{The ri period of this outbreak is tentatively scheduled for September NO.15, and then it will erupt every three or four days until the end of the month. In addition, I am looking for some children's shoes that have not been collected yet, so you are welcome. }

"Yeah, I've been here a long time ago, but I saw you were talking to your elder brother just now, so I didn't come over. What's the matter, your master is gone, why don't you go?" Yan Yu asked curiously.

"Oh, I still have some things to deal with. By the way, how are the second brother, eldest brother and second sister-in-law?" Seeing Yan Yu, Zhang Cheng couldn't help thinking of not talking about them again, so he asked this question.

"They are all fine, but your second sister-in-law is always talking about your barbecue, and now I can't eat anything. I'm almost dying of anxiety. I think, third brother, let's go and have a look when you are free someday." , your second sister-in-law has lost a lot of weight now." Yan Yu said with some distress.

"I have this plan, but it may not work in the next two days. I still have some things to deal with here, but I promise you, when the things on my side come to an end, I will go to you and have a good time with you Juju." Zhang Cheng also missed them a little bit, and he planned to visit them at first.

It's just that as soon as he came back, he was busy with one thing, which made him unable to get away.

"Then we can make a deal, your sister-in-law and elder brother and I are waiting for you at home!" Yan Yu finally let go of a stone in his heart when he heard Zhang Cheng say this.

You know, when he came here before, he was ordered to die by his wife, and he must take Zhang Cheng back. If he can't complete the order, he won't be allowed to go to bed for a month.

Originally, Yan Yu thought it would be easy to invite Zhang Cheng, so he just said no when he saw him.

But who would have thought that when the Longevity Secret Realm was first opened, he didn't see Zhang Cheng, and this made his heart feel cold, thinking that he would not be able to sleep in the next half a month.

Well now, Zhang Cheng not only appeared, but also agreed to him, the stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.

"By the way, third brother, who are these?" At this time, Yan Yu noticed the three beautiful women beside Zhang Cheng, but he saw that these women were all following Zhang Cheng, and guessed in his heart that they might be Zhang Cheng's. wife.

"The sins and sins are all my fault. Let me introduce you. The three of them are my younger brother's wives. Her name is Gongyang Xinyue, her name is Xiahou Wan'er, and she is Ouyang Qianyun." Zhang Cheng then pointed to Yan Yu and said, "He is my sworn brother, call him second brother."

"Hello, second brother!" The three shouted in unison, giving Zhang Cheng enough face, which made him very happy.

"Hehe, hello three younger brothers and sisters!" Yan Yu didn't expect his third younger brother to have such abilities. It would be a blessing in a man's life to get any one of such a beautiful woman.

He actually got three, and he couldn't catch up with this charm even if he flattered him.

However, he soon became embarrassed again, because he, the elder brother, couldn't bring out anything decent as a meeting gift when he saw them for the first time, so he didn't know what to say for a while.

"By the way, second brother, don't you have something to do, then go ahead, and I'll go to the elder brother's house in a few days and let's have a good chat." Zhang Cheng also saw Yan Yu's embarrassment, So I found him a step down.

"Oh, yes, yes, yes, I almost forgot the business..." Yan Yu immediately understood Zhang Cheng's meaning when he heard Zhang Cheng say this, and quickly cooperated: "Well, the three brothers and sisters, if you have something to do for your brother, go first Let's take a step, brother Wei came in a hurry this time, and didn't bring anything decent, next time, brother next time, I will definitely prepare a better meeting gift for you."

"Then thank you, Second Brother." Gongyang Xinyue and the others were also very smart, and they still couldn't see what was going on, so they smiled and didn't expose it.

"Well, the third brother, I'm leaving now." Yan Yu said.

"Well, let's go, be careful on the road!" Zhang Cheng nodded, and then watched Yan Yu leave. Then he first said a few words to his father-in-law Gongyang Qingkong, and after they left, he came to Gu Yue Then he greeted and exchanged a few pleasantries.

However, when he saw Gu Linglong's beautiful appearance and that unforgettable body fragrance, his heart couldn't help but tremble.

However, he didn't act too much, just smiled at her, and walked directly towards the Dragon God clan.The latter also smiled at Zhang Cheng, and then left Longevity Hill with Gu Yue.

"Tell me, what's your relationship with that Gu Linglong?" Gongyang Xinyue asked Zhang Cheng's arm like a kitten smelling fishy.

"It doesn't matter, counting this time, I only met her twice." Zhang Cheng secretly complained, he really has nothing to do with Gu Linglong, and he doesn't have any excessive thoughts about her, so , he felt a little wronged.

"No?" Gongyang Xinyue glanced at Zhang Cheng suspiciously, then looked at Xiahou Wan'er and Ouyang Qianyun and asked, "Do you believe it?"

"Don't believe it (believe)!" Of course, the person who said no belief was Xiahou Wan'er, and the person who said yes was naturally Zhang Cheng's caring little padded jacket, Ouyang Qianyun.

"Huh?" However, after Gongyang Xinyue glanced at Ouyang Qianyun, the latter shrank her neck, and then directly overturned the original answer, saying something that Zhang Cheng couldn't laugh or cry, "I believed it at first, but now I don't believe it."

"Okay, okay, I'll talk about this matter later, I have business to do now, you wait here for me." Zhang Cheng saw that the people of the Dragon God clan were about to leave, so he said this to them, and then did not wait for them He answered and walked over.

They are not ignorant people, and they know that there is a priority, so they don't ask about it for the time being, but if Zhang Cheng wants to hide this matter, it is doomed to be impossible...

"Patriarch Xia, please stay." Seeing that they were about to step into the teleportation formation, Zhang Cheng hurriedly called out, fearing that they would leave first and he would miss the opportunity.

"Huh?" Xia Xueyi paused when she heard Zhang Cheng's shout, turned around and looked at Zhang Cheng who was trotting towards them, then waved her hand to signal the others to take a step ahead.

After Zhang Cheng came to his side, he asked, "I don't know why Zhang Xiaoyou called me?"

To be honest, he didn't hold grudges against Zhang Cheng, and was even a little grateful to Zhang Cheng, because he knew very well that even if they could get Fulongmu before, it would be very difficult for them to rise again.

After all, they were too domineering before, and they didn't get along very well with the top ten sects. Even if they got Fulongmu, once they used Fulongmu to kill the real dragon and were discovered by them, then their Dragon God clan would Re-exposed to the top ten sects.

And the top ten sects will definitely not let the Dragon God Clan go easily because they are afraid of their Dragon God Clan's blood power, let alone let them develop on their own, the most likely thing is to group up and destroy them.

However, the Dragon God Clan at this time is no longer the Dragon God Clan it used to be. Once the war breaks out, the Dragon God Clan will really cease to exist.

But at this moment, their Dragon God Clan can reappear in the realm of comprehension, and they can no longer hide in Xizang like before, fearful. It can be said that this is the best ending for their Dragon God Clan.

However, he couldn't guarantee that the entire Longshen clan thought so. As far as he knew, there were still many people in the Longshen clan who resented Zhang Cheng.

Because they felt that if it weren't for Zhang Cheng, their Dragon God clan should be able to dominate the cultivation world again.

That's why he sent away some people who were hostile to Zhang Cheng before talking to Zhang Cheng, so as to avoid unpleasant things from happening.

"Patriarch Xia, I have one thing I want to ask of you. Could you make it easier for me?" Zhang Cheng cupped his hands at Xia Xueyi and asked.

"Oh, tell me what it is first!" Xia Xueyi replied.

"It's like this. I need a complete set of dragon bones and a large amount of dragon blood. I don't know if Patriarch Xia can provide them to me. Of course, I won't ask for your things in vain. I will exchange them with you for something of equivalent value." .” Zhang Cheng said.

"This..." Xia Xueyi was in a bit of a dilemma, the keel was nothing, and they were only used to refine some magic weapons, and their refining level was quite limited, almost no different from Baitou.

But dragon blood is not so simple. After all, members of their Dragon God clan need a lot of dragon blood to activate their blood. , dragon blood is also a rare item for them.

In addition, there are still many people in the clan who don't like Zhang Cheng very much, and there are fewer and fewer real dragons, so this matter is a bit difficult.

"Patriarch Xia, if you have any difficulties, you may wish to speak up!" Zhang Cheng said.

"It's like this. You must have heard that dragon blood is very important to our Dragon God clan. At this moment, dragon blood in our clan is already very scarce, and there is really no more for you. As for We have a lot of complete keels, if you want, I can give you one directly, no problem." Xia Xueyi replied.

"But..." Zhang Cheng could tell that what Xia Xueyi said was the truth, and she didn't mean to shirk it. It was really hard to tell the truth. However, if Zhang Cheng wanted to reshape Xiang Tian's body, he needed a dragon bone, he had to have a dragon Only blood will do.

For a while, Zhang Cheng also didn't know what to do. You must know that the strength of the real dragon is far beyond him, and it is not enough to kill ten real dragons.

Therefore, if he wanted to obtain dragon bones and dragon blood in a short period of time, he could only ask for help from the Dragon God clan, there was no other way.

However, asking the Dragon God clan to take out dragon blood is like asking a beggar to take out food, and the difficulty can be imagined.

"Patriarch Xia, isn't there room for negotiation? I'm willing to exchange two magic treasures of the ninth rank of the spiritual level. What do you think?" Zhang Cheng felt a little pained when he said the price.

You must know that there are only a dozen or so spirit-level ninth-rank magic weapons in his storage rings, and two of them are equivalent to one-fifth of his property, which is already the limit for Zhang Cheng.

"This..." To be honest, Xia Xueyi was a little moved. After all, although the value of a real dragon is high, it also has a price. According to the market value, the value of a whole real dragon is at most less than a spirit-level dragon. There are so many ninth-rank magic weapons, but compared with the value of the two spiritual-level ninth-rank magic weapons, it is much worse.

As Zhang Cheng said, only the keel and blood are needed, and no dragon meat is required. The price difference is much higher. After all, the dragon meat of a dragon is also worth a lot of money.

In other words, after selling this dragon, they can make a net profit of a magic weapon of the ninth rank of the spirit level.

You must know that magic weapons of the ninth rank of the spirit level are second only to the existence of immortal weapons in the current cultivation world. Although their Dragon God clan also has fairy weapons, the number is very small, and there are not many magic weapons of the ninth rank of the spirit level. For one thing, the strength of their Dragon God clan can be increased by several percent.

Therefore, the condition offered by Zhang Cheng is still very attractive to them.

"Patriarch Xia, I am already at my limit, and you must be very clear that all I want are dragon bones and dragon blood, but the value of these is not worth two ninth-grade spiritual weapons, so I hope you will think about it carefully. Think it over and give me an answer." Zhang Cheng also investigated the value of the real dragon, so he knew that the price he gave was already at a disadvantage.

"Okay, since you are so persistent, then I will agree. However, the number of real dragons in the cultivation world is far less than before, so you still have to wait a few months. After we catch them, we will directly Send it to Daoist Alchemy." Speaking of this, Xia Xueyi said again: "However, Zhang Xiaoyou, it's not that I can't trust you, should you let us take a look at your ninth-grade spiritual weapon, so that we can also know."

"It should be!" Zhang Cheng nodded, and then opened his storage ring to let Xia Xueyi's soul power enter it.

However, many things in his storage ring are his secrets and cannot be told to others, so he just let him see his two ninth-grade spiritual weapons, and the others are not open to him.

"Now Patriarch Xia can trust me?" Zhang Cheng asked.

"It's okay, it's okay." Although Xia Xueyi didn't understand why Zhang Cheng had so many ninth-grade spiritual weapons at such a young age, he didn't want to pay attention to these, he only cared about the benefits he could get.

"In that case, then I'll just wait for the good news from Patriarch Xia!" Seeing Xia Xueyi's agreement, Zhang Cheng felt a stone in his heart finally fall to the ground, and now he was only one soul stone away from reshaping Xiang Tian's body. The Long March has finally taken another big step forward.

"Okay, if there is nothing else, let's take a step first." Xia Xueyi didn't want to waste too much time in this place. Although he had already agreed to this matter, he still had to go back and persuade some old-minded people in the clan Only the law enforcement elders can do it.

However, he believes that there are two spirit-level ninth-grade magic weapons as weights, and no one will refuse this deal. Even if there are, they will command a very few of them. The waves are coming.

"Okay, send Patriarch Xia off." Zhang Cheng cupped his hands again and watched Xia Xueyi leave.

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