Alien Madness

Chapter 63 1 Turning to the Red Cauldron

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"That's right, this is the Qi training period. Infuse the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth into the body, and circulate it in the body to form a whole. This is the Qi training period. Now you have entered the realm of self-cultivation." Xiang Tian said via voice transmission.

"Then Master, can I practice Nine Turns Soul Cauldron now?" Zhang Cheng asked eagerly.

"Of course, you can give me some soul power when I come out, and then I will use the Nine-turn Soul Cauldron, Burning Heaven Jue and Lingmu Gong, as well as a fairy-level fifth-grade exercise specially selected for you. Here it is." Xiang Tian replied.

"Okay!" Zhang Cheng responded, and then saw a ray of gray power floating out from the storage ring and stopping in front of Zhang Cheng.

It has been more than a year since I last injected part of my soul power into Xiang Tian, ​​so Xiang Tian's spirit seems a little sluggish at this moment.

Seeing this, Zhang Cheng blamed himself a little. During this period of time, he only cared about his own cultivation, but forgot to inject some soul power into Xiang Tian, ​​which made him feel a little sorry for Xiang Tian.

Therefore, he secretly vowed in his heart that no matter what, he would inject some soul power into Xiang Tian every month in the future. Although he could not guarantee that Xiang Tian would be "fed", he could not be left in a "starved" state.

"Come on, I'm ready." Xiang Tian said while sitting cross-legged in front of Zhang Cheng.

"En!" Zhang Cheng responded, and then pulled out a large group of soul power and injected it into Xiang Tian's body. Although it was a little painful when it was pulled away, when he thought of what Xiang Tian had paid for himself, he felt that the pain was fundamental. It's nothing.

"Teacher, why did you give me so much soul power, a small group is enough, there is no need to give me so much!" Xiang Tian hurriedly stopped.

"It's okay. Relatively speaking, the power of the soul is easy for me to get, so giving more to the master will make the master's life better." Zhang Tian said sincerely.

"Silly boy, no matter how much soul power you have, you can't waste it casually, especially at the beginning of your cultivation, soul power is more important. And I don't need to do anything now, the soul power you gave me is pure waste. "Although Xiang Tian said that, he was very moved in his heart.

"Master, don't worry, I can recover these soul powers in a few days, it's okay!" Zhang Cheng insisted.

"You child, it's up to you." Xiang Tian was moved when he saw Zhang Cheng's insistence, so he didn't say anything, and then closed his eyes to refine the soul power.

After about ten minutes, Xiang Tian's expression improved, and he was more energetic than before. Then he looked at Zhang Cheng and said, "Okay, don't resist, I will print all these formulas into your mind."

After finishing speaking, Xiang Tian tapped Zhang Cheng's seal lightly with his finger, and the golden light flashed into Zhang Cheng's brow and disappeared. Then, Xiang Tian's complexion became ugly again, but it was still better than when he just came out Some.

After the golden light passed, Zhang Cheng had a few more exercises in his mind.

The first is "Nine Turns of the Soul Cauldron", this exercise only has the first six layers, which is the same as what Xiang Tian said before, followed by "Burning Heaven Jue", "Lingmu Gong" and a "Earth Emperor's True Jue" Three exercises.

As for the three exercises, because Zhang Cheng has not yet reached the foundation building stage, and the temptation of "Nine Turns of the Soul Cauldron" to Zhang Cheng is far more than those three exercises, so he is not in a hurry to read them, so Then put it aside.

At this moment, all his attention was focused on the "Jiuzhuan Soul Cauldron", and after inputting some soul power into Xiang Tian and sending it back to the storage ring, he began to comprehend it with all his strength.

Since Xiang Tian had already marked many of his own opinions on the "Nine Turns of the Soul Cauldron", he quickly figured out the cultivation method of the first turn.

This first turn is divided into two parts, one is Cheng Ding, and the other is first turn.

In fact, in a sense, this first part should be independent, after all, it has nothing to do with Yizhuan.

Therefore, Zhang Cheng guessed that the people who created these exercises may have combined the cultivation methods of Cheng Ding and the first revolution to save trouble.

Of course, these are not what Zhang Cheng cares about.

Concentrating his mind, Zhang Cheng began to carefully refer to the method of Cheng Ding, which introduced the refining method of ordinary Dan Ding in detail. If you take it out, you can use the materials to refine a solid Dan Ding.

However, the method of refining the alchemy cauldron here is not to let the rester refine the physical alchemy cauldron, but to let him learn from it, and let him understand that the steps of refining the soul cauldron are actually the same as the steps of refining the physical alchemy cauldron it's the same.

However, it also focuses on how to use the soul to replace the material method of refining the solid alchemy tripod, coupled with Xiang Tian's experience, so every step is very clear in Zhang Cheng's eyes.

So Zhang Cheng looked for the explanation above, and began to construct his own Danding.

He first controlled his own soul to construct a general Danding model according to the above description, and then constructed all the specific details and functions that can be achieved.

For Zhang Cheng, who had no experience in refining weapons, the whole process seemed a bit difficult. After all, everything needed to be imagined out of thin air.

However, fortunately, he had seen many beautiful ding dings on the Internet before, so he chose the shape of the ding ding that he thought was the most beautiful.

As for the internal structure, he asked Xiang Tian for advice, while relying on the images and simplicity that Xiang Tian specially injected into his exercises, coupled with his own understanding, it took him ten days to build the Soul Cauldron. Formed successfully.

However, the Soul Cauldron at this moment is made up of some parts, not a complete whole. Therefore, Zhang Cheng then began to perform the first round of exercises, continuously extracting the power of the soul and injecting it into the Soul Cauldron. In it, it acts as glue concrete, sticking them together to form a whole.

This process lasted for five full days. Suddenly, the body of the cauldron shook, and then the color changed from gray and dark to light red. According to the records in the classics, this is the specific manifestation of Yizhuan.

It is recorded in the classics that the first turn of the cauldron is red, the second turn is orange, the third turn is gold, that is, yellow, the fourth turn is green, the fifth turn is cyan, the sixth turn is blue, and the third turn is all Zhang Cheng. Presumably it should be purple, black, and white.

After all, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple are the spectral colors contained in sunlight, and everyone on this earth knows it, so it is not difficult to speculate that only the black and white in the back is guessed by Zhang Cheng.

"Master, it's done." Zhang Cheng said excitedly.

"Hehe, don't be too happy. This exercise is just like this. It's easy to get started, but it's hard to improve it. Just like me, I've practiced for hundreds of years and I just broke through the third turn. So, in the future, you still have a lot to do." It's a long way to go!" Xiang Tian said this because he was afraid that Zhang Cheng would get carried away.

However, he felt that Zhang Cheng's situation was much better than his own. After all, his soul strength was not high in the first place. It took him ten years of hard work to just meet the requirements in the first round.

And Zhang Cheng's soul was far superior to others, so it was able to condense into a soul cauldron so quickly and complete the first turn.Coupled with the fact that he still has the method of cultivating the soul, he believes that it will not take more than a hundred years to reach his previous state.

At the same time, he also guessed that within 500 years, Zhang Cheng should be able to practice the entire method and reach the state of the sixth revolution.

Of course, his guess is the most conservative guess. He didn't count the adventures that Zhang Cheng encountered in the middle, and of course this is not predictable.

However, if we can find medicinal materials or other things that increase the soul, then there is still room for shortening this time.

Therefore, he still believes that Zhang Cheng is the one who can practice "Nine Turns of the Soul Cauldron" to the sixth turn, and there is no such possibility for others.

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