{My girlfriend went home today to pick her up. She came back late, but it is still four changes. The remaining three changes will be one chapter and one chapter. It is not stable, so don't wait, everyone, it will be the same tomorrow morning. }

"Not bad, quite good, very much like me back then!" Wang Hai looked at Zhang Cheng's ease in the meeting with everyone, and his eyes could not conceal his admiration.

"Master, please don't praise me. I just bit the bullet." Zhang Cheng smiled awkwardly. To be honest, he was quite satisfied with his performance just now. Anyway, it was the first time he faced such a Many masters can perform at such a level, which is considered extraordinary.

"This is not to praise you. When the head took over, you were not there now..."

"Ahem..." Ji Feng on the side was about to reveal Wang Hai's fault, but was interrupted by Wang Hai's cough. Although he pretended to be indifferent and looked away, the embarrassment on his face could not be escaped. into eyes.

"Hehe, don't talk about these old sesame seeds and rotten millet!" How could Ji Feng fail to see what Wang Hai meant, and I'm afraid that if he continued, the old boy would turn his back on him.If this old boy turns his back on him, then he is really no match for him. After all, he has only comprehended the fifth level of sword intent, but he has already comprehended the sixth level.

You must know that the higher the level of sword intent and cultivation base, the greater the power. Although they are both masters at the beginning of the monarch level, he is not Wang Hai's opponent in a real fight.

Under Wang Hai's eyes of "you're sensible", Ji Feng smiled helplessly, and then said to Zhang Cheng, "Now you are the master of the Sword Sect, unlike in the usual times, every move is implicated in Qingcheng Sword sect and sword sect, so you should pay more attention when doing things in the future."

"I know Master." Zhang Cheng nodded, he was naturally aware of this, just like the ruler of a country, every move represents the face of a country, so he can't do whatever he wants like before.

"En!" Ji Feng nodded, he believed that Zhang Cheng could do all of this well.

"Boy, is there something on your mind?" Seeing that Zhang Cheng was a little distracted and his attention was not on this place, Wang Hai asked.

"Oh, there is one. After I saw Wang Qing'an and the others before, I had a bad feeling in my heart. I was afraid that they would do something that would harm the people around me." Thinking about this matter, when I was talking to them just now, I thought of this matter again, so I was a little distracted.

"That's it!" Hearing what Zhang Cheng said, the two looked at each other, believing what Zhang Cheng said.

One must know that the process of cultivating a monk is the process of comprehending the world. The higher the level of cultivation, the deeper the comprehension of the world. Naturally, one can faintly feel the crisis from the near future through the world.

For those who have cultivated to this level, this premonition often happens, so they take this premonition seriously and understand why Zhang Cheng is distracted.

"Do you think they will harm the people around you?" Wang Hai then asked: "The people around you are nothing more than those girls, as long as they stay in the sect, they will not encounter any danger .After all, they have not yet sneaked into the Qingcheng Sword Sect to commit murder."

"I know this too, and I tried to use this reason to comfort myself, but the ominous premonition still exists, so I think they must have used some method that we don't know." Zhang Cheng guessed .

"A way we don't know?" Ji Feng stared blankly, thought for a while, and because Wang Hai looked at each other, they both saw a trace of confusion in each other's eyes.

"In this case, let's analyze and see what they will do." Wang Hai paused, and said: "For example, we are the three of them, and Wang Qing'an is Zhang Cheng at the moment, what methods can we use to deal with him, or What about the people around him?"

"If this is the case, then the enemy's cultivation is far superior to the few of us, so, I think, the first thing to do is to lure him or the people around him out of the sect, and he can't be noticed by us. intention, and then lure him into the pre-set trap, only in this way can we be sure to hunt him down in one fell swoop." Ji Feng said, but then frowned, "However, how can we lure him out without letting him out?" What did he find out?"

"I'm also inclined to this possibility. However, I think their goal should not be the people around Zhang Cheng, but only him. After all, it is only Zhang Cheng who offended Wang Qing'an and Huang Tian. And at this moment, he has become The head of the Qingcheng Sword Sect, the suzerain of the Sword Sect, and he is on guard against us, so he will not leave easily, and it may not be easy to lure him out." Wang Hai thought for a while.

"Since they can't lure Zhang Cheng out, they can only start with the people around him, but the people around him are all in the Sword Sect, how can they do it, and there is more than one person around him, which one to choose? What? Or, to lure them all out? This seems unrealistic." Ji Feng said.

"I think that if they really want to use people to lure them out, Xuanling may be the most sexual, because she was a disciple of Zhenzong before, and other than her, no one else knows who is around them at all." Zhang Cheng expressed his thoughts.

"This seems reasonable, but what method can we use to lure her out of the Qingcheng Sword Sect?" Both of them fell into deep thought, because they searched their memories, and they never thought that there would be a There is no way to let Xuanling go out, unless she goes out by herself, but that seems impossible.

"Master, master, is there a secret method in the fairy world that can break the law and control others to do something from a long distance?" Zhang Cheng thought of his fifth seal's ability to detect people's hearts and control others at the same time.

Therefore, he suspected that if the other party really wanted to deal with him, there might be such a secret method that could be used, otherwise, it would be impossible for Xuan Ling to submit.

"The secret method of controlling others, let us think about it..." The two of them thought hard for a long time, but they didn't come up with a result. It is a kind of secret method, but we dare not say that there is no such thing. Maybe we have never heard of it. In this way, let the head go to the sixth floor of Qingcheng Jiange to ask the Jiange steward. He knows more and may be able to answer your heart. Confuse."

"That's the only way to go." Zhang Cheng nodded, but no matter what the result was, he had to be cautious about it. If Wang Qing'an and the others really hurt Xuan Ling, then he really couldn't forgive himself.

"In addition, I will send someone to investigate the movements of the three sects to see if they have made any moves recently. If they want to deal with you, they must prepare in advance, and the movements cannot be small. Even if they want to cover it up, they will show a little bit of the truth." Ji Feng said again.

"I'll investigate this myself. I don't want them to know that they are going to deal with me, so it's better not to let them know." Zhang Cheng said seriously.

"Alright, your cultivation base is strong, and with the help of that unicorn, no one can stop you except the king-level master." Wang Hai nodded, and said: "However, you also You can't put all your thoughts on this matter, after all, you are also the suzerain of Jianzong now, and you still need to make decisions about matters in the sect."

"Don't worry, I won't delay my job." Speaking of this, Zhang Cheng thought of another good idea, and said, "Master, I have another suggestion that I want to discuss with you."

"Tell me." Wang Hai also became interested. Zhang Cheng noticed that he had seen it before, so he also became interested when he heard Zhang Cheng say this.

"It's like this. Each of the disciples of Jianzong is very strong, and it is not a problem to leapfrog the challenge. However, I think that every disciple of our Jianzong is a lone ranger. When fighting, they like to charge by themselves. In addition, The gap between sects cannot allow them to trust each other, let alone cooperate..."

"Get to the point!" Wang Hai didn't want to hear Zhang Cheng's nonsense, so he interrupted him.

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