"Yes, yes, yes, I almost forgot the business." Zhang Cheng sped up suddenly as he spoke, and half an hour later, he also arrived at Dan Daozong.

I found Chu Yan and explained the reason of the matter, and with his help, I quickly came to Longevity Mountain through the teleportation array.

However, this was the first time he took the teleportation array, and the whole process was like taking an elevator. At the beginning, he felt a little uncomfortable, but he quickly got used to it, and after a while, he appeared on the top of Longevity Mountain.

Since people from all sects had already arrived here, the teleportation array suddenly lit up at this moment, which immediately attracted the attention of many people.

After the light passed, Zhang Cheng appeared in the center of the teleportation array. Seeing so many gazes coming at him in unison, Zhang Cheng was also taken aback, because he never expected that there would be so many people here.

"Chengzi, why are you back? Are you done with your work?" Dan Chenzi was startled when he saw Zhang Cheng's appearance, and then asked curiously.

"Well, my affairs are almost settled...By the way, Master, have you seen Xinyue and them?" Zhang Cheng is more concerned about his sexual well-being at the moment, which is related to the future of the motherland, so he is more anxious.

"They went in, and there is still a period of time, so you go in and practice hard." Dan Chenzi suggested.

"Well, that's exactly what I mean!" Zhang Cheng said and walked into the Longevity Secret Realm.

"Well, this kid's cultivation has improved again, how long has it been?" Dan Chenzi was depressed when he saw that Zhang Cheng's cultivation had broken through to the middle stage of Golden Core.

You must know that after reaching the golden core stage, no matter how fast the cultivation base improves, it will take more than half a year to advance to a stage.

But Zhang Cheng was lucky, he went out for a maximum of four months, and he broke through again. If he continues at this speed, it will be amazing, within a hundred years he will definitely be able to overcome the tribulation and ascend.

Other people also noticed Zhang Cheng, especially Li Wuqing and the others. The moment they saw Zhang Cheng, the hatred in their hearts was undisguised.

After all, it was the first time that he suffered a loss from someone who existed like an ant in front of him, and he ate it so thoroughly, it could be said that he lost his wife and lost his army.

So he hated it very much, wishing he could tear Zhang Cheng into pieces.

Besides him, several people noticed Zhang Cheng's arrival, one of them was Xia Xueyi, he was Xia Xueyi of the Dragon God Clan, that is, the patriarch of the Dragon God Clan.

The reason why he noticed Zhang Cheng was because their Dragon God Clan was able to stand here in such an upright manner at the moment, part of the reason was because of Zhang Cheng.

There are also Gongyang Qingkong and Gu Yue. Gongyang Qingkong noticed Zhang Cheng because he is now his son-in-law, and he is very happy, while Gu Yue is because he saved their Yaogu. Full of gratitude.

But because of this situation, it was difficult for them to stop Zhang Cheng. After seeing him enter the Longevity Secret Realm, they closed their eyes again and began to practice.

"I'm here, where are you?" Zhang Cheng walked into the Longevity Secret Realm, but he didn't see any of them, so he took out the Jade Talisman of Communication and asked again.

"We're inside, come in quickly, someone is bullying us!" Gongyang Xinyue said something that made Zhang Cheng nervous.

"The woman who dares to bully me is getting impatient." Zhang Cheng put away the messenger talisman and walked forward, because there was only one road ahead, so it was easy to find.

After walking for a few minutes, Zhang Cheng came to a relatively spacious space, about twenty meters high above his head, and the whole space was about 100 square meters.

Moreover, there are strange plants growing here, none of which Zhang Cheng has seen before.

And in the middle of the cave, a group of people are sitting around and don't know what they are doing, but a disgusting voice can be heard from a distance, and what he means seems to be molesting a girl .

Almost at the same time, Zhang Cheng thought about Gongyang Xinyue and the others, and then he came to the side of the crowd and looked inside. It was Gongyang Xinyue and them.

This time, Zhang Chengcheng became angry. With a big wave of his hand, a gust of strong wind pushed the crowd away to reveal a passage leading to the middle. This movement also attracted the attention of the three women inside. When they saw Zhang Cheng Immediately after that, he pushed aside the crowd excitedly and ran towards him.

"Brother Zhang Cheng, you're here!" Ouyang Qianyun held Zhang Cheng's arm and said fearfully.

"Forget that you are smart, if you come a little later, I will never end with you." Gongyang Xinyue clenched her fists and said to Zhang Cheng like a tigress.

"You, you're here!" Xiahou Wan'er was still a little shy after seeing Zhang Cheng, but the joy in her eyes was real, not discounted by spots.

"I am coming……"

"This is your man, but he is only at the middle stage of the Golden Core. In my opinion, following him is like a flower planted in cow dung. I think you should stop following him and follow me. I will definitely call you Desperate to die!" The person who spoke was eccentric, even a little sissy, and his face was a little pale, he didn't look very healthy.

No need to think about it, Zhang Cheng also knew that this person should be a member of the Yin-Yang Demon Sect, which is famous for its obscenity, and only the disciples there could be so lustful, and the lustful is so direct.

"Are you from the Yin-Yang Demon Sect?" Zhang Cheng asked.

"That's right. I'm from the Yin-Yang Demon Sect. Are you afraid? If you're afraid, get the hell out of me. I want these three women." The man sneered, then pointed at Gongyang Xinyue and said to them.

"Hehe, I'm not afraid, I just want to tell you one thing!" Zhang Cheng sneered, not taking his sarcasm seriously at all.

"What's the matter?" Seeing that Zhang Cheng said so seriously, the man couldn't help being curious, so he asked.

"My woman can't think about it." After Zhang Cheng finished speaking, his body turned into an afterimage and appeared directly in front of the man. His right hand stretched out and directly caught his neck. Use your strength.

But there was no sound of neck breaking, but the man disappeared directly from Zhang Cheng's hands.

"What's going on?" Zhang Cheng was taken aback, he was very puzzled by this, then turned his head to look at Gongyang Xinyue and the others and asked.

"Brother Zhang Cheng, you can't kill people in this place. If you fight against each other, if someone wants to kill the other person, that person will be teleported by the surrounding restrictions." Ouyang Qianyun explained.

"There is such a thing." Zhang Cheng didn't expect that there was such a rule here, which made him very speechless, but he had already remembered this matter, and that person would die sooner or later.

"Then can he still come in?" Zhang Cheng asked again.

This time Ouyang Qianyun wanted to continue, but was stopped by Gongyang Xinyue, and then she winked at Xiahou Wan'er, who immediately understood what Gongyang Xinyue meant, and explained: " Yes, but no matter how many times he tries, you can't kill him."

"Hmph, if you can't kill him, then I'll make his life worse than death." Zhang Cheng looked cold, and then looked at the others, "Who else spoke rudely to you just now?"

Hearing this, everyone present was startled.

You must know that the person who was almost killed by Zhang Cheng before was a master in the middle stage of Jindan, but this person was defeated without even going through a round in Zhang Cheng's hands. They still have a certain level of strength, even if they really open their stances and fight, I am afraid that Zhang Cheng will win in the end.

And that person was the one with the highest cultivation among this group of people, even if he wasn't Zhang Cheng's opponent, it was even more impossible for them to defeat Zhang Cheng.

So when they heard Zhang Cheng's words, they subconsciously backed away, for fear that Zhang Cheng would beat them up in a fit of anger.

"and also……"

"Needless to say, even if the people here didn't participate, they didn't stop them by then, so these people deserve to die." After Zhang Cheng finished speaking, his figure shuttled back and forth among the crowd like a ghost, almost like a ghost. With the effort of breathing, all the people present clutched their stomachs and fell to the ground.

In just this short period of time, each of them received no less than ten punches in the stomach, and the strength of each punch was the same. A piercing pain filled their hearts.

"It's a pity that you can't kill people here, otherwise, you won't just be punched ten times." Zhang Cheng said coldly.

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