{The next chapter, the fall of the saint, will be updated at ten o'clock.welcome to read }

"Haha, good time, you can be considered a man if you fight with me for real." The big man laughed, and the giant ax, which was bigger than his whole body, was retracted very easily and blocked himself. forward.

Zhang Cheng was also surprised when he saw his movements so fast. After all, the huge ax didn't look light, and he was surprised that he could use it so easily, as if it didn't have any weight.

With a sudden step on the giant ax with both feet, he jumped up with the force of the rebound, and with a heartbeat, the sun disc appeared under his feet, and with the help of the sun disc, his trajectory was shifted, and then he rushed towards the giant man again .

"Hmph, boy, you really think of me as a persimmon." Seeing that Zhang Cheng attacked him again, the big man felt slightly annoyed, and slashed at Zhang Cheng with an ax in one hand.

At the same time, his left hand was also free, ready to make up a palm at any time.

Seeing him like this, Zhang Cheng's heart skipped a beat. He secretly sighed that the opponent had rich combat experience, but he was not bad either. With his hands folded in front of his chest, the sixth seal was issued. In an instant, his whole body disappeared into nothingness together with his breath.

"Huh?" The big man was taken aback by this sudden change. You must know that Zhang Cheng's disappearance was too sudden. He had locked onto this person firmly before, but he disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye. It is really unimaginable. .

"I'm here." As soon as he spoke, Zhang Cheng had already come behind the big man. The weapon in his hand was placed across the big man's shoulder. move.

"I...I lost." Although the big man didn't want to admit it, he knew very well that if Zhang Cheng had intended to kill him before, he might not have put a knife on his neck, but cut off his head directly up.

It's just that what he couldn't figure out was why Zhang Cheng was able to escape from his own lock, and he felt a little aggrieved. After all, it was only a few moves, and he lost, so don't be too ashamed.

"Is there no need for our two planes to continue fighting now?" Zhang Cheng asked.

"Stop, everyone stop." The big man understood what Zhang Cheng meant, and shouted at the people who were still fighting hard over there. At this time, the people over there also noticed the situation here, and stopped fighting one after another. to the side of the two.

"Eighth brother, well done." Xia Lingyun didn't expect Zhang Cheng to defeat this person so quickly. You know, they suffered a lot last time.

"It's just luck." Zhang Cheng smiled, feeling a little embarrassed.

"What kind of luck, skills are not as good as others, willing to bet and accept defeat, if you want to kill, you have to be respectful." The big man is also a tough guy. Although they have already been defeated, it is not so easy for Zhang Cheng and the others to insult themselves.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you. As long as you withdraw from the battlefield, I will naturally not embarrass you." Zhang Cheng shook his head. He still likes this big guy. He is a strong man with no crooked intentions.

"Okay, but before you leave, can you tell me your name, if there is a chance, I will come to you to discuss it again." The big man said.

"Of course, my name is Zhang Cheng. You are welcome to come and discuss with me at any time." Zhang Cheng smiled, but he didn't hide this person. Maybe he could become good friends with him.

"My name is Hu Yanzan, remember my name, next time I won't lose so thoroughly, let's go." Saying that, a group of ten people left the Qiankun Battlefield.

"It seems that the eighth brother is a little scared of beating this guy. Next time I won't lose so thoroughly. I have no intention of winning!" Yue Yang said a little funny.

"It's no wonder that each seal of the Supreme King has extremely powerful power, especially after reaching the Supreme, these abilities will be improved exponentially. As long as you use it well, you can completely achieve the purpose of defeating the enemy. It's a pity, We can't cultivate, otherwise the strength of our plane will reach a new height!" Xia Lingyun sighed a little.

"No, big brother, haven't I already agreed with you to practice?" Zhang Cheng didn't understand what Xia Lingyun meant. He remembered that he had told them to let them practice as early as a few years ago.

"Eighth brother, you don't know something. This Supreme King Seal is really weird. After the cultivation level reaches Supreme, you can't practice the first five seals. Without the understanding of the first five seals, you can't comprehend the sixth seal, let alone the later ones. I mentioned it." Xia Lingyun also said with some regret.

"There is such a thing!" Zhang Cheng was also a little surprised. This exercise has such a restriction, which is really ironic.

"Maybe it's because we have no fate with the Supreme King's Seal." Tian Xuan also sighed, and he could only sigh for this exercise.

"Forget it, don't think about it, continue to challenge, as long as you can enter the thousand and five hundred, the rewards you get can make up for this shortcoming." Xia Lingyun said.

"Yes, continue..."



This battle lasted for a long time. Relying on the powerful ability of the Supreme King Seal, Zhang Cheng led Xia Lingyun and the others into the top 310 in one fell swoop, and the ranking was much earlier than expected, reaching the [-]th place name.

Among the eight planes of Di 310, there are a total of twenty Supreme Beings. Although the number is not very large, almost everyone has a Supreme King Artifact.

Although Zhang Cheng's strength is very strong, it is absolutely impossible for him to defeat so many people who have the supreme king weapon by himself, so their journey of conquest has come to an end for the time being.

In Immortal Realm, Qiankun Battlefield, a huge black vortex appeared, and then eight figures were thrown out of it, each with injuries all over their bodies, which was almost the same as the previous one.

However, at this moment their faces are full of excitement, because they have finally reached the top [-], and the next reward...

When they thought of this, their hearts were filled with excitement. These rewards could at least give each of them a Supreme King Artifact.

At that time, their power on this plane will reach a new height, and when the next Qiankun battlefield opens, it is very likely that they will advance to the top three hundred.

"Eighth brother, I really should thank you this time. Without your joining, we probably wouldn't be able to pass this hurdle this time." Xia Lingyun was lying on the ground, and he had no strength left to thank him at this moment.

"Brother, what are you talking about, we are one body, we are all prosperous, and we are all damaged. I am just doing what I should do. Besides, without you, we would not have achieved such a good result." Achievements." Zhang Cheng also sighed a little, he didn't expect their rankings to improve so quickly, so it seems that their future prospects are even greater.

"However, the supreme base of our world is too small. I think that no matter how hard we try, we can only reach more than 200 people. It is impossible to go forward. Therefore, we still have to develop the following people as much as possible. As long as there are a few more supreme beings, there will be no problem." Zhao Shan sighed.

"Second brother is right, but the current situation in the fairy world has been messed up by the eighth brother, and the rise of Jianzong is probably a certainty. Unless we directly intervene, otherwise, there will be no effect at all." Wang Wang Yue said.

"Fourth brother, I didn't know that the three sects suppressing Jianzong together was a plan made by you guys. Besides, as the suzerain of Jianzong, I didn't want to find a way to make Jianzong strong, but I had to watch helplessly. Can our Sword Sect continue to decline?" Zhang Cheng felt a little innocent.

"I also know this. The main reason is that if this situation continues to develop, it will have a great impact on the prospects of our plane. I think we should suppress the development momentum of Jianzong. What do you think?" Wang Yue asked. .

"I don't think it's necessary. Didn't the three sects of Dan, Zhen and Qi jointly oppress Jianzong before? Then just take advantage of this opportunity, and the three sects jointly suppress Danzong. Let's see if Danzong can come back to life after its prosperity and decline. How many more will there be?" For emperor-level masters, as long as the base number of low-level masters is high, the possibility of becoming supreme will increase a lot, what do you think?" Hong Lie thought for a while.

"I agree, using the hearts of all the disciples of Danzong to make them have a belief that if you don't succeed, you will be benevolent should have some effect." Ming Ye hurriedly responded.

"That's all right, kid, you have no part to participate in this matter." Everyone knew very well that if it wasn't for Zhang Cheng's "troubleshooting", it would be his Qizong who was oppressed this time.

It is not Qizong who is under pressure now, so he is naturally happy.

"No, my good brothers, don't be like this. Didn't the three mention it, and I didn't bring it up." Ming Ye said a little depressed.

"Okay, this matter is settled like this, fourth brother, fifth brother, you go and arrange it so that Zhenzong will also form an alliance with Jianzong, and we don't have to deal with the rest, just let nature take its course." Xia Lingyun waved He waved his hand and settled on this suggestion.

"Okay, let's make arrangements after a short break." Wang Yue and Yue Yang nodded and said.


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