
Zhang Cheng designated a separate space in the magic weapon of space, and reserved it for himself to comprehend the sixth heavy sword intent. After all, the power of "Wu Wang Sword Code" and his own cultivation level surpassed that of Gongyang Xinyue and the others Too many, if they let go of their cultivation, they don't have to continue to stay in the magic weapon of space.

The sixth level of "Wu Wang Sword Code", the number of sword moves has changed, from the previous nine sword moves to eighteen, and each move is not very difficult, and some of them are even different from the previous ones. There is a connection between the moves. When Zhang Cheng practiced, he could clearly feel that those sword moves seemed familiar.

However, this did not affect him to continue to practice. In this way, he continued to perform eighteen sword moves and carefully comprehended the meaning of them.

Zhang Cheng knew that the sixth epee sword intent was something similar to a domain, and once it was cast, it would cover a whole world, in which he was the master.

And the cultivation experience that Wang Hai left for him before was only four words, communicating the world.

"How do we communicate?" Zhang Cheng couldn't figure it out. The lion seal, the third outer seal of his "Maha Mudra of Esoteric Buddhism", possesses this ability. However, using these eighteen sword moves to communicate with the world is a bit difficult It's difficult.

There is no way, he can only practice the eighteen sword moves step by step, over and over again...

Outside, Gongyang Xinyue and the others looked at where Zhang Cheng was practicing over and over again. Although he didn't stop, it was not difficult to see that he only had eighteen sword moves, and his practice was actually non-stop. Repeat these eighteen sword moves.

Lan Yue didn't understand what Zhang Cheng was doing, and asked, "Sister, what is your husband doing? What kind of swordsmanship needs to be practiced like this?"

"I don't know, but his cultivation has reached a level beyond our reach. The swordsmanship he cultivates should not be a simple swordsmanship, although it seems that there are only eighteen sword moves." Xuan Ling was actually a little confused. I don't know if Zhang Cheng is practicing sword.

Although she is not proficient in swordsmanship, she has also practiced swordsmanship. There must be dozens or even hundreds of sword moves in any kind of swordsmanship. However, Zhang Cheng who repeats eighteen sword moves non-stop is still the first See it once.

However, she knew Zhang Cheng's cultivation base, so she naturally felt that these eighteen sword moves were not ordinary sword moves, otherwise, they wouldn't be so difficult.

"I'll try." Lan Yue wanted to see what was so special about this set of sword moves, so she took out her long sword and followed Zhang Chengxue there, but, strangely, a seemingly simple sword move was used by her When it came out, it was extremely difficult, as if the sword body had received great resistance, preventing her from proceeding.

Moreover, even if she managed to show it, compared with Zhang Cheng's, she lacked a lot of things, without that natural and dynamic charm, which is very magical.

"It's really strange, why is it so difficult for me to practice this set of swordsmanship, but my husband seems so easy?" Lan Yue asked puzzled.

"It's because your level is low, so naturally you can't comprehend the essence of this group of swordsmanship, well, don't practice, don't hurt you." Xuan Ling said this to Lan Yue, and then said in his heart: " It seems that the set of sword moves that Zhang Cheng is practicing at the moment is really extraordinary."

"How can a group of movements hurt me, sister, you really know... ah..." Just as Lanyue refused to admit defeat and continued to practice over there, she suddenly felt a powerful force coming down from the world, directly She flew out, and then spat out a mouthful of blood.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Cheng was startled awake by this situation, Yuanshen found Lanyue's situation with a glance, and came behind her in a flash, hugging her.

However, at this moment, Lan Yue was already in a coma, with a trace of blood dripping from the corner of her mouth, and her complexion was pale.

Zhang Cheng was taken aback, and hurriedly poured out a stream of yang essence into Lanyue's body to repair the damage on her body, and then fed her another jingyuan pill to restore the damage to her soul.

After some actions by Zhang Cheng, Lan Yue's face looked a little better, but she still didn't wake up at that time, obviously her soul was severely injured.

Then he walked to Xuanling's side and asked, "Xuanling, what's going on?"

"She just learned how to practice swords from you. She was fine at the beginning, but somehow she was injured." Xuanling didn't know what was going on. Lanyue was also injured suddenly just now, and she didn't even react.

"Nonsense, how can you practice this sword technique? Do you know that if you want to practice it, you must reach the realm of Xuanxian." Zhang Cheng was also taken aback by this situation.

The first level of "Wu Wang Sword Code" requires a Xuanxian to practice, let alone the sixth level.

"I don't know..." Seeing that Zhang Cheng was angry, Xuanling felt a little wronged, but she also knew that Zhang Cheng reacted like this because he was worried about them, so there was nothing wrong with it.

"Okay, Zhang Cheng, this is not the responsibility of Sister Xuanling, who told you not to tell us in advance." Gongyang Xinyue saw that the atmosphere was a little bad, and she gave Zhang Cheng a look.

"Emotions are still my responsibility...well, I made a mistake." Zhang Cheng saw that the girls looked at him with displeasure, so he could only compromise.

"What's wrong with me?" At this time, Lan Yue woke up, but felt a little headache, and her expression was a little listless.

"What's wrong with you, you almost won't see me." Zhang Cheng threatened her.

"How come, I just learned your swordsmanship and practiced... By the way, why did I feel a force hit me just now? Did you do it?" Lan Yue thought it was Zhang Cheng who did it, and glared at him. .

"Heaven and earth conscience, when did I hit you? That's the power of heaven and earth...wait." Zhang Cheng was stunned. Isn't the sixth epee intent to comprehend the world?Seeming to have discovered something, he hurriedly asked; "Lan Yue, how did you cultivate just now, and why was it able to be sensed by the power of heaven and earth?"

"What was sensed by the power of heaven and earth? What do you mean?" Lan Yue didn't understand what Zhang Cheng meant, she just felt that she was dizzy now, and she just wanted to practice "Tantric Mahamudra" to recover.

"It's just...forget it, you should practice first, and wait until you recover." Seeing her in such a distressed state, Zhang Cheng couldn't bear to continue asking, although he was very anxious.

You know, he has practiced swordsmanship so many times, but he doesn't even feel the power of heaven and earth, but Lan Yue feels it so easily. What does this mean?

"Could it be that I'm thinking wrong?" Zhang Cheng was a little depressed. He had always understood this way before.


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