"Brother, you really misunderstood us. I just arrived. This girl hugged me as soon as she saw me excited, and she just happened to be seen by you. Also, other people don't understand cultivation. Do you know her, do you think she is the kind of casual person?" Zhang Cheng knew that he was a little upset because of this matter, so he explained it quickly.

"So that's how it is." Although Zhang Cheng and they were brothers in the past, Zhang Xiaowei was his wife after all, and no one would feel comfortable if this happened to him.

Hearing Zhang Cheng's explanation, Li Mingwei felt relieved. However, a trace of worry appeared on his face. After all, Zhang Cheng and Zhang Xiaowei used to be a couple. If nothing happened to Zhang Cheng, then Zhang Xiaowei must not be his. So he felt a little bit of pressure in his heart.

"Brother, don't be dazed. Hurry up and find a place. Let's have a good drink. I'm leaving Huaxia in a few days. If I want to meet again, I won't have a chance." Zhang Cheng also looked at it. Out of the worry in Li Mingwei's heart, he smiled and said this.

"Oh, okay, I'll go right away, you guys talk first." Hearing Zhang Cheng's words, Li Mingwei was completely relieved.

It's not that he is stingy, it's mainly because he loves Zhang Xiaowei very much.Zhang Cheng knew him well, so he didn't care about him, while Zhang Xiaowei was a little displeased, feeling that Li Mingwei didn't trust him too much.

But Li Mingwei had already left, so she could only vent her anger on Li Yunyun.

"Well, I should call you uncle." Seeing Zhang Xiaowei staring at him, Li Yunyun was frightened, turned his head away from her, and started talking to Zhang Cheng.

"Hehe, I called your father the eldest brother, so you naturally call me uncle." Zhang Cheng smiled and said.

"Then do you have any gift for meeting? Didn't the elders give the younger generation a meeting gift?" Li Yunyun stretched out his hand and said, "Bring it."

"Yunyun, what do you look like? How do I teach you?" Zhang Xiaowei scolded Li Yunyun when she saw how rude she was.

"It's okay, kid, it's normal to be naughty." Zhang Cheng smiled, and said to Li Yunyun, "I didn't expect to have a girl like you this time, but luckily I was prepared."

As he said that, Zhang Cheng took out a spirit stone, and instantly engraved a defensive formation and an offensive formation in it. Wearing it on his body, it can resist the full attack of the masters of the Mahayana stage, and at the same time, it can also display the power of the masters of the Mahayana stage. full blow.

Once the wearer's life is threatened, these two formations will be activated immediately to ensure the wearer's safety.At the same time, the aura emanating from the spirit stone can also nourish the girl's body, making her immune to all diseases. [ ]

Then he made a necklace out of mithril, put it on the spirit stone, made a pretty necklace, and handed it to Li Yunyun.

And Zhang Cheng's process of making this necklace is like magic again, making Li Yunyun's small eyes sparkle, especially this necklace is crystal clear, like a sapphire, very beautiful, attracting her at a glance attention.

Then he murmured, "Is this really for me?"

"Of course, but you have been carrying it since you asked for it. It has very powerful power." Zhang Cheng smiled, and then helped the girl wear it around her neck.

"Brother Cheng, this gift is too expensive, you should take it back." Although Zhang Xiaowei had never seen any gems, she knew the value of what Zhang Cheng gave her.

"It's nothing, it's just a small gadget." Zhang Cheng waved his hand, Lingshi is dispensable to him, and fairy crystals don't have much effect on him now.

If he was not afraid of causing unnecessary trouble to Li Yunyun, he would not have given her a spirit stone, but an immortal crystal.

"That's right, mom, uncle, this is for me, not for you, why do you want me not to?" Li Yunyun likes this necklace very much, it is simply too beautiful, especially the way Zhang Cheng made it , It's just so handsome.

So he asked: "Uncle, are you a magician? It seems very good, much better than that Liu Qian."

"Hehe, that's it." Zhang Cheng smiled and didn't explain anything.

"Then can you teach me two hands? I like magic very much, but I have never found anyone to teach me." Li Yunyun asked.

"I really can't teach you this." Zhang Cheng shook his head and said.

"Why, why can't you hand it over to me?" Li Yunyun quit and asked.

"Because, your aptitude is too poor." Zhang Cheng joked.

"Uncle, you didn't teach me how do you know that my aptitude is poor, I think you just don't want to teach me." Li Yunyun raised his mouth and said with an ugly face.

"You girl, why are you so indifferent, get out of here quickly." Zhang Xiaowei couldn't bear it anymore, and angrily scolded Li Yunyun.

"Oh!" Seeing that Zhang Xiaowei was really angry, Li Yunyun didn't dare to contradict her. She pursed her lips, gave Zhang Cheng an ugly look, and then walked out.

"Brother Cheng, don't be surprised. This girl has been spoiled by me and Mingwei since she was a child. There is really nothing I can do about her." Seeing Li Yunyun walking out, Zhang Xiaowei sighed.

"It's nothing, I think this girl is quite cute." Zhang Cheng smiled and didn't think anything about it.

"Okay, I've already booked the hotel, shall we go there?" Li Mingwei just came back at this time and said.

"Then let's go." Zhang Cheng nodded, and then a group of people walked out of the orphanage and came to a food stall nearby. Zhang Cheng didn't mind here.

Several people ordered several dishes and several bottles of wine, and drank like this until midnight.

Li Mingwei was drunk, but Zhang Cheng was not drunk at all, but he also pretended to be drunk. The two of them staggered to their home, which was a room in the orphanage.

The room was not big, with two bedrooms and one living room. Usually, the two rooms were the rooms of their husband and wife and Li Yunyun's. But now, Zhang Cheng came, so Zhang Cheng and Li Mingwei slept in the same bed, and Li Yunyun and Zhang Xiaowei slept in the same bed.

After entering the room, Li Mingwei began to cry, telling how much he loves Zhang Xiaowei, Zhang Cheng should not fight him for the balloon, Zhang Cheng should do it again and again, but this guy didn't stop talking, he kept talking.

In a fit of anger, Zhang Cheng clicked on his sleeping point, and he fell asleep.

After seeing Li Mingwei's performance, Zhang Cheng didn't intend to stay here any longer, so he made a few protective necklaces like Li Yunyun's and put them on the table, and then left a letter and appeared in a flash Downstairs, he looked up at the place where they lived, calmed down a little, then turned around and was about to leave.

"Uncle, leaving so late, where are you going?" However, just as he was about to leave, there was a delicate voice behind him, and when he looked back, it wasn't Li Yunyun who it was.

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