Alien Madness

Chapter 39

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The right hand of the master in the middle stage of foundation establishment was severed from the shoulder, and bright red blood gushed out of his arm like free tap water, dyeing the already bright red battle platform even more miserable and dazzling.

At this time, Zhang Cheng's body also fell from the air because of the loss of support, and then he took off the severed arm that was still stuck on his neck and threw it aside in disgust, while he sat on the ground and gasped for breath. Come.

At the same time, a figure appeared on the battle platform out of thin air without anyone seeing clearly.

This is an old man with a long beard. He is dressed in Taoist robes, wearing a golden hair crown, and the light golden hairpins are inserted horizontally from the bun. Although there is no floating dust in his hands, it still cannot conceal his immortality The appearance of wind tunnel bone.

After seeing the appearance clearly, Zhang Cheng showed a surprised smile on his face, and then opened his mouth with relief and shouted: "Master, you are here. If you come one step later, you can help my apprentice collect the body!"

This person is Dan Chenzi who rushed over here.

At this moment, Dan Chenzi is full of energy, his face is rosy, and his breath is long, which shows that his previous injuries have almost recovered.

After hearing Zhang Cheng's yell, Dan Chenzi said helplessly: "You really are, I told you before I left, don't tell me about you and me before I come back, you just don't listen, look , almost lost my life."

After finishing speaking, Dan Chenzi came to Zhang Cheng's side and patted Zhang Cheng's body. Immediately, Zhang Cheng's complexion recovered, which was amazing.

"Master, don't talk about me. I was also forced to do nothing. If I don't move you out, I'm afraid my house will be copied by them." Zhang Cheng said helplessly.

"Hmph, who is so courageous to touch my apprentice of Dan Chenzi!" Upon hearing Zhang Cheng's words, Dan Chenzi stared at him, and suddenly a huge aura erupted from his body, like overwhelming mountains and seas The pressure instantly swept the hearts of all warriors present.

The two masters at the foundation stage standing on the platform were the first to bear the brunt. Facing the huge pressure of Dan Chenzi, they felt that their blood was about to be crushed to a halt, which made them feel unspeakably uncomfortable.

Now this monk in the middle stage of foundation establishment is completely regretful. He doesn't even know if his brain was kicked by a donkey before, how could he do such a stupid thing.

Well now, Dan Chenzi is here, and their good days are over.

At the same time, Wang Tiancheng and Li Changqing were extremely shocked. Although the oppression they received was not too strong, the other party could easily cut off the arm of a master of the Tianfeng sect. Far higher than these two immortal masters.

When they thought that he was Zhang Cheng's master, all their illusions and hopes were shattered in an instant.They don't want to take revenge anymore, they just want Zhang Cheng to show mercy and let their family off.

"Are they?" Dan Chenzi asked, pointing at the two monks from the Tianfeng Gate.

"It's not them, but the sect behind them!" Zhang Cheng replied.

"The sect behind them?" Dan Chenzi took a look at them, then withdrew his momentum and took it back, then asked, "Which sect do you belong to?"

Without Dan Chenzi's oppression, the two of them immediately slumped to the ground, panting heavily, and they swore that they had never felt such terrifying coercion in this life, even when he was facing their masters. , I have never felt such a strong sense of oppression.

When they heard Dan Chenzi's question, their spirits trembled, and they sat up quickly and said, "Return...return to senior, we...we are disciples of Tianfeng Sect!"

"Tianfeng Gate? I haven't heard of it!" Dan Chenzi raised his eyebrows, then pointed to the mid-stage foundation-building cultivator whose arm he had cut off, and said, "Well, you go back and let your suzerain come over, just say I There is something I want to talk to him about."

"This..." The monk in the middle stage of foundation establishment was startled, nodded quickly and said, "Okay, I'll go right away, I'll go right away!"

With that said, this person was about to leave for Tianfeng Gate to call his head over.

"Remember, I only give him half a day. If I haven't seen him in the evening, then there is no need for the Tianfeng Gate to exist." Dan Chenzi reminded.

Hearing Dan Chenzi's words, the monk in the middle stage of foundation establishment almost fell to the ground. He knew that Dan Chenzi would protect the calf, but he didn't think that Dan Chenzi would protect him so well.

Now he is secretly glad that he did not kill Zhang Cheng before, otherwise, death might be the best ending for him.

"Yes!" He replied, and then took out a yellow talisman and stuck it on his leg, and then his whole body turned into a black shadow, and disappeared into the crowd in a blink of an eye.

"Senior, what am I going to do?" The cultivator at the early stage of foundation establishment was very scared, fearing that Dan Chenzi would kill himself if he was not careful.

"You?" Dan Chenzi glanced at him, then at the people from the Wang family and the Li family, and said coldly, "You killed them all for me."

"Yes!" Now, as long as he can not die, not to mention destroying the two families of Wang and Li, even if he kills all the people present, he will not hesitate at all.

"Ah!" Hearing Dan Chenzi's words, Wang Tiancheng and Li Changqing's bodies trembled suddenly, and they slumped on the seats.

They never thought that what this Dan Chenzi did was worse than Zhang Cheng. Zhang Cheng just killed the two of them, but Dan Chenzi directly wanted to exterminate them.

"Wait!" Just as Wang Tiancheng closed his eyes and they waited for the butcher knife to fall, Zhang Cheng stopped the cultivator in the early stage of foundation establishment, and then said to Dan Chenzi: "Master, forget it, I have already killed them!" The sons of my son, it can be regarded as a punishment for them, so don't kill them again, I think after this time, they should know what to do in the future."

"But, just let them go like this... Hey, forget it, it's up to you!" Dan Chenzi shook his head, secretly thinking that his apprentice was too kind.

However, this also made him more satisfied with Zhang Cheng. After all, cultivators are most taboo to do absolutely everything, to leave a glimmer of life for others, that is, to leave a glimmer of life for themselves.

Of course, although he knew this truth, when he heard that his apprentices were being bullied, he became very angry. If Zhang Cheng hadn't stopped them, he would have killed them all.

"Thank you, master!" Zhang Cheng thanked.

"Thank you, thank you. If I hadn't been delayed for a month by accident, you wouldn't have to go through this. After all, it's my fault!" Dan Chenzi said angrily, "It's a good thing you're fine, otherwise If not, I will definitely not be able to spare them Tianfeng Sect."

Hearing Dan Chenzi's words, the cultivator at the early stage of Tianfengmen's foundation establishment couldn't help shrunk his neck, and at the same time sighed secretly in his heart. Fortunately, the senior brother didn't kill him, otherwise, the trouble would have become bigger.

"By the way, Master, I have one thing to ask of you. My eldest brother has been deposed. Please help Master to save him!" Zhang Cheng thought of Zhang Long and said involuntarily.

"Okay, take me to have a look, I'll try my best to save him!" Dan Chenzi nodded and said.

"Well, I will leave the matter here to my father, let's go first!" Zhang Cheng was worried about Zhang Long's health, so he couldn't wait any longer.

"Of course!" Dan Chenzi didn't have any idea about the Zhang family, if it wasn't for Zhang Cheng, he wouldn't bother to care about them.

"Go, I'll take you to fly there!" Dan Chenzi grabbed Zhang Cheng's shoulders and stepped out with a cloud of spiritual energy under his feet. The two of them flew up out of thin air and disappeared into the sky under the attention of thousands of people.

Although Dan Chenzi and the others left, the shock that Dan Chenzi brought to them did not dissipate.

Moreover, this change had the greatest impact on the Zhang family, as if they all woke up from a deep sleep all of a sudden, each of them was full of energy and looked invincible.

Seeing their changes, Zhang Fang's face was cloudy and uncertain, and he sighed in his heart, it is really shameful to have such a family.

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