Alien Madness

Chapter 60 Years of Passion Burning

After finishing his work, Zhang Cheng immediately smelled an extremely tempting fragrance, and his saliva flowed down for a moment. Looking from a distance, he saw that the six-eared elk had already been roasted into golden. Yellow, the fragrance is coming from it.

"Hehe, you wake up not too early or too late. You woke up just after baking. Come on, let's have a leg first." Chu Yan waved his hand, and a knife appeared in his hand, and then he raised the knife After falling, a leg was sent to Zhang Cheng's body, and he said, "Try it, you can eat it once, and you want to eat it a second time."

Zhang Cheng took the golden-yellow deer leg, put it in front of his nose and smelled it, and suddenly, a strange smell rushed into his brain through his nasal cavity. Suddenly, he seemed to be out of control. a mouthful.

Chu Yan was not in such a hurry anymore, he cut off a small piece of meat with a knife and put it in his mouth. Turning around, he happened to see where Zhang Cheng was gobbling, and quickly reminded: "Don't just focus on eating. Food is the sky while eating, otherwise, you will be overwhelmed."

"Hmm!" Zhang Cheng already used his mouth to answer his question, so he only hummed with his nose, and then continued to chew and swallow.

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "It's so delicious, it's so delicious."

However, Zhang Cheng did not dare to be careless, and immediately divided his mind into two parts. While swallowing happily, he tried his best to run the exercise "Food is the Sky" to digest the powerful force in his stomach. The body gradually heated up.

Zhang Cheng felt this kind of feeling before, and that was the feeling he felt when he was practicing "Golden Bell Cover" to strengthen the system, but at this moment, he felt it again, and it was even more violent than when he was practicing "Golden Bell Cover". Zhang Cheng was very excited.

After a while, Zhang Chengcheng ate the whole leg. Now he finally understands why Chu Yan is obsessed with this bite. It is so refreshing. It can satisfy his appetite while improving his physique. This is simply not ordinary.

At this moment, he seemed to be addicted, staring straight at the six-eared elk that was still hanging on the grill, and then licked his lips.

"Don't look at it, if you want to eat it yourself, I don't have the time to share it with you!" Chu Yan said to Zhang Cheng with his mouth full of greasy food at the moment.

"Hey, okay." Zhang Cheng smiled, walked to the side of the grill, took out an unknown knife from his storage ring, and started cutting.

After a while, a six-eared elk weighing one or two hundred weights went into the two people's stomachs, but the two people's stomachs didn't feel full, because all the meat had been transformed into strength and injected into their bodies.

"Brother Zhu, your method is good. You just eat one meal, and the effect has caught up with what I have gained from one year of body training." Zhang Cheng couldn't help sighing.

At this moment, he can clearly feel that the strength of his body has increased by five times compared to before, completely beyond his imagination.

"Of course, your current system is still very poor, and what's more, what you eat is the best among spirit beasts, so it's hard for you not to improve. Later, Brother Chu's cultivation level will go up, and I will catch a dragon to eat for you. If you After eating a dragon, then you will know what happiness is." Chu Yan said.

"I don't want dragon meat anymore, it's just that I have eaten Brother Zhu's barbecue now, how can you let me eat other meals in the future!" Zhang Cheng said with a bit of depression.

Now that he has eaten such delicious food, if he is allowed to eat the food he ate before, it will not be much different from eating pig food, so he is a little distressed.

"Hehe, it's okay. Brother Chu will pass on your skills. Later, when you go down the mountain to practice alone, you can roast and eat by yourself." Chu Yan volunteered.

"That's a good thing, but Brother Zhu, if you want to teach, then don't hide your secrets, and pass on everything you know to me!" Zhang Cheng agreed wholeheartedly.

When he was in college, every time he went out for an outing, he would be the chef and bake something to eat, because the taste of his roast was very good, and he was loved by beautiful women.

However, the ones he baked were nothing compared to these, so he wanted to learn it a long time ago, maybe he could use it to pick up girls in the future.

"Don't worry, I've even passed on the secret art of food to you, do you still care about these skills!" Chu Yan waved his hand, and after saying this, he took the grill to the edge of the waterfall to wash it off , and then handed it directly to Zhang Chengdao: "I specially asked someone to refine this grill for me. It is a second-grade magic weapon at the spiritual level, so I will use it for you."

"No, no, how can this work? As the saying goes, a gentleman does not force what others like, so I will find someone to refine it myself in the future!" Zhang Cheng quickly evaded.

Spirit-level magic weapon is considered an extremely high magic weapon in today's comprehension world, so this gift is a bit expensive, and he can't accept it because he has nothing to give him.

"Look at you, brother Chu and I met each other, right? I told you to give it to you, and then I gave it to you. Besides, I have a spare here, so it's okay." Chu Yan said angrily.

"Oh, that's good!" Seeing what Chu Yan said, Zhang Cheng didn't know what to say.

"By the way, if you're not in a hurry to go back, I'll start teaching you how to barbecue now!" Chu Yan said.

"Don't worry, don't worry, then you teach me first." Zhang Cheng nodded quickly.

"Well, let's go and catch an ordinary beast with me. At the beginning, the materials should not be too good, or it will be ruined..."

Immediately, the two left this place, but since then, Dan Daozong will have no peace.


Half a year is fleeting, and in the Hall of Cultivating Heart of Dan Dao Sect, Daoist Danqing is sitting on a futon, frowning, as if he is worried about something.

At this moment, he is already devastated. More than a dozen of his spirit beasts have disappeared in the past half a year. The ordinary beasts on the mountain seem to have been ransacked by people. The small animals that were originally all over the mountains and plains can't even see a hair now. root.

After inquiring, he found out that it was his ignorant disciple who was teaching Zhang Cheng to barbecue, and he called it "teaching".

Hearing this result, his head got big at that time. Originally, Dan Daozong had one Chu Yan, which was enough to give him a headache. Now that there is another one, he really doesn't know what to do.

Moreover, he also guessed that the spirit beasts lost during this period were all taken away by these two boys. Fortunately, except for the six-eared elk, the other spirit beasts are not very high level, so, He didn't pursue it either.

However, he knew that it would be terrible to let it go on. The spirit beasts he kept in captivity would be destroyed by the two of them sooner or later.

No, in order to prevent this matter from developing in a direction he didn't want to see, he immediately sent someone to find Dan Chenzi, wanting him to take care of his apprentice.

"Brother, you are looking for me!" At this moment, Dan Chenzi came in from the outside.

"What the hell are you doing these days, kid? Don't you know that your precious apprentice is very close to Chu Yan? Hurry up and bring him back to me and train him well, otherwise, I will train him for you. Daoist Danqing said angrily.

"Brother, don't you know what I've been doing these days?" Dan Chenzi came here almost every day during this time, for the "Xuan Yuan Jing".

However, this Daoist Danqing just refused to compromise, which made him very depressed.

Not long ago, he heard that his apprentice and Chu Yan walked together, and together they harmed the spirit beasts on the mountain. This may be bad news for Daoist Danqing, but it is undoubtedly good news for him, so , he stopped coming instead, stretching Daoist Danqing.

No, in the end Daoist Danqing couldn't wait any longer, so he sent someone to call him.

"Well, how many times have I said this, this rule cannot be broken in my hands, if you really want this exercise, then wait a few more years, wait for me to abdicate, and then take the position of headmaster Pass it on to you, how you like to deal with it, okay?" When Daoist Danqing heard Dan Chenzi's words, he immediately understood what he meant, and said with some embarrassment.

"That can't be done. Even if I can wait, my apprentice can't wait. Besides, I promised him a surprise before, but now I haven't got the surprise. How can I explain to him?" Dan Chenzi said helplessly. arrive.

"Then can't you look for other things, you must want my "Xuan Yuan Jing"." Daoist Danqing said angrily.

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