Jin Hu's big eyes like copper bells were placed in front of the hole, staring at Zhang Cheng inside without blinking. The claws protruded from the palm, and Zhang Chengcheng felt a chill emanating from the claws.

Then, Jin Hu stretched his claws directly into the hole, and under Zhang Cheng's gaze, one of the sharp claws stabbed at him.

Zhang Cheng saw the desperate struggle here, but his body was severely traumatized, and he couldn't lift his strength at all, so he felt a burst of fear.

Seeing the sharp claws getting closer, Zhang Chengyi gritted his teeth and shouted, "I will fight with you."

Randomly, a powerful and unparalleled sword intent erupted from his body, instantly covering the entire world like a volcanic eruption.

Jinhu didn't seem to have thought that Zhang Cheng's thin body could emit such a terrifying and extremely fierce aura. At this moment, it seemed to sense the approach of death, and subconsciously jumped back, looking at Zhang Cheng vigilantly. into the cave.

Zhang Cheng saw that he had succeeded in one blow, and regardless of other things, he quickly took out a large amount of elixir to restore the injury and took it, and he continued to recover under the powerful medicine.

At the same time, he clasped his hands in front of his chest, non-stop displaying the "Tantric Mahamudra" to restore the exhausted energy.

And almost seemed to be afraid of this powerful and extremely condensed power, the body retreated involuntarily, and then looked at the few monks who had just climbed out of the deep pit, and decided to give up Zhang Cheng for the time being. Go after them instead.

At this moment, Jin Hu has already found the plaything of his heart, so he doesn't intend to continue to keep those masters of the late stage Xuanxian. His sharp claws draw arcs in the air, directly piercing through the bodies of these late stage Xuanxian masters. His tendons and veins made him lose his ability to fight.

However, it was not in a hurry to kill them, because he liked to eat living things, not corpses.

Then, it came back to its senses, came to the human-shaped pit where Zhang Cheng was, crawled on the ground, and kept approaching.

This is the first person to make it feel dangerous, so it is very interested in Zhang Cheng.

"It's not a solution to go on like this!" Zhang Cheng now felt a little dizzy in his head. Although "Tantric Mahamudra" could restore his energy, the speed of recovery was also limited.

And this limit is much slower than the energy consumed by using sword power, so that he can't make ends meet, and gradually makes him feel tired.

He also knew that if he continued at this speed, he wouldn't be able to hold on for long, and would eventually be exhausted and killed by the tiger.

"We still have to take the holy fruit." Zhang Cheng quickly thought of a way, and now he has no choice.

Then, he focused on two things, while continuing to use his sword power, he took out the holy fruit of Daigo, intending to swallow it and escape the catastrophe.

However, at this moment, the pipeline at the entrance of the cave darkened again, and the eyeball the size of a copper bell appeared at the entrance of the cave again.

This time, Jinhu saw the sacred fruit in Zhang Cheng's hand, and looked suspiciously at it, but in its view, this thing had no value, it was just an ordinary fruit.

But it is not stupid. I have seen some people take this thing before, and it seems to be a different person in a blink of an eye, becoming even afraid of it, and then disappearing directly from its eyes.

Therefore, knowing this, it chose a guardian of the sacred fruit, waiting for the arrival of human beings.

During the years when he was growing up, he ate too much animal meat, but none of the animal meat tasted better than human meat. Therefore, he guarded the sacred fruit in order to let people come to find it, and then he himself You can kill people to satisfy your appetite.

So, now that he saw that Zhang Cheng wanted to take this holy fruit, how could he succeed.

It grabbed it with its huge palm, split open the hole, and snatched the holy fruit from Zhang Cheng's hand.

But it didn't destroy the sacred fruit, because he still had to rely on the holy fruit to continue fishing. After finally waiting for the entry of human beings, he would give up this good opportunity.

Then, he opened his mouth wide and swallowed the lifeless thing.

"Don't..." Zhang Cheng saw what the golden tiger meant, but it was still a step too late, and the aura of the holy fruit disappeared from his perception.

"It's over now, the holy fruit is gone, and there is no chance to convince him." Zhang Cheng's mood at the moment was as bad as it could be.

Originally, he thought that he was getting a big deal by getting a holy fruit, but now he realized that it was still for others, no, other animals made wedding dresses, and he even answered it for himself.

If he had known that this would be the result, he might as well not have snatched this thing back then, and deepened the conflict with Huang Tian. Not to mention that he didn't get any benefit, and most importantly, he even brought himself in. No matter what cost-effective.

"By the way, there is also the kylin fruit. It should like this thing. I wonder if I can use it to exchange my life." Zhang Cheng took out the kylin fruit directly, and handed it to him with one hand. Jinhu.

Jin Hu looked at Zhang Cheng with some puzzlement, but the aura emanating from this Qilin fruit was very attractive to him.

As if it understood Zhang Cheng's meaning, it directly took the unicorn fruit and swallowed it in one gulp. After a while, an extremely strong energy fluctuation emanated from Jinhu's body.

A supreme aura overlooking all living beings emanated from Jinhu's body, and all creatures within a radius of ten thousand miles were stunned by this force and crawled to the ground.

At this moment, Zhang Cheng also felt great pressure, as if a boulder was placed on his chest, which made him unable to breathe.

Then, he saw a five-color halo emanating from Jinhu's body, and then its body began to change, slowly turning into a red unicorn, with red qilin burning around its body Flame, so majestic.


He finally let out a sigh of relief when Jin Hu's body shape change was completed.

And Jin Hu is also full of wonders about his own changes, looking at him up and down, as if he has discovered something new and interesting, he is very excited.

Zhang Cheng saw that it was attracted by the changes in his body at the moment, and knew that it was time for him to escape.

Wherever you dare to stay, just run away.

However, before he ran out for a long time, a jerky and childish voice came from his mind: "You, stop, or I will bite you to death."

"Who is talking?" Zhang Cheng replied subconsciously.

"I'm right behind you," the voice replied.

"Behind me." Zhang Cheng turned around subconsciously, and saw that the golden tiger that had turned into a fire unicorn was looking at him without blinking, as if it would fly towards him at any moment.

"It's you." Zhang Cheng was stunned, but he didn't expect the voice to be made by Jinhu. After all, he had fought this guy before, so Yiye didn't hear him say a word, but when he suddenly heard him speak, he felt really happy. Some do not apply.

"That's right, it's me. If you run away again, I'll kill you." Jin Hu nodded and threatened.

"No, you can't do this. Didn't we just reach an agreement, I gave you the Qilin fruit, and you let go of your anger. Now that the Qilin fruit has been eaten by you, you should let me go." Zhang Cheng said I don't want to die here.

"When did I reach an agreement with you, and you were caught by me, then everything on you is mine, so your things are still mine, and you trade my things for your life, Do you think it's possible?" Although Jin Hu's voice was a little immature, his mind was not bad at all, not inferior to Zhang Cheng's.

"But, you...why did you kill me? Did I provoke you?" Zhang Cheng asked.

"You didn't provoke me, but what if I want to eat you, who made your human meat taste better than other animal meat." Jin Hu replied.

"Whoever said that human meat is delicious, I only have one kind of meat that is more delicious than human meat." Zhang Cheng heard that Jin Hu grabbed him to eat, so he said this subconsciously.

"What meat?" Jin Hu seemed to have attracted his attention, but this made Zhang Cheng secretly heave a sigh of relief.

"What meat..." Zhang Cheng was taken aback. He just said something casually, and he really took it seriously before he arrived first, but he saw hope in this way, and then thought about it: "Venison, deer Meat is the most delicious meat in the world, if you don’t believe me, grab one and I’ll help you with it.”

Zhang Cheng doesn't know if braised pork is the best meat in the world, but what he knows is that his cooking skills are not bad, no matter what kind of meat it is, as long as it reaches his hands, it will become the best meat in the world.

"Venison?" Jin Hu shook his head and said, "I've already eaten venison, and it's not as delicious as you said. I still think human meat is delicious."

"No, you are wrong, and you are very wrong. Do you know that the reason why you think exposed meat is not delicious is because you have never eaten the venison I made. Once you have eaten it, you will know what it means to be delicious. If you don't believe me, you can catch a deer and I'll cook it for you." Zhang Cheng continued to fool around.

"What you said is true?" Jin Hu was taken aback by Zhang Cheng, it really wanted to taste the venison that Zhang Cheng said.

"Of course it's true. You can grab one and I'll cook it for you. If it doesn't taste good, you can eat it from me when the time comes." Zhang Cheng said.

"But, what if you ran away when I went to catch the deer?" Jin Hu was not stupid, so he could still think of such a question.

"I promise not to run, besides, this is your territory, can I outrun you?" Zhang Cheng said flatteringly, but he had no choice but to bow his head under the eaves.

"That's true." After thinking about it, Jin Hu felt right, no one here could run faster than him, especially after eating the Qilin fruit, his strength increased greatly, and it was very easy to catch someone.

So he said: "Well, I'll catch a deer, and you cook it for me. If the meat you cook is really better than human meat, then I won't kill you. If the deer meat is not as good as you said If you eat it, I will swallow you alive."

"Okay, you go, I'll wait for you here." Zhang Cheng nodded, and at the same time he breathed a sigh of relief, finally escaped a catastrophe.

"Okay, you wait." After saying that, Jin Hu's figure disappeared in place, and after a few breaths, a deer was caught by him, and then he threw it beside Zhang Cheng and said, "Okay, deer I have caught it, and you start to cook it for me. However, I still want to remind you that if the venison is not as delicious as your cooking, then you will die."

"Don't worry, leave it to me." After speaking, Zhang Cheng came to the side of the deer, and with a flick of his right hand, the throwing knife he got before appeared, and then began to wash and peel the deer.

After a while, the deerskin was completely peeled off by him, and the internal organs were directly thrown aside.

Then with a heartbeat, a ball of clear water fell from the sky to wash away the blood on the road, and then Zhang Cheng used a force to wrap the deer around it.

Then he took out the Nanmingli fire and started to grill the head deer.

The golden tiger on the side looked at Zhang Cheng with some confusion. It had never seen such a way. In the past, it always swallowed its food in one bite. How could it be so troublesome.

Therefore, it became subconsciously thinking that Zhang Cheng was fooling it, and secretly decided in its heart that it must let Zhang Cheng taste the feeling that life would be worse than death later.

As time passed by, Zhang Cheng took out some seasoning from his storage ring and evenly sprinkled it on the venison, which immediately aroused a strong fragrance.

This deer is originally a fairy beast, the energy in its body is strong, and the meat has been nourished by the huge fairy power to become very delicate, even if it is not used, it is very delicious.

At this moment, after Zhang Cheng's handling, the taste was stimulated to the greatest extent.

"This..." Jin Hu on the side widened his eyes, looking at all this in disbelief, it's just that the taste made it difficult for him to control his appetite.

Then without waiting for Zhang Cheng to speak, he swallowed the deer in one bite, and then chewed it continuously, his face full of enjoyment.

"How about Brother Tiger? Does it mean that you can eat even if you can't bear the meat?" Zhang Cheng was a little depressed. He was not afraid that others would eat what he made, but he was afraid that others would eat what she hadn't cooked well.

However, it is not as good as before. After all, I am on his land, so I still have to follow other people's ideas.

"..." Jin Hu didn't answer him at the moment, he was still savoring the wonderful taste, and his face showed a very human expression.After a long while, he came back to his senses and said, "That's right, it's really good, you didn't lie to me."

"Then do you think you can let me go?" Zhang Cheng asked subconsciously.

"No." Jin Hu expressed his thoughts without thinking.

"Brother Hu, you can't do this. We didn't agree before, how can you go back on your word? This is not what Da Da like you thinks you should do." Zhang Cheng was a little depressed, and I took care of this guy. He was able to let himself go, who would have thought that it would go back on its word.

"Did I ever say that I would let you go? I just said that if you are right, then I won't kill you." Jin Hu said seriously.


"It's nothing to worry about. From now on, you have to cook delicious food for me every day. If I am satisfied, maybe I will let you go." Jinhu is also addicted to eating. It knows that after eating this food, It will be difficult to swallow anything else by myself in the future.

"Okay, but it's up to Brother Hu to catch the prey. You know my strength, and I can't catch any good things." Zhang Cheng knew that he had no way to leave now, so he could only make allowances for the time being. If you don't die, then it is possible to leave here alive.

After all, the Supreme King Realm was only opened for three months, and after three months, he would be forcibly sent out, and Jin Hu had no way to stop him at that time.

Even though he would not be able to obtain the holy fruit since then, it is much better not to have the holy fruit than to have no life.

"Of course you don't need to worry about this." Jin Hu didn't mind at all, and he didn't intend to ask Zhang Cheng to catch him prey. If he ran away, he couldn't chase him.

"Okay, you wait here, I'll go hunt the deer, and then you can make it for me." Jin Hu wasn't full yet, the deer was at most an appetizer.

"Well, Brother Hu, just wait a moment, you see that you have found something delicious, why don't some people over there give it to me." Zhang Cheng saw the masters of the late Xuanxian period over there, and he couldn't help yearning for it. Feelings.

If he can devour the power of these mysterious immortals, he can also get a lot of benefits. Even if he doesn't get the holy fruit of the Daigo, it's not in vain to come here.

"Go there if you want." Jin Hu is also very generous. Of course, the main reason is that Zhang Cheng's meat is so delicious that he has no interest in human meat, so he will So happy to agree to Zhang Cheng.

"Then thank you, Brother Hu." Zhang Cheng was also a little excited, "I don't know if the energy in the bodies of the five late-stage Profound Immortal masters can be devoured, so that I can break through to the mid-stage Profound Immortal."

"You're welcome, just wait, I'll catch the deer." After speaking, Jin Hu disappeared in place.

What Zhang Cheng didn't know was that if he said it casually, the deer in the entire Supreme King Realm would be doomed, and almost all of them would be extinct, but this was no longer something Zhang Cheng could think about.

He came to the front of these masters of the late Xuanxian period, and looked at them, they were seriously injured at the moment, and they had no power to resist.

At this moment, in my eyes, they are no longer high-ranking late-stage Xuanxian masters, but moving energy pools one by one. As long as I devour them, my strength will be improved in a short time.

For devouring them, Zhang Cheng didn't feel guilty at all. After all, these guys were all members of Wangyue Zhenmen, and he almost died by their hands before, so it's not a pity for them to die.

If you can make a little contribution to yourself after death, that would be the best.

"Don't blame me. If you want to blame, blame you for joining the wrong sect and choosing to be my enemy." Zhang Cheng said this to them, then took out the killer weapon, and dropped it directly into the purple sword of this Xuanxian master. government.

Then a wave of powerful power poured into Zhang Cheng's body from his body quickly, and the yin and yang sword soul inside Zhang Cheng was not polite, directly absorbed all these powers, and strengthened himself. It only took a while, he His sword spirit has grown stronger, and its power is even greater than before.

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