{Second at eleven o'clock, I am still in a bad mood, please forgive me. :Reading novels}

In Jianzong's residence, on Mount Qingcheng, Zhang Cheng appeared out of nowhere outside the women's room. Hearing the sound of frolicking, a smile appeared on Zhang Cheng's face.

But after thinking about it, if I can't reach the realm of saints before the end of this era, then they will leave me forever.

As for the matter of making them become supreme, Zhang Cheng hadn't thought about it, but he was a little disappointed by the previous events. After all, this supreme is not something you can achieve with hard work, and you must be recognized by nature.

And although there are not many of his women, there are also many, and it is impossible for all of them to be recognized by nature. Therefore, he must reach the realm of saints as quickly as possible. Only in this way can he be sure that nothing will go wrong.

After sorting out his mood for a while, his expression also straightened up, showing a smile, and then he pushed open the door and walked in. He didn't intend to tell them about this, as it would only make them worry in vain.

"Who is it?" The girls noticed that the door was opened, but they didn't feel anyone approaching. They were startled, but after seeing that it was Zhang Cheng, the girls breathed a sigh of relief, and then got up and walked over. .

"Husband, tell me the truth, are you looking for a sister for us again?" Shangguan Hongyan's face was full of embarrassment.

"How is it possible, I don't have that skill." Zhang Cheng was depressed for a while, thinking to himself, could he be so lustful?But when he saw the beauties in the room, he sighed and said in his heart, "Okay, I'm lustful."

"Husband, why do I feel that you are different today from before?" Xuanling has the highest level of cultivation and is also the calmest, so she discovered this immediately, but she couldn't tell exactly what was wrong.

"I was discovered by you!" Zhang Cheng smiled, but he didn't expect Xuanling to be so sensitive. She discovered him just after he came in. Originally, he wanted to surprise them.

"Really!" At this time, several other women also noticed this, among them Ouyang Qianyun was particularly surprised, and asked: "Husband, what is going on, and where have you been?"

"Before I say it, you have to be fully prepared, otherwise, you will be frightened." Zhang Cheng laughed.

"What's the matter, tell me quickly." Gongyang Xinyue's appetite was also whetted, and she said anxiously.

"Okay, let me say. Your husband is now... the supreme." Zhang Cheng replied.

"Supreme?" Everyone was stunned, and it took a while before they laughed: "Che, this joke is not funny at all. How long have you broken through to the emperor level? How could you break through to the supreme level? Don't make fun of us."

"I, I have really become the supreme!" Zhang Cheng thought of their surprised looks, and also thought of their surprised looks, but he never thought that they would suspect that he was joking. Does his serious look seem to be joking? ?

"Okay, man, it's not that we don't believe it, but it's impossible. If the Supreme can break through so easily, then there won't be only seven Supremes in the entire fairy world." Lan Yue waved her hand, how could she not Can't believe it's true.

After all, Zhizun's status in the fairy world is too high. If Zhang Cheng is Zhizun, then they are the wife of Zhizun, which is more honorable than the queen, so they can't believe it.

"Okay, okay, since you don't believe it, I'll let you believe it." Zhang Cheng knew that if he didn't do something to prove it, it was impossible for them to believe it.

As he said that, his heart moved, and he brought the girls to the battlefield of Qiankun.

"Husband, what is this place?" Gu Linglong didn't feel any strength just now, but felt that she came here when the scenery in front of her eyes changed. To be honest, she was frightened by Zhang Cheng's methods.

In the past, she knew that her husband was very powerful, but she never thought that he was already so powerful.

"This is the Qiankun battlefield, don't you guys not believe me, then I'll let the other Supremes tell you if I've really made a breakthrough." Zhang Cheng had planned to do something to convince them before, but after thinking They found that they really had nothing to prove, after all, they had never seen Supreme's methods.

Therefore, he thought of asking Xia Lingyun and the others to testify for himself. Although this was a bit funny, he really had no choice.

"Eighth brother, are these younger brothers and sisters?" While speaking, seven people appeared in the center of the Qiankun battlefield, and they were exactly Xia Lingyun and the others.

"Brothers, you are here, tell them quickly, have I already broken through to the Supreme!" Zhang Cheng saw Xia Lingyun and the others, as if he had seen a straw, he immediately rushed over, with aggrieved expression on his face.

"Okay, you can be regarded as the supreme of the fairy world anyway, what do you look like?" Xia Lingyun couldn't help saying this when seeing Zhang Cheng's appearance, then looked at Xuanling and others and said: "Sisters and sisters, the eighth brother said That’s right, not long ago, he broke through to the Supreme.”

"Are you really the Supreme?" The girls were a little surprised, and now they realized the truth of this incident, but the shock of this incident was too great, and their little hearts couldn't accept such a big deal for a while. load.

"I'm afraid there is no need to hide this?" Xia Lingyun laughed.

"This..." The girls realized that their hearts were about to jump out.

"Now you should believe it!" Zhang Cheng asked proudly.

"I believe it, I believe it, but I feel like I'm dreaming, which is too unbelievable." Although the girls were heartbroken, the stimulation or shock to them was too great.

"Eighth brother, I'm afraid it's not good for us to stay here. Are you going to take them back, or should we make room for you?" Ming Ye joked.

"I'm still going, how can I let my brothers go." As he said, Zhang Chengcheng brought them back, but they still didn't calm down, and the words "I'm shocked" were still written on their faces. ".

"Wake up, the Supreme is not a big deal, the saint above is amazing, you will do this again when I become a saint." Zhang Cheng was a little speechless, and the reactions of these girls were too violent.

"Forget it, let me help you relax, let's go." Zhang Cheng smiled lasciviously and waved, and the girls and him disappeared in place. Soon there was a series of screams and shocks in the inner room. voice.



After the wind stopped and the rain rested, Zhang Cheng gave each of them a wet kiss, and then left here, came to Qingcheng Palace, arranged the things that had not been arranged before, and completely handed over the things in his hands to Li Benqing.

Then he returned to the room again, and for the next period of time, he accompanied Gongyang Xinyue and the others. Anyway, he was free now, and only occasionally went to the Qiankun Battlefield to communicate with Xia Lingyun and the others.

For the rest of the time, he just refined the many memories in his mind, understood a lot of truths, and his strength also improved rapidly without knowing it.

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