{Take a break today, there are only two shifts, five shifts tomorrow, and six to eight shifts every day from the day after tomorrow to next Friday, please collect it. }

"Hmph, Dan Chenzi, this time you lost your wife and lost your army. That kid was swallowed by a space crack, so he must not survive, and all of this was caused by you. I want to see, what face do you have?" Go down." Qiu Xiaotian sneered as he looked at the direction where Daoist Danqing was leaving.

A long time ago, he wanted to kill Dan Chenzi, because when he, Dan Chenzi and others went to explore an ancient ruins together, one of his apprentices was killed by Dan Chenzi.

Therefore, he kept this matter in his heart and wanted to find a chance to take revenge.

Of course, he didn't want revenge because of the death of an apprentice, but because his apprentice stole his magic weapon and stayed with him in the mysterious ancient ruins.

Therefore, he put all the responsibility on Dan Chenzi's head.

As for the fact that he stole Dan Daozong's "Sky Thunder Curse", it was not because he was very interested in this formula, but mainly because he was looking for an opportunity to deal with Dan Chenzi.

Just like the last time, he designed a trap, and then used the "Sky Thunder Curse" as a bait to lure him over, just to avenge his dead apprentice.

It's just that when he wanted to repeat the old trick, he was slapped by Dan Chenzi, almost killing him.

Although Dan Chenzi's strategy can be said to be flawless, it seems that this is the order of the heavens. In this near-mortal situation, he saved his life, but Dan Chenzi lost his apprentice.

In this way, the hatred between them can be regarded as cleared.So, dragging his broken body, he left here...

Among the Dan Dao Sect, Gongyang Xinyue and the others were taking the Diyuan Pill Zhang Cheng left for them to improve their cultivation, but suddenly their hearts became chaotic, as if something big was about to happen .

At the same time, their hearts became empty again, as if something had been stolen, which made them restless.

"Sister Xinyue, do you feel that something is abnormal?" At this moment, Ouyang Qianyun's voice sounded in the room.

"What's wrong?" Gongyang Xinyue asked, not quite understanding what Ouyang Qianyun meant.

"I suddenly felt that my heart was in a mess and I couldn't calm down at all. Besides, I always felt that something bad was about to happen. Could it be something happened to brother Zhang Cheng?" Ouyang Qianyun asked worriedly.

"Wait, I also feel this way, but it's not too obvious. Sister Xinyue, do you too?" Xiahou Wan'er also felt a little disturbed before and couldn't calm down, but she didn't think much about it.

But hearing what Ouyang Qianyun said, she felt that this matter was not as simple as she imagined.


"Dong dong dong..." At this moment, a knock on the door interrupted Gongyang Xinyue's words, and then a strange voice came from outside: "Three ladies, are you there?"

"Who are you?" Gongyang Xinyue looked outside and asked.

"I'm Zhang Cheng's senior brother, and my teacher invites three of you." Chu Yan paused for a moment, and then said, "Get ready and follow me."

"Okay." Hearing that the head of Dan Dao Sect wanted to meet them, for some reason, Gongyang Xinyue's heart suddenly skipped a beat, and an ominous premonition emerged from deep within her heart.

"Sister Xinyue, what's going on, why did the head of Dan Dao Sect suddenly want to see us?" Ouyang Qianyun asked puzzled.

You know, they have been in Dan Daozong for a long time, but he has never summoned them, so he is a little strange.

"Don't guess randomly, you'll know if you've been in the past." Although Gongyang Xinyue said this, she seemed to have guessed something mentally, and her hands trembled a little.

From many phenomena, it is possible that Ouyang Qianyun was right just now, something really happened to Zhang Cheng, and it was not an ordinary thing.

Originally, she thought it was her own wild imagination, but she didn't take it seriously.But at this moment, because of Chu Yan's arrival, her feeling was completely confirmed.

Still, she harbored a glimmer of hope in her heart that she was wrong about what she felt.

But at this moment, Ouyang Qianyun and the others found that Gongyang Xinyue's hands were trembling, and something was wrong with her whole body, as if she was worried about something.

"Sister Xinyue, are you okay?" Xiahou Wan'er walked to Gongyang Xinyue and asked.

"I'm fine... let's go, don't make the head and the others wait." Gongyang Xinyue shook her head, sat up from the bed as she spoke, and opened the door.

"Let's go." Chu Yan didn't say anything, just nodded at them, and then led them to the alchemy hall. Although Chu Yan concealed it very well, the sensitive Gongyang Xinyue still watched from his eyes. Found a look of grief.

At this moment, the only hope in her heart was completely shattered, and then she felt as if the sky had collapsed, and her head sank and fell backwards.

"Sister Xinyue!" Xiahou Wan'er and Ouyang Qianyun behind them saw the ram Xinyue fell backwards, immediately dragged her, and then helped her up, asking: "Sister Xinyue, what's wrong with you? "

"I'm fine..." Gongyang Xinyue collected herself, glanced at the two of them, shook her head, suppressed the grief in her heart, and said, "Let's go."

"Hmm!" Although they didn't know what happened to Gongyang Xinyue, Xiahou Wan'er and Ouyang Qianyun obviously felt something different, but they didn't know exactly what it was.

In other words, they didn't think about certain aspects at all, or they subconsciously rejected a certain possibility.

After Chu Yan brought the three girls to the entrance of the alchemy hall, he stopped, and then let them enter by themselves. When they disappeared in front of his eyes, he couldn't help but sighed, and there was a trace of sadness on his face. Sadness comes.

In the alchemy hall, Daoist Danqing sat on the futon, his eyes were slightly closed, and he couldn't see joy or sorrow.

"I've met senior." The three women knew that this person was Zhang Cheng's uncle, but they were not married, so they couldn't call him "uncle" like Zhang Cheng, so they called him senior.

"Well, sit down." Hearing the yells of the three, Daoist Danqing slowly opened his eyes, and then said to the three women: "You are Zhang Cheng's Taoist companions, and you can also be regarded as members of my Dan Taoist sect. Just like him, call me uncle."

"Yes, Master." Gongyang Xinyue responded, and then asked: "Dare to ask Master, why did you ask us to come here?"

"Sit down, sit down and talk." Daoist Danqing didn't know how to speak for a while, and there was a trace of grief on his face, but this trace of grief was fleeting...

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