After so many days of observation, Zhang Cheng can be sure that his previous speculations are completely correct. This guy is a guy who eats like his life. As long as he cuts off his food for a day, this guy will go crazy.

So, he plans to have a showdown with this guy today.

It was noon, and it was time for Jin Hu to eat again, but Zhang Cheng still sat cross-legged on the side, a cultivator who cared about himself, and had no intention of getting up to cook venison for Jin Hu.

Feeling hungry, Jin Hu slowly came to his senses and subconsciously looked towards the place where Zhang Cheng used to burn venison.

At this time in the past, Zhang Cheng had already started to prepare, but at this moment, when he looked over there, he didn't find Zhang Cheng's figure, which made him puzzled for a while.

All of a sudden, it jumped up, thinking that Zhang Cheng had escaped, and roared loudly. Just when it was about to chase and kill Zhang Cheng by its smell, Zhang Cheng's voice came from behind it.

"What's it called? Didn't you see that I was practicing?" Zhang Cheng's tone was a 180-degree turn from before, which made Jin Hu startled.

Then he was full of anger, and looked coldly at Zhang Chengdao: "Boy, go and cook for me, I'm hungry."

"I'm sorry, I won't cook for me from now on." Zhang Cheng stood up as he spoke, and then looked directly at Jin Hu. The previous flattery disappeared, and he changed into a superior look.

This change by Zhang Cheng made Jin Hu, who was used to Zhang Cheng's fawning before, a little uncomfortable for a while, but then it became angry and said angrily: "Boy, what do you think you are, if I didn't see you For the sake of delicious food, do you think you can still live to this day? Go and cook me food, or I will kill you immediately."

"Okay, kill, kill me and I'll see who can cook for you. However, before you kill me, I want to tell you that in this world, except me, no one can do better than me. It's delicious, believe it or not." Zhang Cheng looked like a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water, and he didn't threaten Jinhu at all.

"You..." Jin Hu never thought that this kid would say such words.

However, after thinking about it, it was true that if I really killed him, I really wouldn't be able to eat such delicious food in the future. If I let him go back to eating raw meat, it would be better to just let him die.

"What about me, you want to kill me, come here, just grab my heart and I will die." Zhang Cheng drew a circle on his chest, signaling for him to attack here.

"Do you really think that I dare not kill you?" Jinhu was furious. It was the first time he had been provoked like this, and his heart was full of murderous intent.

"Then you come, I promise not to hide." Zhang Cheng said this, with a confident face on his face, but he was also very excited in his heart. After all, if this thing really disregards other , destroying himself directly, then it would be a tragedy for himself.

However, it still has a certain certainty in its heart, he feels that this guy will not kill him, because this beast's thinking is much simpler than that of a human.

"Okay, since you want to die, then I will fulfill you." Jin Hu came to Zhang Cheng's body in a flash, raised his front right paw, and squeezed out the sharp claws from the fleshy palm to stab Zhang Cheng's heart. .

Zhang Cheng was also taken aback by Jin Hu's action. After transforming into a unicorn, his claws became long and sharp, like a dagger. He fully believed that the other party could easily pierce his chest. Destroy your own body.

However, he knew that the matter had reached this point, and he had to persevere. Once he confessed, he would never be able to hold his head up in front of this beast again.

However, fortunately, this animal's thoughts were calculated by myself, and it stopped when the sharp claws were about to tear itself apart. After a while, it changed from claws to palms, and Zhang Cheng was shot flying.

After becoming the unicorn, Jinhu's strength increased greatly. Although Zhang Cheng's cultivation base has also improved a lot compared to before, facing this power that even the masters of the late stage Xuanxian can't resist, he, a small middle stage Xuanxian Naturally, the monks can't bear it.

Zhang Cheng drew a mournful arc in the air, and then fell heavily on the ground. Although his body hurt everywhere, he was very happy in his heart.

Jin Hu didn't kill him this time, which meant that he wouldn't kill himself in the future, as long as he persevered, then the victory belonged to him.

"You said, cook for me?" Jin Hu came to Zhang Cheng's side again, picked Zhang Cheng up with one paw, and asked.

"Don't even think about it!" Zhang Cheng said firmly.

"You..." After finishing speaking, Jin Hu slapped Zhang Cheng flying again. The huge force broke Zhang Cheng's extra bones, and his tendons were also severely injured.

However, Zhang Cheng didn't even make a sound, he gritted his teeth and resisted.

As long as this golden tiger is dealt with, then he will be able to gain great benefits in this supreme king realm, so he can't lose, the competition now is patience.

"I'll ask you again, cook for me." Jin Hu came to Zhang Cheng's side, stepped on Zhang Cheng's hands, and asked.

"No..." Zhang Cheng endured the pain in his body, raised his head a little, and said firmly to Jin Hu.

"You..." Jinhu didn't continue to pat Zhang Cheng this time, because it felt that if he patted him again, the kid might die.

If he died, he would have to drink blood again, thinking about the feeling would make his whole body shiver.

"I'll give you one day to think about it. If you don't cook for me again, I'll kill you." After saying that, Jin Hu got off Zhang Cheng's body, but turned around after taking a few steps , Glaring at Zhang Chengdao: "Don't think I'm joking with you, I will really kill you."

Jin Hu left after finishing speaking, but the words stopped in Zhang Cheng's ears, but it didn't make him feel the slightest fear, but made him feel that he had already won.

So he mobilized the yin and yang source in his body to start repairing his body. With the vitality of the yang source, the injury was severe but no longer painful.

It was relatively easy to recover from tendons and physical injuries, but it was a bit difficult to recover from bones, but Zhang Cheng didn't care at all, as long as he could subdue this golden tiger, the pain he had suffered would be worth it.

But Jin Hu seemed a little restless at the moment, and looked at Zhang Cheng from time to time, and then at the pile of venison.

Soon, he felt more and more hungry in his belly, so he walked to the side of the venison pile, took a bite of the raw meat, chewed it twice, but soon spit out the meat he just ate.

Originally, the meat could be swallowed by himself, but after eating the roasted meat by Zhang Cheng, he found it difficult to swallow it, as if what he was eating was grass instead of meat.

"Where does this kid have the guts to go against him?" Jin Hu couldn't figure it out. Of course, it wasn't his fault. If he could figure it out, he wouldn't be a beast.

After thinking about it for a long time, I didn't come up with a reason, so I simply stopped thinking about it, and went back to the big rock where I slept before, lay down and continued to sleep on it.

But I always feel empty in my stomach, making it difficult to sleep.

Zhang Cheng on the side was able to sit up from the ground at this moment. Looking at Jin Hu who was a little restless, Zhang Cheng showed joy, and then he ignored it and sat cross-legged to recover.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and soon the next day came, Jin Hu couldn't wait to come to Zhang Cheng's side as soon as the day dawned, and asked: "Have you thought about it clearly, whether you want to die or live. "

"Of course I want to live. I'm not a fool, but I don't want to cook for you." Zhang Cheng has almost recovered after the previous day's recovery.

"Aren't you afraid that I'll kill you?" Jin Hu raised his eyebrows and asked with a human appearance.

"I'm afraid, of course I'm afraid of you, but I'd rather die than cook for you." Zhang Cheng replied solemnly.

"Why, do you hate cooking for me?" Jin Hu didn't understand.

"It's not that I hate it, it's that I can't. I don't like the feeling of being dependent on others. If you want me to cook for you, it's okay, then agree to one of my requests. As long as you promise me, I will cook for you." Seeing that the time was almost up, Zhang Cheng expressed his thoughts.

"Request? What request?" Jin Hu asked.

"That is to recognize me as your master and let me be your master. You listen to me, and then I will cook delicious food for you. If you don't agree, then kill me." Zhang Cheng closed his mouth after speaking. His eyes were closed, and he looked like he was waiting to die.

"You actually dare to let me be your master. You are really brave. However, I can't let you be my master. You can change the conditions." Jinhu has been a king since he was a child, and human beings will only die when they see him. share.

It would be a great humiliation for such a high-ranking king to recognize a human being as his master.

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