{today six chapters}

"Master Tiger, you're joking. The entire Yunhai City only has one-third of an acre of land. If a stranger comes here, how can they escape your eyes? Don't you think so?" The shopkeeper of the tavern seemed to know this very well. "Master Tiger" has a temper, and when he goes up, he is flattered for a while. Hearing this "Master Tiger", he is so dumb that he has forgotten who his father is.

"Forget you, old boy." Master Hu said proudly, and then said: "However, although this sea of ​​clouds is my domain, I can't monitor all the places. Now you Pay attention to me, as long as there are strangers living here recently, report to me immediately, and I will be inseparable from your benefits."

"Yes, yes, I have never taken seriously what Lord Tiger ordered. As long as there is any disturbance, I will report to you immediately." The tavern manager said cooperatively.

"Forget you, kid, well, well, I have to go to another house, and it happens to be here, so you just bring this month's monthly payment, and save me from making another trip."

"Okay, wait a moment." The shopkeeper of the hotel responded, and then hurried back to the counter, and took out a cloth bag, which was heavy, and it was quite heavy.However, the big man called "Master Tiger" did not look at him, but continued to look around. Just as the shopkeeper was taking the money, his eyes fell on Zhang Cheng, and his brows raised involuntarily. pick.

Then, he walked over unceremoniously, sat directly opposite Zhang Cheng, and said proudly: "Hey, what's your name? Why haven't I seen you here before? When did you come?"

"I just came here today!" Zhang Cheng wasn't flustered at all. After all, this kid's cultivation was not far from his own, and he couldn't pose a threat to him at all, so he wasn't worried at all.

"Just came here today?" Hearing this, "Master Tiger" frowned again, then carefully watched Zhang Chengyi's performance, then glared at the tavern manager, and then continued to ask Zhang Cheng: "Why do you Came here suddenly? Also, you haven't told me your name yet!"

"I'm from the Silent Spirit Continent. Since the Endless Sea has been sealed for several years, I don't have enough money to spend, so I came to this small town. As for my name, it's Zhao Hu." Zhang Cheng took it easy. replied.

"Zhao Hu is." Master Hu muttered, and then said: "Come with us!"

"Why is this?" Zhang Cheng consciously felt that there was nothing wrong with what he said, so he didn't understand why this Lord Tiger wanted to arrest him.

"Oh, hehe, it's nothing, it's just because my name is also Zhao Hu, and I'm also from the Spirit Continent, maybe we were a family hundreds of years ago, so I want to have a good drink with you One match." Lord Tiger said with a chuckle.

However, anyone with a discerning eye will know that this guy is just lying, especially those who know this guy's personality, know that he just wants to trick Zhang Cheng to his City Lord's Mansion, and then design to take it down.

Don't look at this Mr. Hu who looks big and thick, but he has a very careful mind. He is very cautious in doing things and never fights uncertain battles.

You know, the person he wanted to catch was almost killed by Crazy Qin, so why should he take him down? Therefore, for the sake of safety, no matter whether Zhao Hu is the person on the bounty or not, he has to be careful.

"Hehe, I don't think so. I think this place is pretty good. If Mr. Tiger wants to have a drink with me, there are ready-made ones here." Zhang Cheng couldn't see what his big idea was, so he smiled knowingly and said .

"The drinks here are not very good, you should go back to the City Lord's Mansion with me to drink again, where can I find good wine..."

"Well, Lord Tiger, this is the monthly payment for this month. Look..." The tavern owner saw what kind of idea Master Tiger had come up with in this situation, so he came over and handed the cloth bag to him to interrupt. He said what he said, and then signaled whether they should go.

"I'm talking to this friend. If you have anything to do, get the hell out of here." Master Tiger took the cloth bag, waited for the owner of the tavern, and said angrily.

"Well, Mr. Hu, this person is a friend of my good friend. He is definitely not the person you are looking for. Please let him go." The tavern owner was not frightened by Mr. Hu, but instead begged Zhang Cheng for his favor.

This situation made Zhang Cheng a little puzzled. He didn't seem to know him, but why did he speak for him.

"Your friend's friend?" Lord Tiger raised his eyebrows and said angrily, "Hmph, which friend are you? Call him out and let me see!"

"My friend was killed on the last voyage, so I'm afraid you won't see him. We have met this little brother before, otherwise, I will tell you that a stranger has lived in, isn't it What!" replied the tavern keeper.

"Oh, your friend is dead, so that means there is no proof of death?" Master Hu's face sank, and he grabbed the tavern owner, angrily said: "Zhao Pu, I'll say it again, get out of here, Otherwise, I will demolish your tavern."

"Master Tiger, I..."

Seeing this situation, Zhang Cheng naturally would not stand idly by. Anyway, the owner of the tavern has spoken for him.

So he stood up, his right hand gently grasped the wrist of Lord Tiger, and as soon as he exerted force, he heard a "click", and then Lord Tiger yelled "ah", and then, his hand grabbed the shopkeeper The collection is also directly released.

Then he said: "Well, Lord Tiger, I have something to do now, so I don't think you can go back, just drink some wine here with me, and then join you when I finish dealing with the matter at hand." Go, what do you think?"

Zhang Cheng knew that he had already suspected himself, no matter what he said, he would not let him go easily, so he planned to drive them away directly.

However, as soon as he made a move, he knew that he couldn't stay in this place anymore.

"Okay, whatever you say is what you say, um, can you let go of your hand first?" Master Hu didn't expect the opponent's thin body to be so strong. I can't even raise my true essence.

At this moment, he realized that the person in front of him was beyond his ability to deal with.

"Does it hurt?" Zhang Cheng didn't let go of his hand, but increased his strength, and then asked again.

"It hurts me to death, you hurry to let go, I beg you." Master Hu originally wanted to pretend to be tough, but Zhang Cheng's strength suddenly increased, and immediately exceeded his psychological tolerance, the pain was so painful The face is contorted.

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