After leaving Tianwaitian, Daozong Dan was already surrounded by a huge number of people outside. In this situation, Dan Chenzi and the others jumped, and then Zhang Chengcheng saw several familiar figures coming from outside.

"Master, Father, Mother, Grandpa, Senior Guiguzi, you are here too." These people should be Xuanyuan Zhantian, Jiang Shang and others, besides them, there are Xiang Tian, ​​Zhang Fang, Zhang Xin, Zhang Long , Mo Zaidao, Mo Zaiti, Yan Yu, Li Long and others, and some people who are related to Zhang Cheng but Zhang Cheng is not very familiar with them also came here.

For example, the heads of several sects, Pluto, Li Wuqing, Xia Xueyi, Gu Yue and so on.

"You didn't tell us when you came back. If I hadn't heard about it, I really wouldn't know about it." Jiang Shang walked to Zhang Cheng's side and was a little annoyed. After all, this kid is his own child. I didn't go back to see her, it really made her very dissatisfied.

"Mother, didn't I just come back, I haven't had time to find you!" Zhang Cheng smiled awkwardly. He originally planned to find them after he came out of the magic weapon of space, but who would have thought that Qingcheng Sword The thing about Pai slowed him down, making it impossible for him to leave.

"I think you just don't take us to heart!" Jiang Shang was still very dissatisfied, and glared at Zhang Cheng.

"Yes, my son knows his mistake, and I promise there will be no next time." Zhang Cheng knew that Jiang Shang was not really angry, so he laughed along with him.

"That's about the same." Jiang Shang stopped now, and said, "Go and greet other people."

"Yes!" Zhang Cheng nodded, and then walked towards other people, but there were too many people, he just selectively talked to the people he knew well, and finally walked to Zhang Fang and the others.

"Father, brother, sister, San'er is back." Zhang Cheng has always treated Zhang Fang as his biological father, and Zhang Long and Zhang Xin as his biological brother and sister.

When I came back this time, I saw that their cultivation had improved, and their lives seemed to be going well, so I was very relieved.

"You know how to come back, you kid." Before Zhang Fang could speak, Zhang Xin couldn't help it. He went up and gave Zhang Cheng a smack, and then said: "Back then, you flew up directly behind our backs, and returned as soon as you left." Even for several years, I don’t know how much we miss you, it’s really time to fight.”

"Yes, sister, I was wrong. I can't help it. I don't want to see you sad because of me. That's why I made such a move. Don't I want to see you for the last time?" Zhang Cheng quickly explained.

"How do you say that, it looks like I'm about to die... Forget it, I'll forgive you because you are my younger brother." Zhang Xin patted Zhang Cheng on the shoulder, looking very generous. Said like.

"By the way, sister, how are you and the senior who pursued you before? Are you married?" Zhang Cheng suddenly remembered the important events in Zhang Xin's life, and couldn't help asking.

"I want to accept him. That kid died not long after the Wu clan appeared, so this girl is still single." Zhang Long replied.

"So that's the case, sister, we still have a lot of good guys in Daoist alchemy sect, do you want me to introduce one to you?" Zhang Cheng asked.

"You kid is talking nonsense, I'm going to beat someone up." Zhang Xin felt annoyed when he heard Zhang Cheng say that.

"It's been three years, your sister actually has a sweetheart." Zhang Fang on the side has long seen the girl's thoughts, and he has seen everything about how the girl has lived these years. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he He intends to make this matter clear, so as to understand this girl's mind.

"Oh, father, tell me quickly, which son does my elder sister like?" Zhang Cheng asked curiously.

"Father, don't tell me." Zhang Xin glared at Zhang Fang, his face flushed a little, and Zhang Long beside him was also smiling and silent, obviously he had already discovered this matter.

"Okay, I won't say anything, I won't say anything." Zhang Fang said and winked at Zhang Long, who nodded in understanding and said, "Of course it's you, young master."

"Brother, what are you talking about!" Zhang Xin never thought that Zhang Long would tell the matter, and shouted at Zhang Long in a panic.

"You told Dad not to say it and you didn't tell me not to say it. I couldn't help but said it." Zhang Long shrugged, expressing his innocence, but he and Zhang Fang looked at each other behind their backs. A faint smile.

"Sister, do you like me?" Zhang Cheng was also stunned. He didn't think much about it before. After all, they have been together since they were young, and they have always been called siblings, so he didn't think too much.

But recalling all the previous events, it is not difficult for Zhang Cheng to find that Zhang Xin seems to have another kind of affection for him besides his elder sister's affection for his younger brother.

"Who, who likes you, dad and elder brother are joking with you, don't take it seriously." Zhang Xin's face was a little red, and her little heart was also thumping non-stop.

At this moment, she wanted to say "I just like you, how about it", but she swallowed the words again.

After all, they are still brothers and sisters now, and she can see that Zhang Cheng doesn't think about other aspects of their relationship network, let alone whether he likes her or not.

Therefore, she was worried that after she expressed her thoughts, her lover would not be able to make it, and in the end, even her siblings would not be able to make it.

"What if I say I don't believe it?" Zhang Cheng asked seriously.

"I can't believe it. I'm your sister. It's impossible for us to..."

"Girl, don't talk too hard, lest you regret it later." Zhang Fang interrupted Zhang Xin, and then said: "I know you have a burden in your heart, but it's not necessary at all. You should know that you are not brothers and sisters. blood relation."

"But..." Zhang Xin wanted to say something, but after seeing Zhang Cheng, he couldn't say anything.

"San'er, Zhan Tian, ​​Jiang Chang, I don't know if you would like us to get closer?" Seeing that Zhang Xin stopped talking, Zhang Fang put up a red line on his own initiative.


"Of course, this girl is beautiful, tight, and considerate and gentle. I want to decide on this daughter-in-law." Jiang Shang immediately walked over and took Zhang Xin's little hand, looking at Zhang Xin with admiration for his daughter-in-law.

"Father, auntie, please don't force him. I know he has never thought of this before. Instead of forcing him, it is better to maintain the current relationship..."

"Who says I don't want to, sister, no, no, Xiner, as long as you don't mind that I have other women, I will be happy to accept you." Zhang Cheng didn't think about it before because he regarded Zhang Xin as a woman in his heart. I lost my own sister, let alone thought that Zhang Xin would like me.

Now that the matter has come to this point, it is naturally impossible for him to remain indifferent. You must know that Zhang Xin loves herself very much.

I liked her very much before, but at that time it was just the feeling of a younger brother liking a sister, but now this kind of feeling has changed, it is the feeling of a man liking a woman.

"But, I..."

"Okay, since this kid agrees, I don't think you can shirk anymore, unless you don't want to marry him, if that's the case, we won't force it." Xiang Tian couldn't help but interject One word.

"I..." Zhang Xin looked at Zhang Cheng, and didn't know what to say for a while, she was reluctant to reject her, and promised her if she was ready.

"In this way, let the two little dolls chat alone, and we won't get involved." Xuanyuan Wuji walked over at this time and said.

"Okay, then let's withdraw first and leave them some private space. Whether they succeed or not is up to them." Zhang Fang nodded, and after speaking, he gave Zhang Xin a wink, and then joined the crowd out of here.

Soon, only Zhang Cheng and Zhang Xin were left here. Zhang Xin felt a little shy and didn't dare to look directly at Zhang Cheng, just like a little girl who had done something wrong.

"Three... Do you really like me? If you are under the pressure of your elders, you don't have to..."

Before Zhang Xin finished speaking, she felt that her body was wrapped in a warm embrace. At this moment, her heart also felt unprecedented stability, a sweet feeling of calculating was brewing in her heart.

"I really like you. Before, I only regarded you as a sister in my heart, so I thought this relationship belonged to the relationship between siblings. I didn't think about it too much. Now I know, this The relationship is not the relationship between siblings, but the love between a man and a woman, I like you, really, I like you, Xin Er, be my woman." Zhang Cheng said what he wanted to say to Zhang Xin most at the moment if

Hearing these words, Zhang Xin choked up and felt her nose a little sore. For many days and nights, she was thinking about Zhang Cheng, dreaming of marrying him and having children with him, but because of the constraints of ethics and morality, she could only I can bury this feeling firmly in my heart.

At this moment, her sweet dream is about to come true, and the longing and grievances of these years have almost turned into tears. When she came out, Zhang Cheng felt distressed for a while.

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