The giant python felt the power of this blow, and didn't dare to be careless. The snake tail coiled on the tree trunk immediately loosened a few times, and then stretched out to meet Zhang Long's sword energy directly.

It feels that Zhang Long's cultivation is not as good as its own, and it is also very confident in its selection of films.

However, the moment the sword qi and its tail were released, there was only a "poof", and the blood split, and the snake's tail was cut off a large part by Zhang Long's sword.

Immediately, the snake's blood spilled, staining the ground below red.

"Moo" the giant python yelled in pain, and after this time, the giant python's attack was much weaker.

Zhang Xin took this opportunity to forcibly pull her soul back into her body, but even if her soul returned to her body, her body still couldn't help shaking a few times, and her face was a little pale.

"Sister, are you alright?" Zhang Long sneaked a glance at Zhang Xin in his busy schedule and asked with concern.

"It's nothing serious, but the soul has been traumatized and needs to rest for a while to recover." Zhang Xin replied.

"Soul injury is not a trivial matter. You don't want to make a move later. I will leave this beast to me." Zhang Long said this, and before Zhang Xin could answer, he heard a "Zheng", and his handle glowed. A long sword with blue light appeared in Zhang Long's hand.

"Evil animal, die." Zhang Long shouted, and rushed towards the giant python.

The long sword in his hand is practicing martial arts, and there are countless beautiful sword flowers at the tip of the sword, blooming around the giant python like a substance, so beautiful.

The giant python knew very well that these sword flowers were not just beautiful, but also contained an extremely sharp aura, which made him feel terrified.

And this giant python is also a wise monster. Before and after the confrontation with Zhang Long head-on, it knew the power of Zhang Long's sword spirit, so it didn't confront him head-on at all, but played guerrilla warfare, making use of its strengths and avoiding its weaknesses.

Moreover, from time to time, he sprayed a mouthful of snake venom towards Zhang Long.

The snake venom sprayed out by the giant python is very poisonous, and the grass and trees that touch a little bit after landing are all withered.

Zhang Long didn't dare to be careless when he saw this. After what happened to Zhang Xin, he didn't dare to release the power of his soul. In this way, he couldn't lock the target, and he could only play peek-a-boo with him for a while. This made him feel aggrieved.

"I can't go on like this anymore... Wuwang Sword Formation!" Zhang Long knew that going on like this was not an option, so he displayed the first set of sword formations he had just learned, trying to kill this slippery snake in one fell swoop.

I saw Zhang Long throwing the long sword, and an unknown handprint was made in his hand. At the same time, the long sword thrown by Zhang Long stopped in mid-air, with the tip of the sword facing down, motionless, as if supported by something The body of the sword is normal.

Then, his hands parted suddenly, and the long swords in the sky turned into more than ten swords in an instant. Counting carefully, he found a total of eighteen identical long swords, and it was unclear which one was real and which one was fake. , or every handle is true.

Then, Zhang Long pointed forward with both hands, and the eighteen long swords turned into eighteen streamers of light and rushed towards the giant python as if ordered.

Seeing this situation, the giant python's body trembled violently, feeling the pain on his tail, how could he dare to force it, he could only twist his body quickly, trying to avoid the attack of the eighteen long swords .

However, his speed was still a beat slower, and the eighteen long swords had already formed a sword circle in the sky to surround it. It penetrates the sky, deterring the giant python so that it dare not take a step beyond the thunder pond.

"Brother, you are so powerful, you subdued this beast with three strikes, five divisions and two divisions." Zhang Xin cried out happily when he saw the giant python being trapped by Zhang Cheng.


However, at this moment, a sudden change occurred. The giant python's mouth suddenly opened, and then it bit the ground directly, and then it made a big hole in the ground like a gopher, and it got into the hole.

"How is this possible..." Zhang Long looked at this scene in disbelief. It was the first time he saw a snake that could punch holes.

However, Zhang Long also had a lot of experience, and he quickly realized it. With a move in his heart, the eighteen long swords quickly flew back and surrounded him. Then, he shouted at Zhang Xin: " Come here, sister!"

"Oh!" Zhang Xin responded, and ran into Zhang Long's sword formation without saying a word, and then the two of them looked around back to back, waiting for the giant python to appear.

"Big Brother, Old Sister, which show are you acting in?" At this moment, Zhang Cheng's voice sounded from not far away, making Zhang Long and Zhang Xin, who were so nervous, tremble.

Then they couldn't help looking towards the source of the sound, only to see Zhang Cheng sitting on a flying sword at the moment, looking at them curiously.

"Brother..." When the two saw that the person who came was really Zhang Cheng, their faces were overjoyed, but before they finished speaking, they felt a tremor under their feet, so their hearts couldn't help but jump, " not good!"

They guessed that it was the giant python attacking them from the ground.

After realizing this, they immediately wanted to jump up and get away, but before their feet left the ground, they felt a pain in their souls, and their bodies were directly fixed in place, unable to move a bit.

At this time, Zhang Cheng was also aware of their situation, and at the same time he was surprised, he had already cast "Jiulong Yin" in his hand to attract Zhang Long and Zhang Xin.

But just after they left, Zhang Chengcheng saw the ground where they were just now split open, a huge snake head rushed out from the ground, and then a giant python more than ten meters rushed out from the ground.

However, when it found that its prey was rescued, it couldn't help looking at Zhang Cheng who was disturbing its good deeds.

"Soul-eating python, it's actually a soul-eating python, my God!" At this moment, Xiang Tian's voice rang out in Zhang Cheng's sea of ​​consciousness, and the voice was full of shock and surprise.

"Master, what is a soul-eating python?" Suddenly, he had a little curiosity about this giant python, and at the same time, he had more expectations.

After all, there are not many things that can cause Xiang Tian to exclaim so much. No opinion is a rare good thing. The giant python at this moment should be no exception, maybe it is a descendant of an ancient beast.

"The Soul-devouring python is the bloodline branch of the Heaven-swallowing python, and whether it is the Soul-devouring python or the Sky-swallowing python, they are all ancient beasts, and they are all divine beasts comparable to real dragons." Xiang Tian replied road.

"Ah, it's really a beast!" Although Zhang Cheng had already prepared himself before, he couldn't help being a little excited after getting Xiang Tian's confirmation.

Divine beast, it is a potential stock that can make a steady profit without losing money. As long as it is cultivated properly, it will be able to get a super thug in the future, which is more precious than a fairy weapon.

"Yes, it can be said to be an out-and-out divine beast. Moreover, after having it, your soul power will increase faster. It's really God helping you." Xiang Tian said pleasantly.

"How do you say that?" Zhang Cheng didn't quite understand what Xiang Tian meant.

"Do you remember what I said it was called just now?" Xiang Tian didn't answer Zhang Cheng's question, but asked this sentence.

"Soul-eating python..." But just after he finished speaking, he seemed to realize something, and asked, "Master, don't you mean..."

"That's right." Xiang Tian could see that Zhang Cheng understood the meaning, so he interrupted him: "Soul-eating python, as the name suggests, means devouring souls, and he is the only one that can release If you can get a soul-attacking monster, then you can get a lot of soul power from him! This will be of great benefit to your cultivation of the nine-turn soul cauldron and the growth of your soul."

"But, wouldn't that be equivalent to grabbing food from it, would it be willing to do it?" Zhang Cheng asked.

"You don't understand this. The soul-eating python's soul-eating ability is just a means of attack. It can pull out the opponent's soul and make it lose its combat effectiveness. In addition, it can also use The soul is incorporated into the belly and transformed into the power of the soul without an owner."

"However, like ordinary monsters, it needs to absorb spiritual energy to improve its realm, and does not need too much soul power. As for the excess soul power, it will excrete them like defecation, and then be The world will be assimilated." Xiang Tian replied.

"Ah, what a waste." Zhang Cheng couldn't help calling this thing a prodigal.

"So, even if it's for psychological balance, you still have to take it down. Anyway, you already have a tiger, so this snake is not bad." Xiang Tian replied.

"This is necessary. Now that I have met it, is there any possibility of giving it up to others?" Zhang Cheng has already decided that he must take down this snake.

However, he remembered one more thing, and asked: "By the way, master, you just said that this soul-devouring python is the bloodline branch of the sky-swallowing python, so what ability does this sky-swallowing python have? It can't be Can swallow the sky?"

"That's not true. The reason why it is called the Sky-Swallowing Python is that it has nothing to swallow. In this way, you can understand that the soul-devouring skill of the Soul-Eating Python is just one of the abilities inherited from the Sky-Swallowing Python!" Xiang Tian explained.

"So that's the case, then this giant python is too domineering." Zhang Cheng said in shock.

"Rather than being domineering, it is better to say that it is against the sky, so their fate is doomed to darkness." Xiang Tian sighed: "As far as I know, because the ability of the swallowing python is too powerful, it can swallow everything, and it can swallow everything. They can be transformed, so they are more terrifying than real dragons, fire phoenixes and other gods and beasts. It is also because of this that they have been envied by the sky, so that none of them can survive the catastrophe, and they will become extinct after a long time. Only this soul eater The python survived, but in the ancient times, the soul-devouring python was almost caught by the people of the Wu clan, and I didn't expect there to be another one here."

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