{Second update 10:30, and the plan has changed, and the fourth update will start next month. This month, we will deal with the breakup and adjust the status. I am really tired of writing now, and there are still ten days, everyone Wait a little longer, Xiaolong promises that he will not break his promise this time.Visit download txt novel}

With the cessation of the war between Danzong and Jianzong, the fairyland once again restored its previous calm. Although the war did not cause too many casualties on both sides, the victory of Jianzong has already spread throughout the fairyland.

This battle not only allowed Jianzong to win, but also laid the foundation for the strongest sect in the fairy world. For a time, all major forces joined Jianzong, and Jianzong's strength became stronger and stronger.

However, Zhang Cheng, who led Jianzong to this glorious achievement, left quietly, and Li Benqing took over as the suzerain of Jianzong. For a time, various speculations spread in the fairy world.

On this day, the sky in the Immortal World was clear and clear, and everyone was doing unfinished business.

Suddenly, there was a pleasant fairy sound between the heaven and the earth, and a rainbow piercing through the heaven and earth appeared in the sky, as if it was heralding some big event.

Dan Sect Master Wang Qing'an stood in front of the Lingyun Hall, looking at this strange scene, his expression changed involuntarily. He had seen this kind of heaven and earth vision before, and it was the strange scene that appeared when Tian Xuan was promoted to Supreme.

But at this moment, this kind of vision appeared again, which meant that another supreme being was born in the fairy world.

"Who could it be?" Wang Qing'an couldn't help but think of Zhang Cheng in his heart. He felt that the person who broke through to the Supreme might be him, because he was the only one who had just broken through to the Emperor level in the entire fairy world.

But when he thought of this, his expression completely dimmed, and only now did he realize that he was completely incomparable with Zhang Cheng.

They ascended so many years later than me, and they have already broken through to the Supreme Being, but I am still just a Profound Immortal, so how can I compare.

"Hey!" Wang Qing'an shook his head and walked into Lingyun Palace. He seemed to have aged dozens of years in an instant, and his expression became very decadent, as if he had lost the motivation to live all of a sudden...

At the same time, Ling Hao also stood there in a somewhat dejected state in front of the Zongzong Wangyue Hall, feeling very complicated at the moment...

Compared with their two sects, Li Benqing, the current suzerain of Jianzong, and Liu Ye, the suzerain of Qizong, are full of glory, with surprise on their faces. Li Benqing is happy because Jianzong has two supreme masters, and Liu Ye is happy because of the sword The Alliance has one more Supreme.

From then on, Jianzong will truly rise, and no one can resist Jianzong's footsteps. As Jianzong's ally, Qizong will also rise eventually.



Zhang Cheng in the Creation Origin Crystal has not yet fully awakened, but he has released a powerful aura. Even Xia Lingyun and the others feel a little bit of pressure from this aura. One can imagine how powerful he is. .

"It seems that our estimation is not bad. This kid is a blessing in disguise. This opportunity is really not something ordinary people can have." Xia Lingyun sighed for a while.

The previous events were full of dangers. If Zhang Cheng had comprehended the seventh seal of the Supreme King Seal later, or earlier, the consequences would have been different.

Looking back now, they all feel scared.

"Yeah, I think the Supreme might not be his limit. Maybe there will be a saint in our plane. In that case, it shouldn't be difficult for our plane to enter the top ten." Ming Ye also sighed. One sentence.

In the three thousand great worlds, the nine planes ranked first all have the existence of saints, even if there is no supreme among them, no one can shake their status.

And the benefits obtained from the promotion of the ranking are naturally very huge, even the Supreme can hardly resist such benefits.

However, it is not so easy for a saint to break through. Judging from the data that there are only nine saints in the three thousand worlds, it is not difficult to imagine the difficulty.

"Don't think too much about it. It's already pretty good to be among the top [-]. As for the rest, let nature take its course." Xia Lingyun also felt this way, but he understood the difficulty of becoming a saint, so he didn't dare to embrace too much now. Big expectations, as the saying goes, the higher the expectations, the greater the disappointment.


This time it was no longer the space that vibrated, but the entire source crystal of good fortune. Afterwards, a dazzling light burst out from the source crystal of good fortune, making it difficult for people to see what happened in it.

Afterwards, the dazzling golden light disappeared instantly, and Zhang Cheng, who was still being baptized in it, had withdrawn from the Creation Origin Crystal at this moment.

However, at this moment, he has maintained the appearance of sitting upright in the private box in the Creation Origin Crystal, his eyes are slightly closed, and he has no intention of waking up.

Time passed by every minute and every second, which made Xia Lingyun's heart rise to the top of their throats. While paying attention to the movement of Creation, they observed Zhang Cheng's condition.

"What's the matter? Why hasn't he woke up yet?" Tianxuan was a little worried. According to their experience, they would wake up immediately after coming out of the source crystal of good fortune, but Zhang Cheng had been out for a long time, but still There is no intention of waking up.

Therefore, he couldn't help but associate it with the punishment of good fortune, wondering if it was because of the punishment that Zhang Cheng could not wake up, if that was the case, it would be terrible.

"Wait a little longer, don't worry." Although Xia Lingyun was also a little anxious, but this kind of thing cannot be solved in a hurry, so he could only comfort him with the impatient feeling in his heart.

"But..." Tianxuan also knew that they couldn't help Zhang Cheng at this moment. Although he was very worried, he could only wait quietly.



Jianzong, on Mount Qingcheng.

"Sister, what does this vision in the sky mean? Why do I feel like something is about to happen? Also, where is my husband? Why hasn't he come to see us for so long?" Lan Yue looked at the rainbow in the sky , and the ubiquitous Xianyin, I was a little curious.

This question was also what Gongyang Xinyue and the others wanted to ask, so they all pricked up their ears.

"I don't know. It's the first time I've seen this kind of vision, but it should have some special meaning. As for where my husband has gone, I don't even know. I've been staying with you these days. You don't know, how could I know!" Xuan Ling shook her head and replied.

"This scoundrel, just don't care about bringing us to the fairy world. When I see him, let's see how I deal with him!" Shangguan Hongyan said with a displeased face.

"Sister, I think it's not you who punished him, but he who punished you." Xia Hou Wan'er joked.

"Sister Wan'er, what are you talking about? Anyway, we can't let him go lightly this time, otherwise, he will become more and more wild in the future, and I can't control him anymore. Sister Xinyue, what do you think?" Shangguan Hongyan knew that she could not do it alone, so she called on them to join them. Only in this way can Zhang Cheng know how powerful she is.

"Well, I have to let him know how good he is. I'll leave this matter to you." Ram Xinyue nodded seriously, but then kicked the ball back.

"Ah, what should I do? Sister Xinyue, stop joking. It's not like you don't know that they don't listen to me. I think you and Sister Xuanling will do it. You are the big sisters." Shangguan Hongyan Hastily shook his head.

"You came up with this idea, so of course you have to do it. Also, don't worry, we will listen to you, right?" Ouyang Qianyun laughed.

"Then let Sister Xin make arrangements, he listens to you the most, doesn't he!" Shangguan Hongyan saw that they had lost all confidence, so she quickly pulled Zhang Xin out as a shield.

"He is listening to me, but I don't think there is any problem. If you want to punish him, you should do it. Don't worry, I will listen to you." Zhang Xin knew that Zhang Cheng was doing business, so Naturally, there would be no thought of punishing him.

But Shangguan Hongyan takes the lead, so she can play with her.

"That's right, I think you don't need anyone else, just do it yourself." Xia Kexin laughed.

"That's right, that's right, we all listen to you." Gu Linglong agreed.

"You, you... Forget it, I don't care about it!" Shangguan Hongyan could see that it was an agreement between them, and they used themselves as gunmen. Are you such a stupid person?

But seeing their half-smiles, I thought to myself: "Okay, I'll be a silly girl."

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