The emperor of the sea, the king of the sea, is definitely the existence standing at the top of the entire endless sea area. Generally, he lives in the first sea area of ​​the endless sea area. Like the fourth sea area at this moment, it was extremely difficult to see in the past. No, it should be said that it is impossible to see.

But, after all, this is the place where some low-level sea beasts live. If all the sea emperor-level sea beasts come, how will the other sea beasts survive?I am afraid that many sea beasts in the endless sea area have long been extinct, and only sea beasts above the sea king level remain.

However, this impossible thing actually happened, and it happened right in front of them, which made them both happy and afraid.

The joy is that they have encountered such a once-in-a-lifetime encounter, but the fear is that this time their lives may come to an end here.

"What's the matter, Zhang Cheng?" Li Long also found that something was wrong with the atmosphere, and the coercion that seemed to be like fingers around him was really unbearable.

Of course, he also knew that things might get worse, but he didn't dare to think about it because he was afraid.

"So what about the Emperor of the Sea, I, Biyun, have been in the cultivation world for decades, and I have never been defeated before a battle. If you want me to do nothing, there is no way to capture me!" Although Biyun is old, he looks like a scholar, and usually looks a little weak , It doesn't look like a person with much courage at all.

But at this moment, he was the first to wake up from the fear, took out his magic weapon and wanted to fight with the Sea Emperor, then he looked at Wu Dao and You Long, and asked: "Old Dragon, Old Wu, Do you still remember that 200 years ago, we jointly killed a sea king-level sea beast with our distracted cultivation base?"

"How can I forget this matter, even if I forget anything, I will never forget this matter." Hearing this, You Long and Wu Dao also stood up, the look of fear on their faces quietly receded, followed by What's more is a strong, indomitable fighting spirit.

"Back then we only had the distraction period, and the sea beast in the Neptune period was as insurmountable to us as the punishment of God, but in the end it died in our hands, but we lived well. So, this time, we may still It can create miracles." You Long replied passionately.

"That's right, if you don't fight, you will die. If you fight, you may still have a chance, so fight." Wu Dao took out his housekeeper's magic weapon, which was a long sword of the eighth rank of the spirit level, emitting a faint purple light.

Then You Long and Bi Yun also took out their magic weapons, You Long's magic weapon is double hooks, a magic weapon of the eighth rank of spiritual level, and Bi Yun's magic weapon is a jade flute, which is also a magic weapon of eighth rank of spiritual level.

"Fight!" Then, the three of them shouted in unison, and the momentum was so loud that the air around them vibrated a little, as if they were competing with the Sea Emperor.

"Later we will fight against the Emperor of the Sea in the past. If you don't know whether you will live or die, you should take advantage of the opportunity to escape from here. As for whether you can survive, it depends on your own good fortune." Wu Dao turned around and looked at Zhang. They glanced at them, and after saying a word, the three of them jumped up in the air and flew into the distance.

"Zhang Cheng, what should we do?" Li Long also lost his position. At this moment, he knew that this was probably a sea beast of the sea emperor level, the sea emperor.

This moment completely messed up his heart, and his brain went blank.

"Don't panic, don't panic, let me think about it, let me think about it..." Cheng was also a little flustered, and kept telling himself to calm down, calm down, and after countless times, he opened his mouth and said: "Now that the three seniors have left, we can only rely on ourselves for the rest."

After a pause, Zhang Cheng said again: "So, Li Long, you go sail the boat and escape from here as much as possible, the sooner the better."

"Okay, I'll go right away, I'll go right away." Li Long said this with some trembling, and then walked towards the rudder of the ship.

"What about me?" Ye Ling asked.

"You, you are like this, you go with Li Long, and you must leave this area in a short time." Zhang Cheng glanced at Ye Ling, and it is fine for this girl not to cause trouble, how dare Zhang Cheng assign work to her .

"Ang—" However, at this moment, a thunderous roar resembling a dragon's chant sounded from a distance, and then a strong gust of wind hit from a distance, blowing their ship directly to the side .

Zhang Cheng stood with his head looking in the direction of the sound, and he could only see black dots from a distance. Although he didn't know the specific battle, he could tell the intensity of the battle from the waves of the sea. .

At this moment, Zhang Cheng's mood is very complicated. He really can't figure out what happened in the ancient continent to cause such a big change in the endless sea. At the edge of the sea, this is definitely not something human can do.

However, Zhang Cheng also knew that even if he knew the root cause of this matter, he would not be able to do anything with his cultivation base, so he shook his head and stopped thinking about these things that had nothing to do with him for the time being.

So, he took out the Huben Knife and was ready to go all out at any time...

I don't know how long it took, the waves suddenly stopped, and the surroundings returned to calm, which meant that Zhang Cheng's battle was over.

But after waiting for a long time, Zhang Chengcheng didn't see Wu Dao and the others coming back, so he guessed that the three of them might be in danger.

"Zhang Cheng, look quickly." At this moment, Ye Ling, who was also standing on the bow, pointed to the distance and exclaimed. Zhang Cheng looked in the direction Ye Ling pointed, and saw a bulge appearing on the sea. Because the distance is too far, I can only see that it is constantly swimming towards their direction, but I can't see what it is.

However, if you can't see it, you can't see it, but Zhang Cheng feels in his heart that this thing is definitely not a good thing, and it must be extremely dangerous, so he shouted at Li Long: "Li Long, speed up! Don't be caught up by it."

"Yes... yes!" Li Long's voice trembled a little. He felt that the thing he took might be the Neptune who fought Wu Dao and the others. When he thought that they were about to fight the Neptune, his heart beat wildly. It made his hands at the helm tremble constantly.

This does not mean that he is timid, after all, as long as he is a person, he will be afraid, especially when facing a force that is too terrifying to resist, his body will tremble involuntarily.

Not to mention Li Long, even Zhang Cheng felt a burst of fear at the moment, but he was just pretending to be calm.

"For nainai, we can only fight." What Wu Dao and the others did before gave Zhang Cheng great courage, especially in one sentence, which he felt was right, that is, "If you don't fight, you will die." , there may still be a glimmer of life after the battle."

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