Half a month later, a group of people were waiting anxiously at the port of Sea Dragon City in the Spirit Continent. Standing in front of them was a middle-aged man wearing a golden crown and a Chinese robe. Standing was a fourteen or fifteen-year-old girl with a pure and lovely appearance, with a ponytail on her head and a long red dress, she looked extraordinarily beautiful.

"Father, why haven't elder brother and grandpa come back? Could something have happened?" Naturally, this girl was Liu Jing's granddaughter Liu Qing, and standing next to him was his father Liu Yue.

As for the elder brother and grandfather she was talking about, they were none other than Zhang Cheng and Liu Jing.

He knew when Liu Jing went to Zhang Cheng before, and based on the time, they should be back by about this time.

However, after waiting for so long, she did not see Zhang Cheng and the others, so she was a little worried.

"Don't think about it, don't you know your grandpa's strength? Even if the most powerful sea beast in the endless sea comes, I'm afraid they can't deal with your grandpa. Moreover, depending on the time, they should arrive almost today. We Just wait." Liu Yue replied with a smile.

"But, it's so late..." Before she finished speaking, she saw a black spot appearing on the sea in the distance, which attracted her full attention, "Father, look at that... Is it Grandpa’s boat?”

"It's almost there, it should be." Liu Yue also looked at the black spot, and he felt that it should be Zhang Cheng and the others who came back at this time...

Slowly, the black spot became bigger and bigger, and finally the black spot turned into a luxurious ship and appeared in front of everyone. Soon the ship stopped at the port, and at the same time, a group of people came down from it.

"Grandpa, you are finally back." Liu Qing saw Liu Jing coming down, and immediately rushed towards Liu Jing.

"Hehe, I'm back, I'm back!" Liu Jing hugged Liu Qing, and then said: "Girl, have you missed Grandpa these few days?"

"Of course I thought about it..." Before she finished speaking, she saw Zhang Cheng coming down from the boat, and she was not sure if it was Zhang Cheng, so she asked, "Brother, is it you?"

Because they haven't seen each other for five years, and at this moment, although Zhang Cheng's appearance hasn't changed much, his temperament is also different from before, and he looks like a completely different person.

In Liu Qing's impression, although the former Zhang Cheng was also very handsome, but his temperament was very ordinary, ordinary people might not be able to find his existence in the crowd.

But at this moment, he has become exceptionally outstanding, which makes people feel bright, as if his whole body is straightened up.

At this moment, don't say that he is in a crowd, even in a crowd, you can easily find him. At this moment, he is like a bright light in the night, so, so conspicuous, yes conspicuous.

This is also a point that Zhang Cheng is particularly distressed. How should I put it, in fact, this change in him is related to his practice of guiding skills in the past half month.

After practicing day and night for half a month, Zhang Cheng's use of momentum has not only been enhanced at 01:30, but his use of momentum has become more handy. At the same time, his temperament is also subtly changing, or To put it bluntly, the reason why his temperament has changed so much is that he was affected by his own power.

What frustrates him the most is that this change is still irreversible, that is to say, Zhang Cheng will live in this situation from now on, and this change will become more obvious as the level of power increases.

Unless his cultivation base can be as perfect as Liu Jing's, returning to the basics, otherwise, this situation will always be with him.

This made Zhang Cheng, who was used to hiding in the crowd, feel very uncomfortable, but there was nothing he could do about this situation.

"Of course, otherwise, who do you think I am?" Zhang Cheng said with a wry smile.

"Wow, brother, do you know that you have become handsome." Liu Qing immediately ran to Zhang Cheng's side and looked around, as if she found something interesting.

"Okay girl, don't be so indifferent, go to your father's side." Liu Jing glanced at Liu Qing, and said angrily.

"Why am I not old or young? He is my brother, not an outsider." As she said that, she glanced at Zhang Cheng again and asked, "It's my brother."

"Yes, what you said is what it is!" Zhang Cheng smiled. He still remembered that this girl was a little girl five years ago, and she was still crying behind him when Liu Jing left. It's already that big.

For a moment, he felt a little emotional in his heart that time passed quickly, and he couldn't help but miss Gongyang Xinyue, the others and his family more and more.

"Grandpa, look, my brother didn't mention me, so don't mention me." Then, Liu Qing stretched out her hands and said, "Brother, bring it!"

"What?" Zhang Cheng didn't know what she meant, but he deliberately pretended not to know anything in order to tease her.

"Brother, don't bring such a thing. You promised me before. Besides, you are a man, and a man can't count if he can't talk." Seeing Zhang Cheng's appearance, Liu Qing immediately pursed her lips and said.

"Hehe, well, I'm kidding you, I didn't forget about you." Zhang Cheng secretly sighed that fortunately he had prepared before, otherwise he would not be a man.

As he spoke, he took out the candied haws from the storage ring.

"Wow, there are so many!" Liu Qing's eyes lit up immediately when she saw the candied haws. Before Zhang Cheng gave it to her, she ran over and snatched the big candied haws.

Then he directly took one and stuffed it into his mouth, and said vaguely, "Brother, you are so kind." with a satisfied look on his face.

"This girl is so greedy even at a young age." Liu Jing didn't know what to say besides smiling when he saw this scene.

"Father, Zhang Cheng, who are these?" Liu Yue asked involuntarily as he looked at the people following Zhang Cheng.

"Oh, his name is Li Long and he is my brother, and the one next to him is Li Long's wife, Ye Ling." Zhang Cheng pulled Li Long and Ye Ling over and introduced them, and then introduced Li Long and the others: "Li Long , he is the lord of Hailong City, Liu Yue."

"Master Liu, hello." Li Long and Ye Ling nodded and greeted each other.

"You are also good." Liu Yue also nodded at them.

Then, Zhang Cheng looked at Wu Dao and the others behind him, and introduced them: "As for these seniors who escorted us back, this one is called Wu Dao Wu, this one is You Long, and the other Senior Biyun. Three seniors, this is the lord of Hailong City, Liu Yue."

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