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Zhang Cheng was suffocated today, and this time he was helping her, but now it was as if he was crying and shouting to help him, and the worst thing was that he had to face everything However, she and he acted like nothing had happened, with an attitude of having nothing to do with themselves, which was very depressing.update the fastest

However, what else can he say, the matter has reached the current stage, and I am afraid that I don’t want to continue. After all, this is someone else’s territory, and my cultivation base is still so low, what else can I say besides admitting it? .

Now he wants to improve his strength as soon as possible to ensure that he can figure out the situation here safely, so that he can retire with success.

As for the matter with this Baili Qiongying, he didn't want to think too much about it, and took every step counting. After all, he still needed their Baili family to protect him so that he could improve his strength safely.

"Judd, I don't want to say more about what I said before. You remember, you must not admit cowardice later, and you must not disrespect my father, otherwise, I will not be able to help you." At this moment they have come to a Before the main hall.

This hall is huge, the doors are as high as four or five people, and there are beautiful decorations on the door. There are two people standing in front of the door, each of them staring into the distance with piercing eyes. The sense of oppression in the formation shows that their cultivation base is not low.

"Understood!" Zhang Cheng didn't want to talk to her very much, after all, this person has a problem with his character, and he even used himself as a gunman.

But after all, this is someone else's territory, and I have to rely on her to protect me in the future, so I answered this sentence, but the tone was not very good without thinking.

"Just know, follow me in." Baili Qiongying ignored Zhang Cheng's attitude and walked directly into the hall.

Zhang Cheng naturally followed closely behind, but just as he crossed the threshold, a huge oppressive force came from the front, almost forcing Zhang Cheng to his knees on the ground.

But who is he, a figure of the highest level, and the dignity in his heart makes him unwilling to kneel down to anyone.

Although this oppressive force came suddenly and made Zhang Cheng's legs soften and almost kneel down, but relying on the protection of his dignity, he actually managed to straighten his bent legs slowly, gritted his teeth and held his head upright. forward.

There were more than a dozen middle-aged men in the direction of earning money, and one of them was sitting in the middle, looking at himself at the moment, and seemed a little surprised to see that he was not caught by him.

Afterwards, this terrifying oppressive force disappeared like a tide, but Zhang Cheng had a sincere sense of awe for these people in front of him.

Although their cultivation base is not too high, even masters in the Mahayana stage in the cultivation world, the laws of this world are very strange, and they can suppress other types of energy.

That is to say, in this world, only they have absolute force. With force, they have the absolute right to speak, and they can decide the life and death of others at will.

Zhang Cheng felt displeased when he saw them pretending like this. If they were in their world, this group of people might not be worthy of carrying their shoes.

"Go out." The man sitting in the middle sorted out his mood, then glanced at Zhang Cheng and said.

"I'm going out?" Zhang Cheng could tell that the person speaking should be Baili Qiongying's father. He knew the whole thing before and knew that Baili Qiongying's father would not accept him easily. .

But he never thought of it, just the first time, he didn't even give himself a chance to speak, and let himself go out directly, it was beyond his imagination.

"Yes!" The man popped out two more words, as if he didn't want to say anything with Zhang Chengduo.

"Okay..." Zhang Chenggang was about to turn around and go out, when he suddenly felt a piercing gaze coming from his left side, and when he looked back, there was no one else but Baili Qiongying.

"Eh!" Seeing the girl's eyes, Zhang Cheng's heart skipped a beat. Thinking of his situation, he sighed, "You have to bow your head under the eaves." Then he looked at the man sitting in the middle. The middle-aged man said, "Well, I can't go out yet!"

"Can't go out?" The middle-aged man raised his eyebrows and asked, "Give me a reason."

"Because my woman is here, I can go out, she must be with me." Zhang Cheng said this without being humble, and at the same time glanced at Baili Qiongying, as if to say, "I am all for you , you have to help me", and the latter ignored it directly, which made Zhang Cheng depressed for a while.

"Your woman?" The middle-aged man pointed at Baili Qiongying and asked, "You mean her?"

"That's right, it's her." Zhang Cheng felt that the middle-aged man's question was a bit superfluous, since she was the only one present, so it's possible that he still needs to find an old man to be his wife.

"Oh!" The middle-aged man nodded, and then said, "Do I agree?"

"Ha!" Zhang Cheng was taken aback. He found that the middle-aged man could always exceed his expectations, but he could also show weakness, and said, "Do you agree that she is my woman? If you don't believe me, you can ask She is Qiongying."

"Yes, father. I'm married to him. I am his woman. I am now and I will be in the future." Baili Qiongying was very cooperative this time and did not lose the chain, which made Zhang Cheng relieved for a while and felt his hard work Not in vain.

"Nonsense!" Seeing what Baili Qiongying said, the middle-aged man slapped the seat angrily, stood up straight up, glared at Baili Qiongying and said, "Qiongying, Qiongying, do you really think I'm here for nothing?" Don’t you know what’s going on around you? If you think so, you’re totally wrong. Although you’re far away in Yunlan City, I know all the things around you, including the identity of this kid. And , Knowing daughter Mo Ruofu, I know what kind of person you are, such a wild boy who wants to have no appearance, no cultivation, no family background, you may like him, maybe marry him? "

"Eh!" Zhang Cheng was hurt by his communication, his old face flushed for a while, and he couldn't help saying: "I said, old man, you have something to say, can you not attack me personally? Also, you said that I have no cultivation, I can admit that I have no family background, but you say that I have no looks, I can't agree with that. Let's not talk about it, you said that besides you, there are others who are more handsome than me Is it?"

"Pfft..." Baili Qiongying on the side couldn't help laughing. However, with her smile, everyone present except Zhang Cheng widened their eyes in shock. They thought they were dazzled, so they immediately rubbed their eyes. They were even more surprised to find that they were not dazzled.

Because they had never seen Baili Qiongying smile since they were young, and they were cold towards everyone, including his father.However, at this moment she actually laughed because of Zhang Cheng's words, which really surprised him a lot.

Thinking about it carefully, he didn't think Zhang Cheng's words were funny, but those words made him very angry.

"Qionying, do you really want to be with him?" Baili Baiqing sat back on the seat and asked calmly.

"Yes, I want to be with him." Baili Qiongying replied seriously.

"Okay, then I'll kill him." While speaking, Baili Baiqing came to Zhang Cheng's side, and brazenly stretched out his right hand to grab Zhang Cheng's neck. It seemed that he really wanted to kill him immediately. .

"Damn it, this family is too ruthless!" Zhang Cheng was about to cry. He was Baili Qiongying's younger brother before, and he wanted to cut off his own tongue if he didn't agree with him. Killing people, and even putting them into action, is simply a bunch of lunatics.

Zhang Cheng didn't think that Baili Qiongying could come to save him, so he clasped his hands in front of his chest, and the eighth seal of the sun wheel was formed, and suddenly the huge sun wheel blocked in front of him.


With a loud noise, the sun wheel stood intact in front of Zhang Cheng, but Baili Baiqing flew back directly, and his right hand was also drooping, obviously hurting his arm by the rebounding force of the sun wheel.

"This..." Seeing this scene, Baili Qiongying was also a little surprised. After all, her father was at the emperor level. Although it was only in the early stages, he had already stood at the top of the world.

However, although he didn't try his best just now, judging from his speed, one can guess that he used a lot of force.

But in the end, Zhang Cheng was fine, but her father was bounced back, which made her unable to react for a while. After all, in her memory, Zhang Cheng was just an ordinary monk, and he hadn't even been a soldier before. Dao, he suddenly used such a powerful move at this moment, which really surprised him.

"I'm sorry, you made the first move. I'm just passively defending. Don't blame me." Zhang Cheng let go of his handprints, and at the same time the sun disc disappeared.

This is what he discovered a few days after he came to this world. Here, although the original power in his body can no longer be used, the nine sword intents of "Wu Wang Sword Code" and the various abilities of "Tantric Mahamudra" are still there. It can be used, but the power is much smaller than before.

If it was in his heyday, Baili Baiqing could be killed just by rebounding.However, he wouldn't ask for too much, and he was already very satisfied with being able to protect himself.

"What kind of skill is this?" Baili Baiqing could see that the sun wheel was not a magic weapon, because the magic weapon would also be suppressed by the law after it entered their world. If it was really a magic weapon, it would be impossible to release it. So much power.

Just like the Supreme King Sword before, it was extremely powerful in their world, but after arriving in this plane, it was only a little bit sharper than ordinary weapons.

"I'm sorry, this is a secret that cannot be told." Naturally, Zhang Cheng would not tell Baili Baiqing his family background, he is not a fool.


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