Alien Madness

Chapter 55 Golden Bell Shade?

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The next few days did not stop. After all, Dan Chenzi had a very high status in the Dan Dao Sect, and he had never accepted an apprentice for hundreds of years of practice, so there was a lot of trouble.

However, under Dan Chenzi's deliberate stop, this teacher apprenticeship ceremony was not too grand, but just like that, it also attracted many masters in the cultivation world to help out.

The entire teacher apprenticeship ceremony didn't last long, because Dan Chenzi himself didn't like to be courteous with others, so he ended it early, and then took Zhang Cheng to a waterfall in the back mountain of Dan Daozong.

"Master, what did you bring me here for?" Zhang Cheng asked puzzled.

"Of course I let you practice, otherwise you would think so!" Dan Chenzi replied.

"But, why do you want to practice in this place? Isn't it okay in the sect? Or is there something special here?" Zhang Cheng felt that with Dan Chenzi's character, he would not do such meaningless things , So, he guessed that this place might be different from other places.

However, he didn't know what the specific difference was.

"Smart, do you know that for cultivation, the most important thing is not talent, but perseverance, because as far as I know, many well-known masters are not very talented, but they have extraordinary perseverance. It is also the fundamental reason why many people who have gone through all kinds of difficulties and dangers to find the sect of cultivating immortals are finally included."

"As for us alchemists, in addition to extremely strong perseverance, we also need to have a strong and solid body. Because our soul is much higher than others, if we don't have a strong enough body to bear If you don’t, your body will become the biggest burden in the end, and it will even hold you back and prevent you from taking half a step forward.”

"So, the training plan I made for you is to train you in these two aspects before you break through the Qi training period. If you want to train these two aspects, you must use external force, so I have thought carefully After that, I decided to use the bottom of this waterfall as a place to train you." Dan Chenzi replied.

"Disciple, what you master said is very much in line with my wishes. It seems that he is also a Danshi with real abilities. If there is a chance in the future, I would like to meet him!" Xiang Tian, ​​who was hiding in the storage ring, couldn't help sighing.

Previously, Xiang Tian's plan was to lay a foundation for Zhang Cheng, and this so-called foundation started from the body to strengthen the body's endurance, so that it could withstand a stronger soul.

On this point, the two of them have the same idea,

It's just that even Xiang Tian didn't think of using the waterfall method to exercise his body, so he had a good impression of Dan Chenzi.

"However, the waterfall is so high and the water is so fast, how can I bear it!" Zhang Cheng saw that his two masters said so, and his face became ugly.

He is not a masochist, moreover, he is a science subject himself, and he knows how much impact this huge waterfall will cause after it falls.

Even a piece of iron can be crushed, let alone his small body.

"Don't worry, before you start training, I will teach you a set of body training formulas. Although it is a martial artist's technique, it has a good effect on body training. When you reach the stage of Qi training, I will teach you how to cultivate the truth." The body training formula in the world, continue to improve the strength of the body." Dan Chenzi replied.

"That's good!" Zhang Cheng also knew that they were doing it for his own benefit, so he could only accept it.

"This set of formulas is called the Golden Bell Cover..."

"Wait, master, what's the name of this set of exercises you said just now? Golden Bell Mask, did I hear you right?" Zhang Cheng was stunned, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Could it be that the Golden Bell Mask also passed through with him!

"Yeah, what's the matter?" Dan Chenzi didn't understand why Zuo Xiang was so surprised, so he asked, "Why have you heard of this exercise before?"

"Oh, hehe, no, no!" Zhang Cheng shook his head quickly. He had heard of it, but it was the first time he heard it in this world. Has the cloth shirt traveled in together with it?"

"Why are you so excited without you, really!" Dan Chenzi glared at Zhang Cheng angrily, and then said: "The golden bell cover is a breathing technique, which can stimulate the potential of your body and cooperate with the effect of external forces. , you can gradually achieve the purpose of improving the strength of your body, hold your breath and concentrate, and I will pass on the exercises to you."

As he spoke, Dan Chenzi pointed the clock between Zhang Cheng's eyebrows, a golden light flashed, and then a "Golden Bell Cover" exercise appeared in Zhang Cheng's body.

After his reference, he found that this exercise is quite different from the one on the earth. This exercise is also a method of exhalation, but the true energy from cultivation is not included in the dantian. It will be scattered among the various cells and tissues of the body to enhance the strength of cells and tissues from the inside, so as to enhance the overall strength.

In his impression, when cultivating the golden bell jar, people need to be punched and kicked, so that they can practice.

But at this moment, even without these external forces, this golden bell can still be cultivated.Moreover, this way of cultivation from the inside out is more advanced and advanced than the way from the outside to the inside.

"Okay, from now on, you don't have to do anything, you just practice this set of exercises for me until I reach the state of the golden bell cover body. When is the time, when will I return to the sect to find me, I will give it to you Arrange the next step!" Dan Chenzi said as he threw a storage bracelet to Zhang Cheng.

As for the so-called golden bell body, it is the highest state of this golden bell body. After training, it will be like the golden bell body, the body is as steel as iron, and the worldly weapons cannot harm it at all.

"It's not Master, you are leaving now, you are too irresponsible!" Zhang Cheng said angrily.

"So what, you are practicing secular martial arts now, and there are my annotations in it. It is enough for you to practice alone. Moreover, I am not here to relax, but to prepare you for your future cultivation. Things , you think it's easy for me." Dan Chenzi said angrily.

He estimated that it would take at least a year and a half for Zhang Cheng to fully reach the state of the golden bell body he mentioned in this place, so he just took advantage of this half year to prepare for Zhang Cheng's future plans. used things.

For example, the cultivation method, the alchemy cauldron for alchemy, and many medicinal materials for hand training, etc.As for the cauldron and medicinal materials, they are easy to get, but this exercise is a bit difficult.

Because the only thing he likes is the Xuanyuan Jing in his senior brother's hand, and he doesn't like other exercises at all, so he still wants to get the "Xuanyuan Jing".

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