"This matter is none of your business, so don't ask. I don't want to burden you. Now that your injury is almost healed, it's time to leave." Li Long said this, then got up and walked out of the room.

Although he didn't say anything, Zhang Cheng could still feel the helplessness and indignation in his heart, and there was a trace of determination in his eyes, which showed that he had already made a decision, and recently Ready to implement.

"Li Long, you saved my life. Even if you don't tell me about this matter, I will take care of it. If you treat me as a friend, then tell me all the ins and outs of your affairs. I think, I There will be a way to help you." Zhang Cheng shouted before Li Long left.

However, the latter trembled, and then walked out of the room without saying anything, and his thoughts did not change in any way because of Zhang Cheng's words.

"This kid is really tough." Zhang Cheng sighed, and then followed Li Long out of the room. As soon as he went out, Zhang Cheng discovered that the place they lived at the moment was the top of a high mountain, surrounded by flowers and trees. It was extraordinarily quiet and the air seemed extraordinarily fresh.

Then, Zhang Cheng looked around, and he found that Li Long was sitting by a pond not far from the bamboo house at the moment, throwing stones into the pond randomly in his hand.

Zhang Cheng walked over and stood by his side for a long time, but the other party didn't seem to sense his arrival, and was still throwing stones where he was.Zhang Cheng felt that Li Long's thoughts were a little confused at this moment, he might be thinking about something, or he might be calculating something.

"Is it because the woman you love has been snatched away by someone else, and you are planning how to snatch her?" Zhang Cheng couldn't help guessing. After all, to make a man look like this, besides a woman, only There is nothing else to do.

"How do you know?" Li Long was startled, but he didn't say anything.

Moreover, he also knew that Zhang Cheng fell out of the crack in space, and since he fell out, he had been by his side all the time, and he had no time to investigate himself at all.Therefore, he didn't understand why Zhang Cheng knew about it.

"I said I guessed it, believe it or not?" Zhang Cheng replied with a smile.

"I believe it!" Li Long said without hesitation, because apart from this reason, he couldn't think of any other reason why Zhang Cheng knew about it.

"Then do you believe me?" Zhang Cheng asked again.

"Well, I don't know, I just know that I don't want to trouble you, you should leave as soon as possible." Li Long knew what Zhang Cheng meant, so he said it directly.

"Is that why you look down on me? Anyway, I'm also a mid-stage Jindan master, okay?" Zhang Cheng was a little depressed. It was the first time he was looked down upon by others, not to mention how depressed he was.

"Is the Jindan middle stage very powerful?" Li Long saw that Zhang Cheng was so persistent, so he planned to tell him the truth and let him retreat: "To tell you the truth, the person I am going to deal with is a Nascent Soul stage The master of Nascent Soul Stage, you know, do you think you can still help me?"

"Yuanying stage?" Zhang Cheng was stunned, but he didn't think how a person in the late stage of foundation establishment would provoke a person in the Yuanying stage. After all, the difference between the two is too great to be comparable at all.

Seeing Zhang Cheng like this, Li Long smiled and didn't feel strange. If Zhang Cheng didn't look like this, he would feel strange.

"So, I said, you should leave quickly. I don't want to hurt innocent people because of my affairs." Li Long said again, he really didn't want to hurt others, and he died as well.

Because he has no relatives, he has been with his master since he was a child, and his master passed away a few years ago, and now he is alone, so when he dies, he dies without too much concern.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not afraid, I'm just wondering why you, a person in the late stage of foundation establishment, can provoke a master in the Nascent Soul stage, is it because that person has taken a fancy to your sweetheart?" Zhang Cheng could only So I guessed, because apart from this reason, he really couldn't think of anything that could link a master in the Nascent Soul stage with a small person in the Foundation Establishment stage.

"This is the end of the matter, so I won't hide it from you. It is true that as you guessed, my sweetheart was taken by that bastard and wanted to take him as a concubine. The day of marriage is tomorrow." Li Longdun After a pause, he continued: "Originally, I went to the Jialan Mountains to find a ghost orchid to deal with that Qin Honglie, but I was delayed because of saving you.

So, tomorrow I can only go to Qin Honglie to fight desperately, even if I die, I will do something for my beloved. "

"Uh, what you said, can I not help you?" Zhang Cheng was very depressed. He said well before that he didn't want to hurt himself. , even if Zhang Cheng really intends to leave, it is impossible to stand idly by.

However, he was still a little moved. After all, in this society where people cannibalize people, the maxim that people should not be killed for themselves has been magnified to the extreme. In such a big environment, a man can dare to challenge her for the sake of the woman she loves. Authority and such courage have to be admired by Zhang Cheng.

Therefore, this strengthened Zhang Cheng's determination to help him.

"Okay, I've decided, I'll help you solve this matter." Zhang Cheng said seriously.

"I've already said that the other party is a master in the Nascent Soul Stage. I went to him because my beloved woman is in his hands. What is your reason? Is it because I saved you?" Li Long asked puzzled. road.

"That's right, because you saved me, I must help you." Zhang Cheng also replied seriously.

"Aren't you afraid of death?" Li Long really didn't know what to say, because this matter had nothing to do with Zhang Cheng. He really couldn't figure out why Zhang Cheng was so persistent.

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