hatred.

In this way, Zhang Cheng stood on the cliff for about a quarter of an hour, felt the place that changed his destiny, and then left here without looking back.

After a long journey for half a day, Zhang Cheng returned to Shaoyang City at noon that day, but he felt a strange atmosphere from the gate of Shaoyang City.

Because usually at this time, people come and go in front of the gate of Shaoyang City.

But at this moment, there were only a few sparse people entering and leaving in front of the gate of Shaoyang City. Including the guarding soldiers, there were no more than a dozen people. It was obvious that something was wrong with this situation.

"What's going on here?" Zhang Cheng was a little puzzled, so he walked over and asked a soldier guarding the city, "Brother Bing, what's going on? Why are there so few people entering and leaving the city today?"

"Oh, it turned out to be the third young master of the Zhang family. Why, don't you know that your three major families jointly held a competition in the city, and many people went to watch the fun, so there are much fewer people entering and leaving the city today than before." The soldiers guarding the city recognized Zhang Cheng. After all, there were almost no people in Shaoyang City who did not know Zhang Cheng.

It's just that he is a little strange that at the moment Zhang Cheng is full of energy, full of confidence, his face is rosy, and he doesn't look like a sick child at all. No one would believe that he is a warrior.

Moreover, he still remembered that Zhang Cheng disappeared a month ago, and the Zhang family searched for it for a long time, and even they almost retreated from the annual family competition.

If it wasn't for people from the Li family and the Wang family who forced them into the Zhang family and asked the three of them to compete together, they might still be looking for Zhang Cheng.

However, he didn't tell Zhang Cheng about it. After all, he understood the truth that misfortune comes from mouth.

And no matter which family of the three major families he could provoke, so, with the attitude that more things are worse than less things, he just told Zhang Cheng the general situation, and he didn't say anything about the specific details.

"The three major families jointly hold a competition?" Zhang Cheng was stunned, not sure what the situation was.

He remembered that today should be the time for his Zhang family to hold a family competition. Logically speaking, this time will not change, that is to say, even if the Wang family and Li family agree, the Zhang family will not agree.

However, things have already happened, and Zhang Cheng also knows that this soldier has no reason to lie to himself.

In this way, there is only one possibility, and that is that the Wang family and the Zhang family oppressed his Zhang family together, and then they had to cancel the family competition and hold some competition with them.

However, this is undoubtedly an insult to the Zhang family, which is completely equivalent to slapping his Zhang family in public.

Moreover, this situation seems to be beyond Zhang Cheng's imagination, because he understands his father's temper, unless it is about the safety of the family, otherwise, he cannot compromise.

Thinking of this, Zhang Cheng's expression suddenly changed, and an ominous premonition arose spontaneously, and then his body swayed, and he ran towards the Zhang family at a very fast speed.

"This..." The guards stared at Zhang Cheng who was running at such a fast speed, and couldn't believe it was true.

After all, Zhang Cheng used to run a few steps, and he would be out of breath from exhaustion, but now he walks like flying, even a healthy person can't run so fast, what does this mean.

Zhang Cheng ignored the shocked gazes from the people around him, he didn't plan to hide it when he came back this time, so he let it go.

Under his full running, Zhang Cheng soon came to Zhang's house, but the door of Zhang's house was tightly closed at this moment, and suddenly, the ominous premonition in Zhang Cheng's heart became stronger.

Then, Zhang Cheng hurried to the door and knocked hard on the door a few times.

After a while, Uncle Fu who was guarding the door opened the door, and when Uncle Uncle saw that the person who knocked on the door was Zhang Cheng, his face was first happy, but soon he showed depression.

However, he concealed it very well, with a smile on his face, and said: "Master, you are finally back, the Patriarch has been looking for you for the past few days, and he is almost crazy."

"I know that, but, Uncle Fu, is it true that the three major families jointly held a competition?" Although Zhang Cheng had already learned about this before, he still wanted to hear his family's confirmation.

"Yes, this matter is indeed true, and the Patriarch has brought someone there." Fu Bo replied.

"Ah, how is it possible, isn't today the time for our Zhang family to hold a family competition? How could my father agree?" Zhang Cheng asked in confusion.

"Hey, young master, the eldest young master is back." Uncle Fu didn't directly answer Zhang Cheng's words, but sighed and said this.

And the young master he was talking about was naturally Zhang Cheng's elder brother, Zhang Long.

"My elder brother is back? How come, isn't he waiting to join at Tianfeng Gate? Why did he come back suddenly?" Zhang Cheng was full of question marks, but he could see a little pain from Uncle Fu's face.

Suddenly, he guessed that something must have happened.

"Master, you'd better go in and have a look yourself, I, I..." Fu Bo's eyes were wet when he said this.

"Where is my elder brother now?" Zhang Cheng asked eagerly.

"The young master is in his room right now, and the second lady is taking care of him. Hurry up, if you get there late..." Fu Bo's voice choked up as he spoke, but his meaning was already obvious.

"My second sister is taking care of my elder brother, so my elder brother..." Zhang Cheng seemed to realize something, his expression changed, and then he disappeared in front of the gate as an afterimage.

Uncle Fu was also taken aback by this situation at this time, he only reacted when Zhang Cheng's figure completely disappeared from his eyes, and secretly said: "What's going on, the young master has recovered from his illness?"

There is only one wall between Zhang Long's room and Zhang Cheng's room, so he quickly came outside the door of Zhang Long's room, but just as he came outside the door, he smelled a very strong smell of medicine. My heart tugged.

Then he slammed the door open, and saw Zhang Long lying on the bed with his teeth clenched, cold sweat pouring out from his forehead, his limbs were fixed by bandages and bamboo boards, and he seemed to have fallen into a coma and didn't notice it. Come to yourself.

Seeing this, Zhang Cheng was choked for breath. Of course he knew what this meant, which meant that Zhang Long's limbs were all broken.

Immediately afterwards, an unknown fire sprang up in his lower abdomen, burning his whole body instantly.

When he was young, Zhang Long loved him very much, and often took him to go shopping and play, and often bought him delicious food. However, at this moment, the elder brother who was very kind to him was lying on the bed, all his limbs were broken , which made it hard for him to accept that it was true.

"Brother, is it really you?" Zhang Xin was startled by the sound of Zhang Cheng pushing the door in. Fortunately, she responded in time, otherwise the bowl of soup in her hand would have spilled on Zhang Long.

However, when she saw Zhang Cheng's appearance, she was taken aback for a moment, and then she was overjoyed.

"Sister, it's me. What's going on here? Brother, why..." Zhang Cheng took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and said calmly.

Although Zhang Cheng didn't show anything, Zhang Xin could tell that his younger brother was out of anger.

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