"The reason why I tell you this is to tell you the actual situation, and then make a decision whether to go or stay, especially Qianyun. Although I don't know when Zhang Cheng passed away, I can be sure that, His death was before you liked him. That is to say, from the beginning, the person you liked was my boyfriend, not the little Zhang Cheng who saved you. However, my friend at that time also really liked him Yours, this, you should be able to feel it." Gongyang Xinyue knew how much this matter had hit Ouyang Qianyun, after all, the person she had always liked suddenly became another person one day, who could I can stand it.

"Sister Xinyue, stop talking, I want to be alone." Ouyang Qianyun stood up again while speaking, and then walked out of the room.

Xia Hou Wan'er wanted to comfort her, but was stopped by Gongyang Xinyue, and said, "Wan'er, don't go over there, let her be alone, this matter, no one but herself Can't help her either."

"Oh!" Xiahou Wan'er nodded, but she didn't have much resistance to Zhang Cheng's change of identity, because the person she liked was that Zhang Cheng from the beginning to the end, not the little Zhang Cheng that Ouyang Qianyun liked.

However, what she couldn't understand was why Gongyang Xinyue said this at this stall, was it just to tell them this, but does it matter if Zhang Cheng is in danger?

"What's the matter, what's the problem?" Gongyang Xinyue asked Xiahou Wan'er as she saw Xiahou Wan'er frowning in a strange way.

"Sister Xinyue, I have a question, why are you so sure that Zhang Chengcheng is fine?" Xiahou Wan'er asked.

"Because I haven't seen his body, as long as I don't pick up his body, I won't believe that he will die, and I also believe that he won't leave me alone in this world." Gong Yang Xinyue replied firmly.

"I understand." Xiahou Wan'er paused, and said firmly, "Sister Xinyue, I will wait for him with you."

"Are you sure?" Gongyang Xinyue continued, "You have to know that Zhang Cheng may never come back."

"I've decided." Xiahou Wan'er went on to say: "Sister Xinyue, I already know what you said, and I think he has told you everything about me and him. , At that time, I could have killed him and then committed suicide. But I don’t know why, I didn’t do that, but the result of not killing him is to become his woman. That is to say, since then, I have been very He is not married."

"Subsequently, I ran into him unexpectedly in the organ city. At that time, he might have been a blockbuster at the alchemy conference because of his sister. At that time, I had a little love for him. Later, Wang Gang used The Millennium Ice thing threatened my father and asked me to marry him, and although I promised him, I was already ready to die with her."

"I thought that when my life ended like this, Zhang Cheng suddenly appeared. He rescued me from the fire pit and gave me the hope of life. At that time, I saw that he came here specially for me, And when I didn't hesitate to offend the Wang family, I was really moved, and my heart became more determined to marry him. Indifferently, I also know that the reason why he came to me was mainly because he felt ashamed of the previous incident. Me, accepting me is only because of guilt, and there is no love."

"However, I don't mind these, because I have fallen in love with him and want to be his woman." Xiahou Wan'er said very flatly, and her voice was not even too bullying, but Gongyang Xinyue Can feel the slightest love.

Zhang Cheng had told her about Zhang Cheng's thoughts before, so he knew that Xiahou Wan'er's guess was right. Zhang Cheng accepted her mainly because of guilt. Of course, there was also a sense of responsibility that a man should have.

During Zhang Cheng's absence, they got along very well, just like sisters, and they talked about everything.However, what she didn't expect was that Xia Hou Wan'er had such deep affection for Zhang Cheng.

"Okay, don't think about him in the past. Since you have decided this way, then wait for him with me. As for Qianyun, let's not force it. If she chooses to leave, let her go." Yang Xinyue can still understand Ouyang Qianyun, but he still hopes that Ouyang Qianyun can overcome this hurdle.

First of all, she likes this girl very much, she is innocent and innocent, without any scheming.Secondly, she is Zhang Cheng's favorite person, even Zhang Cheng likes her more than himself.

It is not difficult to see from the fact that he chose to give up on himself in order to want her.

If she left, if Zhang Cheng came back, he would be very sad, and with Zhang Cheng's character, it was impossible to chase Ouyang Qianyun back.

However, this hurdle must be crossed by herself, and no one else can give her a little help, otherwise, even if she stays temporarily, there will be regrets in her heart, and she will leave in the end.

It is better to leave early if you leave late, because the long-term pain is not as good as the short-term pain.

"Sister Xinyue, I have another question to ask you, that is, how old were you all before you came to this world?" Xiahou Wan'er suddenly thought of this question, so she asked it again.

"Zhang Cheng and I are both in our 20s, so don't worry, you are not with an old man." Gongyang Xinyue said such a joke, but neither of them could laugh.

"Sister Xinyue, from what you said, I'm just curious. Even if Zhang Cheng is really an old man, I won't leave." Xia Hou Wan'er said seriously.

"I know, I'm joking with you." Gongyang Xinyue said.

"Then can you tell me about the things in your world? I'm curious, what's the difference between the other world and ours." Xiahou Wan'er asked curiously.

"Okay, let me tell you..."

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