In the Great Hall of Qingcheng, Zhang Cheng sat on the throne of the sect master, quietly waiting for Liu Ye to arrive, but he was a little confused why this Liu Ye came to him at this time, it seems that Jianzong and their Qizong did not know each other. What cooperation contacts.

As for friendship, that's even more out of the question. Before that, he wanted to know that he was going to die several times before, and it was already extraordinarily merciful for him to spare him.

"Forget it, wait for him to come in and see what he has to say!" Zhang Cheng couldn't figure out what Liu Ye was doing now, so he simply stopped thinking about it, and just leaned on the throne with his eyes closed, waiting for Liu Ye's arrival.

Outside the main hall at this moment, Liu Ye's mood is also quite complicated. After all, he just plotted against Zhang Cheng before, and now he is here to talk about the alliance with him, and he feels very uncomfortable.

Originally, he wanted to meet Zhang Cheng in a more peaceful way, or take Zhen Zong together, so that Zhang Cheng would not look down on him.

However, Ling Hao's attitude made him very depressed, but this matter has been discussed, and it is impossible for him to unite with Danzong. After all, Ling Hao already knows his own thoughts, and it will feel even better to unite with them again. awkward.

Therefore, he can only come to find Zhang Cheng, if it is ugly, it will be ugly.

"Master, the master of Qi Sect has arrived." The disciple said in front of the door.

"Let him in." Zhang Cheng beckoned, then sat up and looked straight ahead.

Liu Ye also came in from the outside at this time. After seeing Zhang Cheng, she couldn't help showing a smile on her face, and shouted: "Sect Master Zhang, long time no see!"

"It's been a long time." Seeing his appearance, Zhang Cheng didn't understand what he was doing here, and asked straightforwardly: "But Sect Master Liu, why did you come back to our Qingcheng Sword Sect? If I remember correctly, you Dan, Array and Qi sects are cooperative relations, so you are not afraid that they will find out and deal with your Qi sect?"

"Sect Master Zhang is right. Our three sects of Dan, Array and Qi are a union. However, Mr. Zhang, you should also be clear that we are just a cooperative relationship, and we will still be on guard against each other. Moreover, the establishment of the alliance in the first place was also for Get greater benefits, otherwise, our three sects will definitely not unite." Liu Ye explained.

"Sect Master Liu, why am I getting more and more confused the more I listen, you came to my Sword Sect to tell me the reason for the union of your three sects?" Zhang Cheng seemed to hear something, but he was not sure.

"Sect Master Zhang is a sensible person, so I won't say dark words. To tell you the truth, the main purpose of my visit this time is to discuss cooperation with Sect Master Zhang. I don't know, Sect Master Zhang is willing to cooperate with you. Shall we form an alliance with Qizong to jointly resist Danzong and Zhenzong?" Liu Ye asked seriously.

"I heard you right, you want to unite with our Jianzong?" Although Zhang Cheng guessed what Liu Ye meant, he was still very surprised after hearing what he said.

You know, the current Jianzong is still at a disadvantage. As long as there are no problems with the three sects of Dan, Zhen, and Qi, it will be difficult for Jianzong to really rise. After all, the current strength of Jianzong cannot overwhelm the three sects.

If it is after the real rise of Jianzong, the alliance of the three sects can only compete with it, he thinks it is normal for Liu Ye to talk about the alliance, but now that they have the upper hand to talk about cooperation, this is really true. It's too abnormal.

"Could it be that they have already guessed that they are going to integrate Jianzong?" Zhang Cheng couldn't help but guess, but at random he denied this possibility, because if they really guessed, then the measures taken would definitely not be what Liu Ye showed In that case, it would be the three joint strikes to stop him.

However, what other reason could allow the head of a sect to make such a decision?He couldn't think of it, let alone figure it out.

"Sect Master Zhang, I know you have a lot of questions now, but no matter what, please don't doubt my sincerity. I really want to join forces with Jianzong to seek a great cause." Liu Ye saw Zhang Cheng frowning over there. , seemed to be thinking about something, and said such a sentence in a hurry.

"Can you tell me your reason?" Zhang Cheng doesn't mind forming an alliance with this Liuye, because the development of Jianzong still needs a lot of time. Don't dare to make mistakes.

Of course, he didn't trust Liu Ye too much. After all, if this guy could betray Danzong and Zhenzong at this time, he might betray their Jianzong in the future.

He even guessed that the willow leaf was probably a trick they set for him, and then gave himself a reasonable peace.

"I have only one reason, that is, I am optimistic about Jianzong." Liu Ye replied seriously.

"Are you optimistic about Jianzong?" Zhang Cheng was startled, he didn't really believe Liu Ye's reason. If he had been optimistic about it earlier, why didn't he join forces with Jianzong until now.

"Yes, but it is better to say that I am optimistic about Jianzong than about you." Liu Ye saw Zhang Cheng's question and replied.

"You like me again?" Zhang Cheng was stunned. Is there anything special about him?Even if there is, it seems that he has not shown anything in front of this guy.

"Before you killed Wang Qing'an, I felt that you were different from others. I saw a powerful energy in you, and at the same time, you have the ability to control this energy. Compared with Wang Qing'an, I am more optimistic about you , That's why I came to you to talk about cooperation at this time." Liu Ye said very sincerely, and Zhang Cheng didn't notice anything wrong.

"Okay, since you have mentioned this point, then I agree with your proposal to unite with your Qi sect, but I have one condition, that is, to disclose the matter of our union immediately." Zhang Cheng said seriously.

Now he doesn't care if this willow leaf is sincere or has other purposes, since you want to ally with us, then I will make it impossible for you to leave again.

After all, once the little news about the alliance between the two sects is made public, no matter whether it is a conspiracy by the three sects or not, it will have no effect, because Liu Ye has already betrayed Danzong and Zhenzong. If they are betraying Jianzong, then their Qizong Don't even think about staying in the fairyland any longer.

"Okay, I just want to prove my sincerity in this way." Liu Ye knew that Zhang Cheng could not trust her, but she was sincere, so she didn't mind disclosing this matter.

"Well, I'll wait for news from Qizong!" Zhang Cheng wanted to see if he really dared to make it public. You must know that once the matter was made public, they would have no possibility of turning back.

"Okay, then I'll go back to the sect and announce the matter immediately." Liu Ye said and was about to go out. Although he also thought that Zhang Cheng would agree to his proposal, he didn't expect it to be so simple. He had thought about it before. In many ways, but all of them are useless.

"Then I will wait for the good news at the Qingcheng Sword Sect." Zhang Cheng smiled and said.

"Farewell!" Liu Ye nodded, then turned around and walked out of Qingcheng Palace with her hands clasped.

"Could it be that he really wants to unite with us?" Zhang Cheng couldn't help but be a little surprised when he saw Liu Ye's eyes showing a sense of relief the moment he turned around.

"Forget it, what are you thinking about? No matter whether he is real or not, only when Jianzong is strong, will he not be afraid of all conspiracy." Jianzong went to the top.



Lingyun Danzong, Lingyun Palace.

"Elder Wu, why hasn't Sect Master Liu of the Qi Sect arrived yet?" Wang Qing'an was a little impatient. It's been a long time, but he hasn't seen Liu Ye yet. Back then, as long as he summoned him, Liu Ye would be the first Come here, what happened today.

"Report to the sect master, the person sent to try to transmit the sound that Sect Master Liu is not in the sect!" Elder Wu said.

"Forget it, don't wait for him, just tell me if you have anything to do." Ling Hao had already come, and he had talked with Liu Ye for a while before, and he was fully aware of Liu Ye's thoughts, and he might have gone now The Qingcheng Sword Sect will come to discuss with them how to deal with Jianzong.

"Sect Master Ling, do you know something?" Seeing that Ling Hao's expression seemed to be hiding something, Wang Qingan couldn't help asking.

"What can I hide..."

"Master, it's not good, master..." However, before Ling Hao finished speaking, he heard a person rushing in from outside.

"Elder Wu, what are you doing? You are yelling in the Lingyun Palace, what a shame." Wang Qing'an's face turned ugly, and he couldn't help but reprimanded him, but he was also a little curious, what could make an elder It became like this, so he asked: "Say, what happened?"

"Master, Sword Sect and Qi Sect have joined together." Elder Wu hurriedly replied.

"What!" Wang Qing'an stood up directly from his seat, with an angry expression on his face. He never thought that Liu Ye would turn against him at this juncture, and couldn't help cursing: "This bastard!"

"Sect Master Wang, forget it, it's useless to talk about the matter so far, let's see how we can reduce the loss as much as possible." Ling Hao was not very surprised by this matter, but he didn't expect Liu Ye's actions to be like this Quick, you know he just talked himself out of it.

"It seems that he wants to use Zhenzong to increase his bargaining chip to join forces with Jianzong. This guy is really amazing." Ling Hao also understood Liu Ye's true thoughts.

"That's all, let him go, such a guy who is not successful enough to fail, if he keeps his legs, it will only hinder him. It's better to get out." Although Wang Qing'an said these words very easily, his eyes were full of hatred. , if Liu Ye was here, he would definitely tear this guy up.

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