
"Since we're here, let's kill them all..." Zhang Yang saw the figures all over the sky, his face was stern, his eyes showed strong murderous intent, and a powerful force burst out from Zhang Cheng's body.

Then under the watchful eyes of Wang Qing'an and Liu Ye, the space for several miles changed at this moment. They couldn't even feel the power of heaven and earth, and they panicked in their hearts.

However, before they figured out what was going on, they saw long swords resembling stars appearing between the sky and the earth, and the shadows of the swords all over the sky shocked them.

"Sword domain, the sixth heavy sword intent of the Wuwang Sword Code...how, how is this possible?" Wang Qingan was shocked. This move can be said to be Wang Hai's signature method, because the entire Sword Sect understood "Wuwang" back then. Wang Hai is the only person with the sixth heavy sword intent in Sword Code.

However, Wang Hai may have gone to the real sword field now, so no one in the entire Jianzong has mastered the sixth epee sword intent.

Even if there is someone in Jianzong who can master the sixth epee, it cannot be Zhang Cheng, because it has only been so long since Zhang Cheng ascended to the fairy world, even if he was born in the fairy world, it is impossible to comprehend the sixth epee meaning.

They were scared for a while, and they had to know that there was a Jin Hu who was more terrifying than Zhang Cheng beside Zhang Cheng. Zhang Cheng stopped him.

"Kill—" Zhang Cheng yelled violently, and all the sword shadows in the sky and the earth moved at this moment, and the huge murderous intent locked the hundreds of masters of the late Xuanxian who flew over.

In an instant, those late Xuanxian masters who were full of anger also stopped.

They are well aware of the horror of the sixth heavy sword intent. If they rashly enter the attack range of the sword domain, they may have no chance of winning.

So they exchanged glances with each other, and then their positions began to move.

The battle formation, at this moment, only the battle formation can compete with Zhang Cheng's Sword Domain, so they must form a powerful battle formation as soon as possible to resist the sword domain's attacking power.

"Hmph, I just thought of setting up the formation now, don't you think it's too late?" Zhang Cheng snorted coldly, and his body instantly appeared above the group of them. coming to surround them.

Then, Zhang Cheng pointed with his right hand, and the tens of thousands of sword lights in the sky were like rainwater in an instant, drawing a dazzling light in the sky and piercing towards them.

From the outside, the whole space looks like countless meteors passing by, it is very beautiful, but there is a bit of sadness in this beauty.

At this moment, neither Wang Qing'an nor Liu Ye was within the attacking range of Sword Domain. They stood outside and saw this beautiful picture, but they didn't feel the beauty or shock. They were only shocked in their hearts.

Seeing those masters of the formation sect who hadn't had time to join the battle formation being beheaded by Zhang Cheng one after another, a sense of urgency arose in their hearts.

"If this group of people are all killed, what should I do?" This question appeared in Wang Qing'an and Liu Ye's minds at the same time, and they subconsciously crushed their master tokens.

The chance of being the head is sealed in the token of the head. Once the head dies, the token will be broken automatically, and the news of the head's death and the location of death will be transmitted to the sect.

At that time, the entire sect will be shaken, and all masters of the late Xuanxian period who are closed in the sect will immediately dispatch to kill the murderer who killed the sect leader. Huang Tian's death is a good example.

Therefore, the master token is not only a symbol of the master's status, but also a communication talisman for urgently summoning the masters in the sect.

At this moment, although their lives are not in danger for the time being, the masters of the Dan sect and the array sect will notice it immediately if they crush the master token, and then rush here like the masters of the array sect.

However, what they didn't know was whether they could arrive in time, or even if they couldn't arrive in time, they would drag Zhang Cheng to die together.

Zhang Cheng also felt the movement on their side from a distance, but he didn't pay much attention to it.Originally, he didn't intend to kill the two of them, because he knew that although Jianzong was strong, he was not strong enough to fight against the three major sects at the same time. What he did at this moment was to kill chickens and monkeys, and let them know that Jianzong was not It's annoying.

"I have to speed up the pace." Zhang Cheng's heart moved, and he issued an order to Jin Hu to attack and kill the masters of the late stage Xuanxian below, breaking their battle formation.

The golden tiger responded, and then directly turned into a golden light and rushed into the battle formation, breaking the entire battle formation with just its tiger palm.

Zhang Cheng saw the right time, and the long sword in the sky attacked again. In an instant, hundreds of masters of the late stage Xuanxian were seriously injured, but they did not die.

Zhang Cheng didn't want to waste it, so he took out the killing weapon, and took the lives one by one, devouring the yin and yang sources in his body to strengthen himself.

More than 100 masters in the late stage of Xuanxian were all killed, and the yin and yang sources in Zhang Cheng's body also reached a saturation point, unable to continue to accommodate, so he instilled the absorbed power into Jin Hu's body.

Huge power entered Jinhu's body, and was immediately absorbed by Jinhu's Yaodan, and the aura on his body became stronger and stronger.In the blink of an eye, hundreds of masters of the late Xuanxian period became the nourishment for Zhang Cheng and Jin Hu's cultivation, and were completely absorbed.

However, after killing these people, Zhang Cheng also felt a little tired. Although the power of the sword domain is powerful, the energy it needs to consume is also extraordinary. If another group of people come over, he may not be able to deal with it.

However, he didn't dare to show the slightest fatigue, because there were two guys staring at him beside him.

So he turned his head to look at the two of them, because Zhang Cheng had killed hundreds of people just now, his whole body was filled with an invisible evil spirit, which shocked Wang Qing'an and Liu Ye.

"You, you really want to kill us?" Wang Qing'an couldn't help asking.

"I won't kill you, but I want you to swear by your inner demons that you Danzong and Qizong will not participate in this matter." Zhang Cheng looked coldly.

"I swear, I swear." Liu Ye was excited when she heard that she didn't have to die, and quickly swore the oath according to Zhang Cheng's intention.

But Wang Qing'an was a little hesitant, as if he caught a trace of exhaustion in Zhang Cheng's eyes, and his expression was not as scared and nervous as before.

"Why, Sect Master Wang, you don't want to swear?" Zhang Cheng's expression turned cold, and he said, "That means you chose to die?"

"No, that's not what I mean, I just want to know, how did you break through the formation formed by Huang Tian?" Wang Qing'an asked.

"You want to delay the time?" Zhang Cheng's face changed, and he couldn't tell that this guy didn't want to know how he broke the formation, but was just delaying time.

"If you think so, then I have nothing to say, but if you don't answer my question, I won't swear." Wang Qing'an also calmed down at this moment, he knew that Zhang Cheng had killed Huang Tian, ​​and then killed Huang Tian again. With so many masters in the formation, Zhenzong will definitely not give up with Jianzong.

Although many people from the Zhenzong died, these people were just a drop in the bucket compared to the Zhenzong. Once the Zhenzong really mobilized all of them, the Jianzong would not benefit from it.

If they were added to Danzong, then Jianzong would be in a precarious situation.

Therefore, he guessed that Zhang Cheng didn't dare to kill him, or in other words, he bet again that Zhang Cheng was afraid of the strength of Danzong and would not dare to kill him, but he forgot that his bet was his life.

"Okay, then I don't need you to swear." Zhang Cheng's face turned cold, and he came to Wang Qing'an in a flash, and the weapon in his hand pierced Wang Qing'an's chest without warning.

"Why..." Wang Qing'an widened his eyes and looked at Zhang Cheng in disbelief. Only now did he realize that he had made a fatal mistake, which was a wrong estimate of Zhang Cheng, because he found that Zhang Cheng was a Outright lunatic.

And he was actually playing an intellectual game with a lunatic...


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