Gongyang Xinyue, Gu Linglong, Xiahou Wan'er, Ouyang Qianyun and Shangguan Hongyan stared at the man on the shoulder of the statue in a daze. They didn't realize it for a long time, just like that, they raised their heads and looked at it like a statue.

After seeing the man's face clearly, the children beside them all showed surprise expressions, and shouted: "Daddy, you are Daddy, mother, Daddy is back."

With the joyful shouts of the children, Gongyang Xinyue and the others slowly woke up, but until now they still couldn't believe it was true.

"What's the matter, you guys, you don't know each other anymore after seeing your husband?" As soon as Zhang Cheng's voice fell, he disappeared from the shoulder of the statue and came directly in front of them.

He understood that the reason why these girls were like this was that he didn't expect to be able to come back so soon. After all, he himself didn't expect to be rescued so soon.

"Sister-in-law, is it really you?" Ouyang Qianyun asked first, she could feel that Zhang Chengcheng in front of her was her husband-in-law, but she hadn't completely recovered from the shock so far.

"Of course." As he spoke, Zhang Cheng squatted down, waved at the children and said, "Children, come to Daddy."

"Daddy..." The children who were holding Gongyang Xinyue and the others broke away from their hands and ran to Zhang Cheng's side.

Zhang Cheng smiled, and then six bodies appeared in a flash, and then one person picked up one and walked to the side, and the remaining one came to the side of the five girls.

"What's the matter, don't you believe it?" Seeing that the five of them were still looking at him dumbfounded, with a look of disbelief in their eyes, Zhang Cheng couldn't help saying this.

"Xianggong..." Shangguan Hongyan couldn't bear it first, ran out and fell into Zhang Cheng's arms, followed by Ouyang Qianyun and Xiahou Wan'er, feeling the familiar smell and warm embrace, the corners of their eyes became moist .

It has been more than four years, and they have been separated for more than four years. They finally saw each other. They were so excited and happy that they couldn't tell.At the same time, all the grievances and thoughts in my heart flowed out of my body with tears.

But Gongyang Xinyue and Gu Linglong still stood there without moving, but the corners of their eyes were a little moist.

During the past four years, the two of them pretended to be strong. Whenever Ouyang Qianyun and the others cried bitterly because they missed Zhang Cheng, they also wanted to cry, but they knew that they could not cry, and they had to give Ouyang Qianyun and the others Be a good example.

At that time, how much they longed in their hearts to have a good cry like them, to vent the backlog of longing in their hearts.

At this moment, the opportunity finally came, and they couldn't bear it anymore, tears streaming down their faces.

However, they didn't go there, because the three girls needed Zhang Cheng's comfort more than the two of them, and Zhang Cheng's mind was limited, so they stood where they were, without any movement.

Zhang Cheng glanced at the two of them, understood what they meant, and was very moved. Then he comforted the three women in his arms with all his heart, and let them cry in his arms.

Gradually, the crying of the three of them disappeared, and then they all dried their eyes, looked at each other and ran away.They all know that now is the time for Gong Yang Xin to please them.

After the three girls left, Zhang Cheng smiled at Gongyang Xinyue and Gu Linglong, and then opened his arms to them.

At this moment, the two couldn't bear it anymore, and threw themselves into Zhang Cheng's arms, sobbing softly. Obviously, the two of them had a bad time during this time.

"You are..." At this moment, a voice sounded from behind Gongyang Xinyue and the others, and Zhang Chengxun turned to his master, Dan Chenzi.

"Master, my apprentice is back to see you." Zhang Cheng patted the backs of Gongyang Xinyue and Gu Linglong, then walked from between them to Dan Chenzi's side.

"Chengzi, why are you back? Didn't you just ascend to the sky?" Dan Chenzi was also very surprised when he saw Zhang Cheng, but he was more puzzled than surprised, because Zhang Cheng was the first one he saw. A person who returned to the lower world after ascension.

"Why, Master doesn't welcome the disciples to come back and have a look?" Zhang Cheng pretended to be angry and asked.

"How can it be, the door of Dan Dao Sect is always open for you, I just... Forget it, let's not talk about it, you talk to Xinyue and the others first, and come back tomorrow." Dan Chenzi's eyes are so brilliant. He knew that he had interrupted Zhang Cheng's good business, so he turned around and left after saying this.

Although he was very curious about what happened to Zhang Cheng, he knew very well that Zhang Cheng had no intention of chatting with this old man, so he walked away knowingly.

"Okay, I'll come back tomorrow." Zhang Cheng smiled, he really didn't have time to chat with them now, he just wanted to have a good time with Gongyang Xinyue and the others.

"Wan'er, Xinyue, Yanzi, come here." After Dan Chenzi left, Zhang Cheng waved and shouted at the three girls who ran away.

"Oh!" The third girl nodded and walked over here. Just when the fifth girl didn't understand what Zhang Cheng was going to do, she saw Zhang Cheng beckoning, and several women disappeared from his eyes. The body also disappeared in place.

The magic weapon of space returned to the realm of comprehension, and was supported by sufficient spiritual energy. Many of the formations in it started to operate again, and the effect of time slowing down was effective again.

But at this moment, in the Space Magic Treasure, there is an extremely fragrant scene. A man and five women are entangled with each other naked outside, which is very lively.

After a few hours, the five girls all collapsed on the ground, panting heavily, with the blush of joy remaining on their faces and bodies, not beautiful at all.

Zhang Cheng is still fighting vigorously at this moment, and his brother has no intention of disarming.

"What do you think we should do now?" Zhang Cheng was a little distressed. He had just started, and they all surrendered, which made him very unhappy.

"I'll help you." It wasn't Gongyang Xinyue who spoke, but Shangguan Hongyan.

Then Zhang Chengcheng saw Shangguan Hongyan staggering to Zhang Cheng's side, knelt in front of him, and began to work. Although the technique was still a bit jerky, it was more provocative.

Several hours later, after the girls took turns fighting, Zhang Chengcai disarmed and let out a hearty roar.

Then, with Zhang Chengbai's hands, a blanket appeared on the ground, and then all five girls were moved onto the blanket, hugging them, and soon the girls all fell into dreams.

Zhang Cheng looked down, and found that their faces were all filled with happy and satisfied smiles, and at the same time, the tiredness between their brows had completely dissipated.

Feeling the breath of the five girls, Zhang Cheng felt calm for a while, and at the same time he was thinking: "Xuan Ling and Lan Yue should have arrived at Xuan Ling Mountain by now... Hey, I still don't know how to introduce them to these girls .”



Suddenly, two slim figures appeared on the top of Xuanling Mountain. The skirts on their bodies, one white and the other blue, were light and ethereal, like a fairy eating food, which made people dare not look directly at them.

Then the two disappeared from Xuanling Mountain out of thin air, came to the place where Xuanling had practiced before, and easily passed through the restriction she had placed before entering it.

Although it has been changed beyond recognition by Zhang Cheng, Xuan Ling's heart is still calmed down, and there is a feeling of returning home in his heart.

"Who are you?" Suddenly, there was a shout from outside, and then a woman came in. This person was Zhang Cheng's second sister-in-law, don't mention it again.

"Who are you?" Xuan Ling raised her eyebrows. She was directly ascended after being rescued by Zhang Cheng, so she didn't know Mo Zaiti, her only descendant in the ancient world.

Similarly, Mo Zaiti didn't recognize Xuan Ling, her master.

"I am the descendant of Fairy Xuanling, and this place is the dojo for my master to practice, so please leave this place, senior." Mo Zaiti never thought that one of the two women in front of him was her master.

At the same time, she must have never imagined that what she was facing was a super expert with the cultivation base of a true immortal, who could wipe out the entire cultivation world with a single finger.

"Oh, it seems that you are the successor that Zhang Cheng is looking for for me, um, not bad." Only then did Xuan Ling remember that he asked Zhang Cheng to help him find a successor to inherit his mantle.

At this moment, she felt that the power in this girl's body was from the same source as her own, so she was in a good mood, as if seeing a relative, feeling very rare and kind.

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