{Hey, it's a bit late, I'm really sorry, try to be early tomorrow.update fastest}

"Why, what's the problem?" The woman was not angry, but her attitude obviously changed a little, and she became a little hostile.

"No, you misunderstood me. I just want to know where you got this magic weapon. If you want to collect money, I am willing to pay." Zhang Cheng was a little anxious, and he wanted to withdraw the money after making peace.

"No need, you can't afford the price I want." The woman waved her hand and said this lightly, then got up and walked outside, it seemed that she didn't intend to continue talking with Zhang Cheng.

"Wait a minute, you haven't said the price yet, how do you know I can't afford it?" Zhang Cheng stood up and asked.

"If I say I want you, will you agree?" The woman paused, turned around, and said seriously.

"Me?" Zhang Cheng didn't expect that she would want him, as if there was nothing special about him.

"Yes, it's you. As long as you promise to be my husband, I can tell you anything you want, and I won't take any money." The woman still looked at Zhang Cheng with no expression, as if what she said had nothing to do with her. It doesn't matter at all.

"What?" Zhang Cheng was surprised, it was the first time he had heard of such a good thing.But after calming down, he felt that something was wrong. After all, this woman's appearance was absolutely top-notch. If she wanted to get married, many people would agree.

Therefore, he felt that there must be some ulterior secret for this woman to let him be her husband.

"Did she see that she is not from this world?" An ominous premonition appeared in his heart, which made him look at this woman a little cautiously.

"Don't get me wrong, I let you be my husband, just in name, in name only, and you only need to pretend for a month, after a month, you and I will go our separate ways, how about it?" The woman saw Zhang Cheng's expression There was a slight change, knowing that he had misunderstood what he meant, and explained.

"Why did you choose me?" Zhang Cheng was puzzled by this.

"Hehe, to be honest, I don't know why I chose you. I just think you are special and courageous. The most important point is that you dare to call me 'you' in front of me. Of course, you can also refuse, I never force people." The woman smiled, and the flowers next to her suddenly turned pale at this moment.

"This..." Zhang Cheng was also attracted by her charming smile, and remained silent for a long time.

"Okay, I'll give you a day to think about it. If you agree, come here to find me. If you don't agree, then pretend we've never met..."

"What's your name?" Zhang Cheng interrupted her without waiting for her to finish speaking, and asked directly.

"What?" The woman frowned, not understanding what Zhang Cheng meant.

"I don't even know your name, how can I pretend to be your husband!" Zhang Cheng smiled, then sat back on the bench and said.

"You agreed?" This time it was the woman's turn to be surprised, because she was ready to be rejected, after all, their family is extremely powerful in the whole world, and, she still has a marriage contract, and the other party is still the whole world Heir to another great family.

It can be said that the entire Dark Moon Empire knows about this matter.

If you choose to marry yourself, you will face the target of your fiancé's family, and the result can be imagined. It can be said that no one in the entire Dark Moon Empire dares to do so.

Originally, she had already given up, but after seeing Zhang Cheng, she found that this guy was very courageous, so she said this casually, but she didn't expect him to actually agree.

To be honest, this surprised her a little, but at the same time she was a little puzzled.

But after hearing Zhang Cheng's question just now, all this became clear. It turned out that he didn't know who he was, let alone what he would face after agreeing to himself.

"My name is Baili Qiongying. You should know who I am. If you regret it now, there is still time." Baili Qiongying said.

"Baili Qiongying, um, the name is good. Also, does this name have any special meaning?" Zhang Cheng didn't know the name, or what the surname represented, so don't mention Baili Qiongying's identity .

"You don't know?" Baili Qiongying once again showed a shocked expression. It was beyond his expectation that there were still people in the Dark Moon Empire who didn't know the surname "Baili".

"Do I have to know?" Zhang Cheng didn't understand why she was so excited. Isn't it just a name?

"Since you don't know, let me tell you. It's quite clear. The Baili family is one of the four highest-ranking families in the Dark Moon Empire. Moreover, I have a marriage contract, and my fiancé is the other four families. One of the big families, the Gongshang family, understand?"

"I should understand..." Zhang Cheng now understood why the woman had asked before, and if she gave up now, it would be too late.

"I'll wait for your answer. If you agree, then come back to the imperial capital with me today. If you don't agree, then please leave." Baili Qiongying said.

"Don't think about it, I agree." Zhang Cheng finally decided to agree. Although it would be troublesome to do so, he is not afraid of trouble now. As long as he can figure out what the world wants to do, it will be worth it.

What's more, even if the Gongshang clan really wants to deal with him, he can escape back to his original world at any time. With the support of powerful forces, he may not be defeated by him.

At the same time, he knew that the status of the woman in front of him must not be low. Although it was dangerous to follow her, he could get more useful and valuable information.

Besides, since this woman let her be her husband, her safety should be guaranteed during the time she pretends to be her husband.

Therefore, considering various factors, he decided to agree.

"Are you sure?" Baili Qiongying couldn't believe it. Before Zhang Cheng agreed because he didn't know his identity, but now that he knew his identity, he agreed without hesitation, which really surprised her.

Although she could tell that the man in front of her didn't even have the strength of a soldier, but she was more courageous than any other man.

For a moment, she felt that she couldn't see through Zhang Cheng.

"Yes, by the way, my name is Judd. If someone asks you what my name is, but you don't know it, then you're in trouble." Zhang Cheng picked up the name he used before again, and after that, So he used this name because he didn't want to tell her his real life, and at the same time he didn't want to deceive her. This name happened to be the current situation.

"Judd?" Baili Qiongying repeated Zhang Cheng's name, and said strangely, "It's a very strange name."

"Now that I have promised you, can you tell me where you got this long sword?" Zhang Cheng asked.

"Yes." Baili Qiongying nodded and said, "I bought this from several people."

"What, did you buy it?" Zhang Cheng was about to cry, and after so much effort, it turned out that he didn't know where he got the sword from.

It's like being sold by someone, and you still count the money for others.

"Yes, but I can help you investigate this matter. Give me a week, and I will give you a result." Baili Qiongying didn't realize that she had lied to Zhang Cheng. After all, she hadn't Saying that he knows the origin of this sword is not a deception.

"Alright, I hope you didn't lie to me this time." Hearing her words, Zhang Cheng calmed down a little, and then asked, "I have another question, that is, do you know that in some mountains there is a channel The passage to other worlds, what is that for?"

"I don't know." Baili Qiongying shook her head, she had never heard of the channel Zhang Cheng mentioned.

"You don't know?" Zhang Cheng was depressed again, you don't know about your feelings.

"I have never heard of the channel you mentioned, but I can help you investigate, and I will give you the answer in a week." Baili Qiongying said.

"This..." Zhang Cheng really felt cheated at the moment.

"Do you have any questions?" Baili Qiongying asked.

"Not for the time being." Zhang Cheng didn't have the courage to ask any more, he was afraid that the more he asked, the more disappointed he would be.

"Well, then listen to me, within the next month, you will be my husband, I don't want you to do anything, and I will guarantee your safety, but there is one thing you have to remember, attitude Be tough, no matter who it is, can you do it?" Baili Qiongying asked.

"This should be no problem, but my cultivation base is a bit poor, and I lack some confidence. Do you have any good exercises for me? I will take advantage of this time to practice, so I can have some confidence." Zhang Cheng Zheng wanted to find a more advanced exercise to practice, so he didn't mention when he would wait for it.

"I don't have any exercises. Here is a elixir. After you take it, it can help you improve your cultivation, and it will be my reward." Baili Qiongying took out a red elixir and handed it to you. Zhang Cheng.

"There are also elixirs here." Zhang Cheng was stunned, but after the elixirs, he began to observe carefully. He wanted to see the difference between the elixirs here and the elixirs he had mastered.


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