The extreme north of Silent Spirit Continent is a barren area, it is cold all year round, and the most cold-resistant moss grows on the ground, and there are only some coniferous plants on the edge of the extreme north.

Moreover, the extreme north is uninhabited, and there are no high mountains. Looking around, there is a smooth road, just like the sea, with no end in sight.

However, there is a layer of white glacier far away. This glacier seems to be very far away, and with Zhang Cheng's eyesight, he can only see it faintly.

At this moment, this uninhabited place in the extreme north has ushered in two groups of guests. The previous group came late at night a few years ago, and then disappeared into this endless wasteland, but look at them In a hurry, digging around aimlessly, as if looking for something.

But this time the guests came during the day, and this group of people seemed very purposeful. After arriving here, they didn't rush to dig, but walked directly in one direction.

The previous group of people was Li Wuqing's group, but today's group of people is the group of Dan Daozong.

"Teacher, we have reached the extreme north, take out the map to confirm the direction." Dan Chenzi looked around and said.

"Okay!" Zhang Cheng took out the Ye Neng sheepskin map, then carefully confirmed the location, then looked at the map, and then pointed to the front and said: "As shown on the map, the location of Ling Haishan should be in our Go in the direction you are heading right now."

"Okay!" Dan Chenzi nodded, and then nodded to the old men behind him, who also nodded, and then slowly disappeared into the void, as if they disappeared out of thin air.

"Husband, does Linghai Mountain really exist?" Ouyang Qianyun asked curiously. She had heard of the extreme north before, but she had never heard of the mountain here.

"It's natural, may I joke about this?" Zhang Cheng replied with a smile.

"But, look around here is so empty, if there is really a mountain, we would have seen it a long time ago, could it be that you made a mistake?" Ouyang Qianyun looked around and said.

"Didn't I already tell you that Ling Haishan might have been hidden by Emperor Tianxuan using magical powers, so I'm afraid it will take a lot of effort to find Ling Haishan." Zhang Cheng explained again.

"I hope I can find it." Ouyang Qianyun sighed, but she felt that they might return without success this time.

At that moment, Zhang Cheng didn't say anything else. Guided by the map, the group of them soon appeared at the location of Ling Haishan indicated on the map.

However, here is the same as other places, the surrounding area is empty, not even a mountain hair can be seen.

"Everyone, look around to see if there is anything special, and then report back!" Zhang Cheng and the others had already expected this, so they were not too anxious.

Hearing Zhang Cheng's order, the group of them scattered around, centered on this place, and looked around, hoping to find something.

But the result was very disappointing. After searching for a long time, I couldn't find any clues.

However, some signs of being turned over were found a few miles away, and it seemed that it was turned over recently.

"Master, do you think it was left behind by those people from the Yin Yang Demon Sect when they were looking for the relics?" Zhang Cheng stood beside the turned soil and guessed after looking at it for a while.

"It's possible. However, it seems that they didn't find anything." Dan Chenzi nodded, and he also guessed in his heart. After all, the only ones who know the location of Emperor Tianxuan's remains are they and Yin. Those individuals of the Yang Demon Sect.

Originally, they wanted to make this matter public, but because Zhang Cheng brought the map, they pressed the matter again. After all, who doesn't want to take advantage of something good.

Therefore, the sign of this place being turned should be left by the people of the Yin Yang Demon Sect, and it can only be left by them.

"Master, how do you know that they didn't find the relics? Don't forget, they have a magic weapon of Emperor Tianxuan in their hands?" Zhang Cheng asked.

"Of course I have my reasons for thinking this way!" As he spoke, Dan Chenzi walked forward, pointed at a place that had been flipped, and said, "Look here!"

"What are you looking at?" Zhang Cheng was stunned, and then followed Dan Chenzi's direction to look, only to see a black mass there, so he dug subconsciously, and immediately he dug out a lot of burnt things. charcoal.

"I see, this group of people didn't seem to be in a hurry to leave, and they even buried the firewood for cooking, which shows that they haven't found anything, otherwise, let alone they don't know how to cook, even if If you do it, you have to throw it away and go directly to the ruins." Dan Chenzi analyzed.

"However, it is also possible that they have already discovered something, but in order not to let others know that they came here, they hastily buried the charcoal they burned, and then directly entered the ruins." Zhang Cheng disagreed with Dan Chenzi He expressed his own opinion.

"You're right to think so!" Hearing what Zhang Cheng said, Dan Chenzi felt that it made sense, but the most important thing was not to discuss this, but to find out where they were now.

So he said: "Forget it, don't think about it, wait, there should be a result after a while."

"Wait?" Zhang Cheng didn't understand what Dan Chenzi meant, and asked, "Master, what are you waiting for? Wait for the relics of Emperor Tianxuan to be obtained by that old boy Li Wuqing."

"Okay, I know you are anxious, but now we don't know where they are, let alone where Ling Haishan is. What we need to do now is to find Li Wuqing and the others, and see if we can get anything useful from them. Only in this way can we find the location of the ruins." Dan Chenzi replied.

Now they can be said to have no clue about finding Ling Haishan, so they can only look for Dao Li Wuqing and the others to see what they find.

If they did find something, it would save them a lot of trouble.If not, then find a way to get the Tianxuan Baojian, see what is written on it, and maybe get some useful information.

Therefore, now the only thing to do is to wait for the news from the person he sent out.

"However, this land in the extreme north is so big, it's not so easy to find them?" Zhang Cheng asked again.

The extreme north has a radius of several million miles, and a group of people entered here to find it. It was not much different from finding a needle in a haystack, so he asked this question.

"You don't have to worry about this, I believe it won't be long before I know their whereabouts, well, don't talk about it, just wait here." Said, Dan Chenzi sat down on the spot Go down, that looks quite confident.

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