Alien Madness

Chapter 71

{Tomorrow is another new week, and the competition for the new book list is still fierce, so Xiaolong and the day when the new book list is about to change, begging for everyone's support. }

Zhang Cheng's movement immediately attracted the attention of the two women and three men next to him. Turning their heads to look, Zhang Cheng was still grilling meat with his back to them, but if they saw Zhang Cheng's face, they would know that he was at this moment. How bad the mood is.

"Senior Sister, I think your worry is unnecessary. I heard from Junior Sister Qianyun that she has a fiancé, and that she likes that man very much, and for him, Qianyun even covered her face with a veil. Elderly people are not allowed to watch, so I think Brother ASRock has no chance at all." Shen Ying replied.

"I've heard people talk about the masking of Junior Sister Qianyun, but I didn't expect it to be because of this reason. I really want to meet that person and see what's so good about him. He can make Bixia the number one beautiful girl. Treat him like this." In fact, Ma Qiu had heard that Ouyang Qianyun was covered with a veil, but she didn't know the reason.

Listening to what Shen Ying said now, she was extremely shocked. After all, being able to do such a thing for her lover at a young age is definitely beyond the reach of ordinary people.

After all, they are both women, if they are very concerned about their appearance, it would be more uncomfortable to let them cover their faces than to kill them.

"Yes, I also asked her, but every time she talked about that person, she would be lost in thought, and there was a little attachment in her eyes, so I was also very curious." Shen Ying agreed.

"However, you still help me bring the word, because that person from ASRock is definitely a person who will do whatever it takes to achieve his goal. If you tell her, she will be prepared." Ma Qiu said.

"Well, that's fine, I'll talk to her when I get back." Shen Ying also felt that this was the case, so she agreed.

"Senior Sister Shen, Senior Sister Ma, are you talking about our Bixia School Senior Sister Ouyang Qianyun?" Hearing this, the three men on the side couldn't help it anymore, so they asked.

"Yeah, why, you've also heard of her name?" Shen Ying asked.

"Well, of course I've heard of it. Not long after we joined the sect, we heard some senior brothers talking about her, so we know something about her. But, are Senior Sister Shen, Senior Sister Ma, and Senior Sister Ouyang really so beautiful?" The man on the side was a little curious asked.

"Um, why are you asking so many questions? I just want to know what to do in the future!" Ma Qiu glared at them angrily, then turned around and looked at Zhang Cheng, just about to say, "Boy, you passed the exam." No."

"Oh, what about people..."

When she turned her head and looked in Zhang Cheng's direction, there were still people there.

In fact, when they said that Ouyang Qianyun used a veil to cover her face for herself, Zhang Chengcheng had already left this place. At this moment, he was very moved by what Ouyang Qianyun had done for him.

At the same time, I also have deep self-blame, self-blame for not trusting her, and I was worried that she would empathize with someone else.

Therefore, at this moment, he couldn't wait any longer. He had to see her immediately, and then help her remove the veil with his own hands.Because, he didn't want his woman to live with a veil, after all, it wasn't her fault that she was beautiful.

At this moment, he had already boarded Bixia Mountain and came to the gate of Bixia Sect. After all, this is Ouyang Qianyun's sect, and the most basic etiquette is still required.

"Who is here!" Just when Zhang Cheng arrived at the gate of the Bixia sect, his figure was spotted by two late-stage Qi training monks guarding the gate.

Since they didn't feel Zhang Cheng's aura that belonged to the Bixia School's skills, they all looked very nervous, and even held weapons in their hands.

"Don't be nervous, I'm a disciple of Dao Sect of Alchemy, and I'm here to visit your sect today to find someone!" As he said, Zhang Cheng took out the token to prove his identity.

"Dan Dao Sect?" The disciple guarding the gate was startled, and immediately said: "I've never heard of this sect, you leave here quickly, otherwise don't blame us for being rude!"

"Ha!" Zhang Cheng saw that the gatekeeper disciple said so, and almost fell to the ground, he couldn't help but said in his heart: "It's terrible to be uneducated!"

Just when he was about to explain to them, a voice came in from inside and interrupted his thoughts.

Zhang Cheng followed the sound and saw a man who came. This man was dressed in a blue robe and a hair crown. He looked vigorous but different from the previous three men. There was a hint of masculinity between this man's brows.

Moreover, his surname is also Zhang, which is the most important point, because just this point has greatly improved Zhang Cheng's favor towards him.

Furthermore, this person's cultivation level is the same as that of Zhang Cheng's at the Foundation Establishment Stage, but his cultivation level is a little bit higher than Zhang Cheng's, reaching the Middle Foundation Establishment Stage.

"I've seen Senior Brother Zhang Yang!" After seeing Zhang Yang, the guard disciples all respectfully called Senior Brother.

"En!" Zhang Yang nodded at the gatekeeper disciples, then walked in front of Zhang Cheng, and said politely, "This fellow Taoist, can you show me the token in your hand?"

"Yes." After speaking, Zhang Cheng handed over the token. After the latter took it, he read it carefully, and then quickly handed it back to Zhang Cheng, saying: "This is indeed the token of Dan Daozong." card, I don’t know why you came here?”

"Looking for someone!" Zhang Cheng couldn't understand his blunt words, and he couldn't speak them, so he said directly.

"Hehe, I don't know who you are looking for, maybe I can help you find someone." Zhang Yang asked.

"Ouyang Qianyun!" Zhang Cheng continued.

"Ouyang Qianyun?" Zhang Yang was startled, then looked at Zhang Cheng and asked, "I don't know why you are looking for Junior Sister Qianyun?"

"You are too lenient, what does it have to do with you if I look for her!" Zhang Cheng didn't really mind that Zhang Yang would ask such a question, because he could see a trace of surprise and nervousness from the kid's eyes, and he could still tell her from him. There was a trace of tension in his eyes, it was obvious that this kid also liked his woman.

As a result, his goodwill towards this person suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Naturally, Zhang Cheng would not give him a good face when dealing with such a person. Even if he had the same surname as himself, he might still be a family 500 years ago.

"Eh..." Zhang Yang didn't expect Zhang Cheng to speak like this, but he also realized his gaffe, so he said with a smile: "Hehe, fellow daoist, don't blame me, I'm just curious, since fellow daoist is anxious to find Qianyun Junior sister, then I will take you there!"

"Alright, then I'll have to work." Although Zhang Cheng really didn't want to go with this kid, he had no choice. If he didn't lead the way, he could only rush in. This was not the result he wanted.

Moreover, he was anxious to see Ouyang Qianyun. If this kid led the way, he would save some wrongdoing, so he agreed.

"Hehe, that's good, come with me." After speaking, Zhang Yang led Zhang Cheng into the Bixia School.

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