Alien Madness

Chapter 78 Cut off one arm

{Wow, I have more than 900 collections, and I will add more if there is only one hundred left. Work hard, everyone. }

"Secondly, as an elder, you attacked me indiscriminately. Even if you are anxious about your apprentice, with your cultivation, can't you save him without hurting me?"

Zhang Cheng didn't give Master Bishui a chance to speak at all, and interrupted her to continue: "Also, it's not enough to sneak attack once, but also sneak attack me a second time, and the second attack was even harder, just trying to put me in the wrong place." Damn, I just want to ask you, is this something an elder should do? What qualifications do you have to say that about me? "

Speaking of this, Zhang Cheng saw that Master Bi Shui was already close to madness, and his eyes were fixed, intending to add more anger, and said: "If I were you, I would have committed suicide a long time ago, so as not to embarrass myself again."

"You, you, you..." Master Bi Shui was so angry that he couldn't say a complete sentence for a long time.

"What about me? You don't respect your elders, you don't think about your disciples, and you are not worthy of being a master. You are dark and narrow-minded. You attack the juniors sneakily. You are not worthy of being an elder. What qualifications do you have to say about me?" Zhang Cheng was not to be outdone.

Although he has not recovered from the severe injury he received at this moment, he can barely stand up, and the true energy in his body has been straightened out by him.

At the same time, he took out the magic talisman that sealed three powerful attacks from the storage bracelet, held it tightly in his hand, and a wave of spiritual energy was activated in it. As long as Master Bishui dared to make a move, he would not hesitate at all .

"I, I'm going to kill you—" Master Bi Shui was really pissed off at the moment, since she was still practiced, she was still belittled and degraded to nothing, which made her feel more uncomfortable than killing her.

In desperation, she had no time to think about other things, and she was about to kill Zhang Cheng on the spot.

"No..." Ouyang Qianyun saw Bi Shui's real person making a move, and wanted to stop it, but how could she stop it.

"Hmph, it's not that easy to kill me." Zhang Cheng no longer hesitated, and immediately activated the magic talisman Dan Chenzi handed over to him, and a terrifying coercion emanated from the magic talisman in his hand.

The disciples of the Bixia sect seemed to have no resistance in the face of this powerful force, and were instantly stunned. Even Master Bishui's expression changed suddenly after feeling this powerful oppressive force, as if he felt something terrible Like something, the body suddenly stopped, and then fled to the side.

"If you want to kill me, you have to realize that I will kill you, old woman." Zhang Cheng did not forget to scold her at this time, and then the radiant talisman flew out of Zhang Cheng's hand and floated in mid-air among.

Suddenly, a spiritual power emanated from the talisman, and then firmly locked the fleeing real Bishui.


At the same time that this spiritual power locked onto Bi Shui, a sword energy condensed to the extreme swayed out from the talisman, and passed through Bi Shui's body in the blink of an eye, and then Bi Shui fell from the sky Life or death is unknown.

After piercing through Bi Shui's body, the sword energy continued unabated. It directly sliced ​​through the middle of a building in front of him, and then sank into the nearby mountain peak, leaving a bottomless sword mark.

At the same time, in a retreat of the Bixia Sect, a woman covered with a white veil seemed to feel something, suddenly opened her eyes, and then disappeared in a flash.

"Suck—" Seeing this, Zhang Cheng couldn't help but gasped. Although he had expected the power of the attack sealed in the talisman, he was still shocked when he saw it with his own eyes.

After all, he had never seen such a terrifying power when he was on the earth. I am afraid that only missiles can compare with him.

After the talisman stimulated this sword energy, the light on it slowly restrained, and then returned to its previous appearance. It looked like a piece of paper, very ordinary.

Zhang Cheng carefully put away the talisman, then helped Ouyang Qianyun up, instilled a non-attribute true energy into her body, and she woke up after a while.

When she opened her eyes and found that Zhang Cheng was safe and sound for the first time, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Brother Zhang Cheng, you are fine, that's great."

"Don't worry, my master gave me a secret weapon before I came to find you. If that old woman of your master wants to kill me, she still has to practice for 100 years!" Zhang Cheng said angrily.

"Ah, how is my master now?" Hearing what Zhang Cheng said, Ouyang Qianyun remembered that Zhang Cheng was fine, so her master must be injured, so she asked.

"I don't know, I should be dead!" Zhang Cheng just took back the magic talisman and didn't bother with Master Bishui, only caring about Ouyang Qianyun. What's more, Bishui only has a mid-Gold Core cultivation base.

"Ah, this..." Ouyang Qianyun was startled, and quickly stood up to look around for Master Bishui.

How can I say that Master Bishui is also her master, although she did not do well in this matter with ASRock, but in general, she is still good to herself, so when she heard that Master Bishui might be killed, She is so nervous.

"Why, do you think she killed me?" Seeing Ouyang Qianyun's nervous look, Zhang Cheng asked angrily.

"No, of course I don't want brother Zhang Cheng to have an accident, but I also don't want my master to have an accident. In fact, she is not as bad as you said!" Seeing that Zhang Cheng was a little unhappy, Ouyang Qianyun quickly explained.

"I don't know if she's bad or not. There's no need to care about her now. She's dead anyway. What are you going to do now? Leave here with me, or stay in this ghostly place?" Zhang Cheng was really right. There is no confidence in this place. Anyway, he has already found a sect for his eldest brother and second sister, and she is not bad.

"This..." For a moment Ouyang Qianyun was in a dilemma. After all, her family had business contacts with the Bixia faction. If she left, she was worried that it would affect her family, so she didn't know what to do for a while. Decide.

"Cough cough..." At this moment, there was a rush of coughing sound from a distance, following the sound, I saw Master Bi Shui standing up.

"How is it possible?" Zhang Cheng was stunned for a moment, unable to believe it was true.

After all, his master is a master at the fusion stage, and even a master at the distraction stage would have to finish off with one blow from him, so how could she be fine at the golden core stage.

However, he soon discovered that Master Bi Shui was not all right, at this moment she was covering her left shoulder with her right hand, and upon closer inspection, it turned out that her entire arm had been severed by Qi Gen.

However, his master's full-strength blow actually cut off only one arm of Master Bishui, which is unreasonable.

"Just when Zhang Cheng was puzzled, Ouyang Qianyun explained: "This is the sealing method my master knows. It can seal fatal injuries into a part of the body, and then chop it off Can save lives. "

"No, there is such a powerful skill? Then if she has this skill, no one can kill her?" Zhang Cheng was stunned. He never thought that this clear water would have such a powerful life-saving skill. Law.

"How can it be so powerful? This kind of kung fu is very expensive to use. Once it is used, the cut off parts will never grow back. Even if you reach the Nascent Soul stage or find any pills, it can't be changed. Moreover, the cultivation base is not enough. have to be affected." Ouyang Qianyun replied.

"Really? However, losing an arm and some cultivation bases is nothing compared to your life. By the way, do you know this technique? Let's learn from each other in the future." Zhang Cheng took a fancy to this technique. tactic.

If you have mastered this technique, you don't have to worry about getting caught in the face of a master, at least you can pretend to be dead.

"No, Master, she said that only those above the golden core stage can practice the martial arts, and the cost is too high, so she didn't pass it on to us." Ouyang Qianyun said.

"Forget it, but it's cheap for her to lose only one arm." Zhang Cheng's original intention was to wipe out Bishui. Plans were disrupted.

Although the talisman still sealed the same two attacks as before, they were his secret weapon, wasting a blow on Bi Shui was already flattering her, and he couldn't bear to give another blow.

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