Alien Madness

Chapter 35 Instant Kill

{Xiaolong wandered back and forth between being exploded and being exploded, neither advancing nor retreating. He was only one step away from entering the homepage, but this step was like a natural moat standing in front of me, making me hopeless.Huh, Xiaolong hopes that everyone will give Xiaolong a hand and help me cross this "heavenly moat"! }

"That's a lot of nonsense. Since you don't want to make a move, then I'll make a move first!" Zhang Cheng clenched his fists with both hands, and then stretched his arms. His clothes were directly propped up by a wave of energy, making a whooping sound.

Then, with a kick of his feet, he immediately rushed towards the two of them like a tiger preying on his prey. The speed was very fast, and he was in front of them in the blink of an eye.

Li Meng and Wang Chen didn't seem to expect Zhang Cheng to have such a fast speed, but they were also second-rank warriors after all, and after a little dazed, they realized it.

However, at this moment, Zhang Cheng's two fists were already hitting them.

They didn't dare to be careless anymore, and immediately put up their arms to block Zhang Cheng's punch, but before the punch arrived, the wind came first, and the strong blow made their arms hurt.

This time their faces changed drastically, because they had already sensed that Zhang Cheng's real strength was stronger than theirs, and this punch might not be something they could resist.

At the same time, they also felt how ridiculous it was to insult Zhang Cheng before.

"Crack, puff—"

The moment Zhang Cheng's fist was released from the arms of the two of them, two sounds sounded together, and then Zhang Cheng's fist was like hammering into tofu, breaking the arms of the two of them , and continued to drill into their chests like a bamboo shoot, directly blasting their chests across.

Blood gurgled out from the pair of fists behind Li Meng and Wang Chen, dyeing the ground red, rendering the entire battle stage extremely miserable.

But Li Meng and Wang Chen's eyes widened, they looked at Zhang Cheng, and then at the arm that had penetrated into their chests. Until now, they couldn't believe it was real.

One move, just one move, killed two second-rank warriors, instant kill, instant kill in the absolute sense.

At this moment, everyone present was stunned, and the sound of breathing seemed to have disappeared. The entire Shaoyang Square was silent, and a needle could be heard falling on the ground.

"Puff——" a piercing voice sounded, and Zhang Cheng pulled out his pair of blood-stained hands. At this moment, his face was expressionless, and he didn't feel much guilt for killing these two people.

Because, they should have been buried with Xiao Zhangcheng five years ago, and it was already cheap for them to live for so long.

Moreover, his eldest brother was abolished because of their two families, and the anger in his heart must be extinguished with the blood of their two families.

"Plop!" The two corpses of Li Meng and Wang Chen fell to the ground, and the two fresh lives just disappeared.

However, looking back at Zhang Cheng who killed the two of them, he looked at the two corpses on the ground with a blank expression at the moment, as if he did not kill two people, but two dogs.

"Ah, my son..." Immediately afterwards, Li Changqing and Wang Tiancheng hissed, rushed up to the battle platform, came to the sides of Li Meng and Wang Chen respectively, and knelt on the ground to examine them.

However, their hearts had already been smashed by Zhang Cheng's punch, so there was no possibility of them being rescued. For a moment, the anger in their hearts surged up, and they looked at Zhang Cheng viciously.

However, they did not take action against Zhang Cheng, because they also knew that they must not be impulsive at this moment, otherwise, their son would not be the only one who will die in the future.

However, the pain of losing their son made them miserable, and at the same time, it strengthened their determination to eradicate the Zhang clan, because the blood debt must be paid with blood.

At this moment, the Zhang family also reacted. They were first shocked by Zhang Cheng's astonishing cultivation, and then they couldn't understand why Zhang Cheng had changed so much.Finally, there was anger. Not only were they not happy that Zhang Cheng had killed the members of the Li family and the Wang family, but they were angry at his reckless behavior.

You know, except for Zhang Fang, the Zhang family doesn't want to completely fall out with the Li family and the Wang family, because they can't beat them at all, and if they fall out with them, they will suffer in the end.

But now that Zhang Cheng has killed their two families, and he is still the child of their patriarch, I am afraid that the battle between the Zhang family and their two families will no longer be avoided.

The most surprising thing is to count Zhang Cheng, because Zhang Cheng is his son, he knows what kind of person Zhang Cheng is like, since he was young, he didn't even dare to kill a chicken!

He didn't know what Zhang Cheng had experienced in the past month, which made him so ruthless. Killing two people was like killing two dogs, without any feeling.

For a while, he didn't know Zhang Cheng. If it wasn't for his appearance and breath being exactly the same as Zhang Cheng's, he would really wonder if someone else was pretending to be his son.

"Zhang Cheng, I want to challenge you!" At this moment, a fourth-rank master of the Wang family jumped onto the stage, pointed at Zhang Cheng and said angrily.

This person is called Wang Meng, Wang Chen's cousin. Although he is not directly related to him, he has a very good relationship with Wang Chen. Therefore, when he saw his younger brother died in Zhang Cheng's hands, he immediately jumped out to mention Wang Chen. revenge.

"I'm only a second-rank martial artist. Don't you feel embarrassed that you are a majestic fourth-rank warrior?" The corners of Zhang Cheng's mouth curled up, and he tore off a piece of cloth from his body while wiping the blood on his hands. Said indifferently.

"Hmph, just say how dare you!" Wang Meng said with a cold snort, not feeling embarrassed.

"Cheng'er, don't promise him, you can't beat him!" Zhang Fang from behind shouted loudly, enduring the pain in his body.

"Okay, I promise you!" Zhang Cheng nodded. Of course, he was not impulsive, but wanted to confirm how much he weighed and whether he could compete with a fourth-rank warrior.

"Hey, why are you so confused!" Zhang Fang, who was behind him, hammered his thigh and said worriedly.

This time, Wang Tiancheng did not stop him, but when he carried Wang Meng and Li Changqing down, he whispered a word to Wang Meng: "Leave him alive!"

The meaning is already obvious, that is, as long as you don't kill him, you can do whatever you want.

Wang Meng got the Patriarch's approval, relaxed his mind, clenched his fist and said to Zhang Cheng: "Don't say I bully you, I'll let you make the first move."

"Hehe!" Zhang Cheng sneered, telling me to make the first move would not count as bullying me?

Zhang Cheng didn't talk nonsense with him, he waved his fist, and suddenly there was a heavy sound, and he rushed towards Wang Meng with great vigor.

As a fourth-rank master, Wang Meng also mastered a lot of martial arts, but he didn't have a set of middle-rank martial arts.

It's not that he is not qualified to learn, but that his mid-level martial arts are very profound, and he hasn't grasped the essentials of them after practicing for a long time, so when he uses them, he is not as powerful as low-level martial arts.

However, he can be regarded as a person who has studied middle-grade martial arts, and he recognized Zhang Cheng's boxing at the moment as a middle-grade boxing method at a glance. As for the boxing method, he couldn't recognize it.

However, just because he can't recognize others doesn't mean others can't recognize him, especially Zhang Fang, because the boxing technique that Zhang Cheng is playing at the moment is exactly the Earth Shaking Fist that he has practiced for more than ten years.

One must know that the Earth Shaking Fist is one of the middle-grade boxing techniques that requires a very high level of true energy. Even a fourth-grade martial artist would find it extremely strenuous to perform it, and even he himself would not be able to use it for a long time.

And Zhang Cheng is only a second-rank martial artist, and his true energy reserve is not enough to support the loss of true energy caused by the Earth Shaking Fist.But that's it, Zhang Cheng Leng is playing the ground shaking like a wood, and the momentum is terrifying.

Let's not talk about other things, just say that this appearance is no longer comparable to Zhang Fang.

Moreover, Zhang has been proficient in this set of boxing techniques for more than ten years, and his vision is sharper than others. He can see at a glance that Zhang Cheng has a better grasp of the heat of this set of boxing techniques than himself, which is completely beyond the reach of others. his imagination.

"What did he go through this month!" Zhang Fang knew that Zhang Cheng's change happened during the month of his disappearance, so he was very interested in what Zhang Cheng experienced during this period.

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