Tian Lingzi's words were like a thunderbolt in everyone's hearts, just for a moment, all of them's hearts were raised, and for a long time, needles could be heard on the huge battlefield of the universe.

Zhang Cheng was particularly shocked, because he had just been promoted to Supreme and had never met a saint, so in his heart, he raised the image of a saint to a very high level.

But at this moment, Tian Lingzi actually said that the saint died, and seven of them died together, which made him hard to believe.

However, he knew that Tian Lingzi didn't dare to joke about this kind of thing, that is to say, it was true, but could they resist the existence that could kill the seven saints?

Although he was surprised, he was not in a hurry, because he knew that next, the Tian Lingzi would tell them the reason for all this.

"I know everyone is shocked. To be honest, when I found out about this, it was hard for me to believe it, but it is the truth." Tian Lingzi paused, and then said: "Actually, as early as the last era , a huge wormhole appeared on my primordial plane, which looked like a whirlpool. At the beginning, this wormhole was only the size of a palm, so neither the saints nor us paid much attention to it. But as time went by As time goes by, the scope of this wormhole is getting bigger and bigger, and there is also an extremely powerful attractive force in it, which seems to swallow the entire Primordial Plane."

"Then may I ask if you have sent someone in to investigate? Also, why didn't you tell us until now?" Someone interrupted Tian Lingzi and asked.

Others were also very curious about this question, and they all pricked up their ears to listen.

"Of course we sent people in, but the people who went in never came out again. As for why I didn't tell you until now, it was mainly because of the order of the sage. At this moment, the sage has been killed by the toxin in this wormhole, so I just Call everyone together to discuss countermeasures." Tian Lingzi said.

"Toxin? What toxin?" Someone asked.

"To be honest, I really don't know what this toxin is. I only know that once someone touches this toxin, it will become a bloodthirsty demon, invulnerable to weapons and guns, and its strength will increase dramatically. If it bites When it arrives, it will become the same existence as it, just like a zombie." Tian Lingzi replied.

"Is there such a thing? How was the saint killed?" Zhang Cheng couldn't help asking.

"Because one of the saints was unprepared, he was poisoned by this poison. Later, several saints fought against him, but the poisoned saint was extremely powerful. After fighting for a period of time, four of the nine saints were restrained by him. , and became the same existence as him, and the rest of the saints restrained him and chose to perish with him." Tianlingzi had a look of respect on his face when he said this, and he felt sincere admiration for the sacrifices of the saints.

"Since the sage has contained the toxin, why do we need to come here?" Someone asked in confusion.

"You may have misunderstood me. I just said that the remaining four saints chose to perish with them, but this poison was not contained, because this poison had already spread in the primordial plane before infecting the saints. Come on, so, I hope everyone will help us to completely remove this toxin, otherwise, once this toxin spreads, the three thousand planes will face a catastrophe." Tian Lingzi said.

"This..." The Qiankun battlefield became a little noisy for a while, because this situation was beyond their previous expectations. When they thought of the poison that even a saint could be infected with, they felt a chill in their hearts.

But they also knew that, just as Tianlingzi was right, once this poison spread, there would be no place for them in the three thousand planes.

"Then, what are the characteristics of this toxin, what is the strength of the infected person, how can it be eliminated, and besides being bitten by the infected person, is there any other possibility of being infected?" Zhang Cheng At this moment, there is a feeling of coming to the world of biochemistry. The so-called toxin sounds like a "t" virus, but the "t" virus that can even be infected by a saint is scary when you think about it.

However, as long as the characteristics of this toxin are mastered, it is not difficult to eliminate it.

"At present, this kind of toxin can only have an effect on people after reaching a certain concentration. That is to say, it will only be infected when it is close to the wormhole. We also understand how to kill it. Only by restraining it and then burning it with real fire can it be eliminated. As for the strength of the infected person, um...it should be a level added to the original. Speaking of the way of infection, we only know so far We don’t know if there is any other way to be infected.” Tian Lingzi didn’t expect Zhang Cheng’s question to be so level, covering almost all the content he wanted to say next, but this is also Saved him a lot of time.

"Then how many people are infected now?" Zhang Cheng asked again.

"The specific figures haven't been estimated yet. I can only say many, many, and there are still many emperors and supremes who have been infected. If you want to win it, it's not enough to rely on our primordial plane's supreme. Give a helping hand." Tian Lingzi cupped his hands at everyone, to be honest, he has no other choice now.

If this poison continues to spread, the Yuanshi Plane will become a dead zone sooner or later.

If it really got to that point, even if he died, he would not have the face to see those saints who died.

"Fellow Daoist, you are welcome. It is no longer your family's business that this matter has developed to such a point, but the common responsibility of our three thousand planes. Don't worry, we will definitely try our best to help you solve this matter." Everyone They all responded.

They also knew very well that even if Tian Lingzi didn't say anything, they would still have to do so. They knew very well the truth of the cold lips and teeth. If they really let it go, the Three Thousand Worlds might really suffer a catastrophe.

"Tian Lingzi thanked everyone here on behalf of Yuanshi Plane." Tian Lingzi said this sincerely.

"Tianlingzi Daoist, don't be polite, open the Qiankun battlefield, let's get down to business." Hu Yanzan next to Zhang Cheng took out his giant ax with an excited look on his face.

"Okay!" Tian Lingzi responded, and then ordered people to open the Qiankun Battlefield, and then said: "Everyone, there are poisonous people making trouble in the entire plane, everyone can act as you like, but there is one place that you must not go to, and that is the Qiankun Battlefield." due north, because that's where the wormhole is."

"Understood." Everyone responded, turning into streamers and scattered around. Xia Lingyun and the others wanted to fly out, but they were stopped by Zhang Cheng.

In a blink of an eye, only Zhang Cheng and the others were left in Nuoda's Qiankun battlefield.

"You guys..." Tian Lingzi was a little curious when he saw that Zhang Cheng and the others hadn't left.

"Senior Tianlingzi, tell us the truth, what is the origin of this wormhole? Also, did the saint really die like that?" Although Zhang Cheng had some true feelings before, after calming down, he felt a little uncomfortable. too right.

You must know what kind of existence a saint is, the top existence of the three thousand planes, who has experienced countless dangers, how could he be easily tricked.

Also, even if a saint is really poisoned by the poison mentioned by Tian Lingzi, it is impossible to defeat saints of the same level in a short period of time, and force them to die together. The death of this saint is too unjust A little bit.

However, there were too many people here before, and he didn't think Tian Lingzi did it on purpose, so he didn't say anything.

"It was still noticed by you." Tian Lingzi smiled and said such a sentence, but Xia Lingyun and the others were stunned by this sentence. Could it be that there is really something hidden?

"Don't get me wrong, the reason why I said this is because the sage told me before he died, and I don't know the reason!" Seeing Xia Lingyun and the others' attitudes were a bit unfriendly, Tian Lingzi quickly explained.


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