Time flows like running water, and it can't stop. The longer time passes, the more worried Gongyang Xinyue and the others are. After all, if it is really an illusion, the longer you stay, the more trapped you will be. The deeper it is, the more difficult it is to extricate yourself.

It's not that they didn't want to wake him up directly, but that space prevented them from entering, as if there was an invisible wall preventing them.

And they didn't dare to use too much force. After all, what happened before was just a few of them's guesses. They didn't know what Zhang Cheng's current situation was like.

Therefore, I have been spending time with him like this, hoping that Zhang Cheng can wake up as soon as possible.However, the result made them very disappointed.

It's not just Gongyang Xinyue and the others who are anxious at this moment, but Wang Hai and the others are also anxious, because Zhang Cheng has been away for more than three months, and all the people who were sent to the lower realm to establish the sect have returned, so they are now anxious to go to the sword. After all, they have been delayed for a long time, and Jianyu has urged them many times.

Fortunately, Zhang Cheng dumped the mess to them, so he couldn't hide himself.

Before, they also thought about forcibly breaking open this magic weapon of space and arresting Zhang Cheng, but they didn't take action in the end. After all, they all knew Zhang Cheng's character, and it was impossible for him to be so irresponsible.

That is to say, he is now at a critical moment, so he endured it without making a move.



Zhongzhou, Wangyue Zhenzong, Wangyue Hall, Wang Qing'an, Liu Ye and Huang Tian sat in it.

"It's been more than four months, Sect Master Huang, is the formation you mentioned ready?" Wang Qing'an couldn't help asking, the flowers he had been waiting for in the past few months have all withered. If he is not ready, he will be impatient.

"Ten days, give me another ten days. Now that the formation has been completed and is undergoing final adjustments, I don't want these four months of hard work to go to waste." Huang Tian said.

"Ten days?" Wang Qing'an was about to say something when Liu Ye next to him continued, "Sect Master Wang, let's wait another ten days. Anyway, four months have passed, so is there still ten days left?"

"That's good." After listening to Liu Ye's words, Wang Qing'an thought it was the same thing, so he stopped asking, but he was still a little worried, and asked, "However, Sect Master Huang, you decided that you can act after ten days? Don't you?" At that time, it will be postponed for ten days and half a month, then I can't afford to wait."

"Don't worry, Sect Master Wang, after ten days, I promise to give you an explanation." Huang Tian nodded quickly in response.

"Okay, ten days, let that kid jump around for ten days." Wang Qing'an said harshly.

Liu Ye suddenly thought of a strange thing, and said: "However, have you heard that after that kid Zhang Cheng took over as the head, he asked other sects to come to more than 1 disciples, what should they try? I really don't know what he wants to do."

"How could I not have heard of it? I didn't know I had heard of this. The disciple I placed in the Qingcheng Sword Sect also received news that that kid Zhang Cheng had disappeared for several months." Huang Tian replied.

"Whether he is worried about his disciples or disappears for a few months, we can't stop us from killing him. Moreover, we have chips in hand, so we are not afraid that he won't come out. Unless he doesn't want his woman anymore..."



Among the magic weapons of space, a few women stood not far away from Zhang Cheng, looking at Zhang Cheng's back, the worry on their faces was beyond words.

They are really worried now that they will never wake up again, and they really don't know what to do in that case.

Suddenly, the space in front of him shook, and then, a little bit of starlight appeared between the sky and the earth, and then these starlights slowly absorbed energy and strengthened themselves, gradually forming extremely sharp starlight long swords.

"This..." All the girls were amazed, because in their eyes, each of these swords exuded extremely strong power, and there was no doubt that any sword could kill them all.

Then they saw Zhang Cheng's body, which was still moving before, stop. It was so sudden, but so natural. Then, he turned around and looked at Gongyang Xin with a smile on his face. please them.

Then, with a wave of his hand, the flying swords all over the sky dissipated into nothingness, and the invisible barrier that blocked their footsteps also disappeared at this moment.

"I kept you waiting for a long time." Zhang Cheng is in a very comfortable mood at the moment. After these years of direct comprehension with Tiandi, his realm has been improved a lot, and at the same time, his understanding of Tiandi has become more and more in-depth.

At this moment, there is a natural breath in his gestures, as if it should be like this.

Zhang Cheng knew that it was because his realm was not yet stable, so his body would involuntarily integrate into the world. After a while, after he completely absorbed what the world had instilled in him, he could control himself to enter this state.

"Ah—" The girls couldn't control it anymore. For more than 20 years, their hearts have been worried all the time. At this moment, this worry has completely turned into joy, and the feelings of love for more than 20 years have all turned into joy. , directly made them run towards Zhang Cheng out of control, even Xuan Ling, who had always been calm, couldn't help but ran over.

Zhang Cheng hugged them, patted their delicate bodies gently, and comforted their emotional fluctuations caused by great grief and joy. When they were almost comforted, he asked: "Wife, how long have I been in that state?" ?”

"It's been more than 20 years, do you know how we got here all these years?" Ouyang Qianyun replied.

"It's been more than 20 years, so long, I thought it was just a few days." Zhang Cheng entered that wonderful state before, and couldn't feel the passage of time at all. Hearing that he had practiced for more than 20 years, he felt a little surprised . <. "Shangguan Hongyan said dissatisfied. "How should I pay it back?" Zhang Cheng asked.

"Anyway, I don't care, you have to compensate us, otherwise, wouldn't we have been waiting for you for 20 years." Shangguan Hongyan said seriously. <It’s a priceless item, and I don’t know what to exchange for you. If that’s the case, I’ll give you hundreds of millions of projects alone. "

"What project of hundreds of millions?" The girls were puzzled, but they seemed to feel something in their hearts when they saw Zhang Cheng's wretched smile.

"The hundreds of millions of project is to send you a few children!" Zhang Chengcheng hugged Shangguan Hongyan and said, "You brought it up, so let's start with you first."

"No, bastard, let me go..."



After some joy, Zhang Cheng walked out of the magic weapon of space. He remembered that Wang Hai and Ji Feng were still in a hurry to go to Jianyu, but the magic weapon of space had been in the field for more than 20 years, and the outside world would have to take more than three months. This probably made these two old men cry up.

If I don't come out again, I'm afraid they will hate me to death.

"Your boy has finally come out..." Before Wang Hai finished speaking, he felt that Zhang Cheng was different from before, as if he had noticed something, and asked, "Boy, did you realize the sixth epee sword intent?" gone?"

"Hey, I realized it by accident, so it took a little longer." Zhang Cheng smiled and said.

However, when he heard Ji Feng's words, it was not the case. He said angrily, "You kid, you just realized what you said by accident. Where did you put me like this?"

"Uh, this..." Zhang Cheng forgot that Ji Feng hadn't comprehended the sixth heavy sword intent yet.

"Okay, you are talented enough to comprehend the meaning of the fifth epee sword. If you still want to compare with others, don't make fun of yourself." Wang Hai glanced at Ji Feng and said.

"What are you talking about? What's wrong with my talent? No matter how bad my talent is, I'm better than you. At least I found a talented disciple. What about you? You still say me, why do you say me?" Ji Feng quit, sarcastically.

"You bastard, I don't have the same knowledge as you." Then, before Ji Feng could speak, he turned to look at Zhang Chengdao: "Not bad, boy, I have comprehended the sixth epee sword so quickly, it seems that I will entrust the sect to you and me." It's completely reassuring."

"Master, how are those boys being trained?" Zhang Cheng asked.

"That group of boys were tormented enough by the training plan you made, but the effect was great. After entering the special training for the past few months, half of them even broke through to the late stage of the Golden Immortal. In order to let them get a better For the training effect, I separated them to practice." Wang Hai replied.

"Oh, I actually made a breakthrough. This is beyond my expectation." The main purpose of Zhang Cheng's arrangement of this training before was to brainwash them, so as to fully master them.

However, this is even more perfect. After all, Jinxian's late-stage subordinates are always much better than Jinxian's mid-stage subordinates.

"Apart from this, how is his sense of belonging to Jianzong?" Zhang Cheng asked again, because this is the ultimate purpose of his special training.

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