{Tomorrow four changes, the tentative update time is 12:30 noon, [-]:[-] pm, [-]:[-] pm, and [-]:[-] pm. In addition, the buffer time is half an hour. If there is no update on time, it will be on arrival Half-time updates, such as the first update, at [-] o'clock, if there is no update, then it will be updated within [-]:[-], so I can relax.High-speed update[ ]}

In a separate courtyard of the Duke’s family in the imperial capital, Gongshang Langyue stood in the middle of the courtyard, with his eyes slightly closed, but his breathing was very rapid, and there was a blush on his face, and the muscles on both sides turned up, His brows were furrowed, obviously out of anger, but he had no one to vent his anger on, which made him look like this compared to me.

After a while, he opened his eyes suddenly, his right hand formed a claw and directly imprinted on the stone table next to him, immediately leaving five deep holes on it, as if part of the resentment in his heart disappeared with this blow, his demeanor It recovered a little bit.

"Master." At this time, a middle-aged man walked outside, who looked about 50 or [-] years old, with a kind smile on his face.

This person is the steward of Gongshang Langyue, Gongshang Yunkong, who looks ordinary, but in fact he is a king-level master who is rare in the Dark Moon Empire.

This shows that the patriarch of the Gongshang family cares about Gongshang Langyue, otherwise, who can drive a king-level master to be a housekeeper for others.

"Uncle, has the background investigation of that person been clear?" Gongshang Langyue asked.

"..." Gongshang Yunkong shook his head. This Zhang Chengcheng seemed to have popped out of nowhere. After searching for a long time, he only found out that he suddenly appeared in Yunlan City some time ago, and he didn't even have his name. After investigating, this surprised him too.

"How is it possible that there are still people we can't find in the Dark Moon Kingdom?" Gong Shang Langyue couldn't believe it. After all, a large part of the reason why their four major families can survive is because they have this huge family. With the information transmission network, almost nothing can be hidden from their eyeliner. [ ]

However, such a little-known person unexpectedly escaped, their family's information network.

In this case, it shows a problem, either the power behind Zhang Cheng is extremely strong and their network cannot penetrate, or the power behind Zhang Cheng is extremely weak, or even has no power at all.

In this case, their information network will not go back to observe such a person without any identity background. After all, it is worthless and will only waste resources.

However, thinking back on what he did to himself before, he felt that the first possibility was more likely. After all, it was impossible for a person without any background to treat him so unscrupulously.

However, apart from their four major families in the entire Dark Moon Kingdom, only the royal family is the strongest...

"Could it be that he is..." Thinking of this, Gong Shang Langyue couldn't help but her heart skipped a beat, secretly said: "If he is really a member of the royal family, it's probably not good."

You know, in the Dark Moon Empire, the four major families are powerful, but they are attached to the royal family. It can be said that the royal family created their four major families.

The royal family is so powerful that even if their four major families unite, they may only be able to fight against it, and it will be very difficult to win.

If he is really a member of the royal family, then even he is not qualified to compete with him for Baili Qiongying.

"Master, do you think this person might be a member of the royal family?" Seeing the sudden change in Gongshang Langyue's expression, Gongshang Yunkong guessed that he had thought of this, so he asked.

"Yes, this is the only possibility I can think of." Gong Shanglangyue said.

"Master, although I don't know who he is, there is one thing I can be sure of, that is, he is definitely not a member of the royal family." Gong Shangyunkong said.

"Definitely not a member of the royal family? How did you know for sure?" For Gongshang Yunkong's affirmation, Gongshang Langyue was a little strange. He didn't even find out his name, so how could he determine his identity. [ ]

"It's very intuitive, that is, the royal family has been trained in etiquette since childhood, and everything they do will give people a sense of aloofness, but this person does not have such a feeling. Also, the royal family wants to leave the palace. It must be at the level of a general, and this person is only at the level of a lord, which also shows that he is not a member of the royal family." Gongshang Yunkong explained.

"Uncle, there is something wrong with what he said." Gong Shang Langyue immediately sensed something was wrong when he heard these explanations, "But if he is not a member of the royal family, where did he come from? , where does he have the guts to confront our family?"

"I don't know about that, but I think Miss Baili and that person should not be married as they said. According to my observation, Miss Baili's vitality is not broken." Gong Shangyun empty road.

"Yuan Yin is not broken?" Gong Shang Langyue seemed to think of something when she heard this, the sadness on her face was swept away, and then she put on an excited smile, saying: "So that's the case, I think I Understood."



In the courtyard of the Baili family, Zhang Cheng was sitting on the rockery, thinking about what the world wanted to do, but he didn't know that there was a figure approaching quietly.

This person is none other than Baili Qiongying's younger brother, Baili Rongguang.

He really thinks that Zhang Cheng is not good enough for his sister. His sister has always been a noble and elegant existence in his heart. Even if he wants to marry, he can't marry Zhang Cheng, who is so ordinary and can't be more ordinary. people.

Baili Rongguang's idea is very simple, the person his sister wants to marry does not require him to be rich, but at least his cultivation must be higher than Baili Qiongying's.

And Zhang Cheng's cultivation was not even as good as his, which made him look down on Zhang Cheng.Therefore, he came here quietly, just to kill Zhang Cheng, so that his sister could see the reality clearly.

However, what he didn't know was that as soon as he came behind Zhang Cheng, Zhang Cheng had already noticed him.

Although Zhang Cheng's cultivation is not very good, his realm is extremely high, especially the power of the primordial spirit, which is hundreds or thousands of times that of people in this world.

Although he couldn't display it, he could keenly sense the changes and fluctuations in the energy around him, so he easily sensed where Baili Rongguang was, and at the same time felt his intentions.

"This kid is really interesting. He just looks down on himself and wants to kill himself. This family is really abnormal." Zhang Cheng couldn't help but sighed, and then with a flick of his right hand, the Supreme King Sword appeared on his back hands.

Baili Rongguang didn't know that Zhang Cheng was ready. He gently pulled out a dagger, aimed his eyes at Zhang Cheng's back, and then stomped on his feet, shooting towards Zhang Cheng like an arrow off the string. go.

"Death." As if he had seen the scene where Zhang Cheng's heart was pierced by himself, an excited smile appeared on his face.

But at the moment when he was about to grab his hand, a red light flashed in his eyes, and then he heard a "ding", and his figure was frozen, unable to advance further.

"What's going on..." Baili Rongguang was startled by the sudden change on his back, looked up, and saw a red long sword standing in front of his dagger, blocking his attack.

"How is this possible." Baili Rongguang couldn't believe it. You must know that his cultivation has reached the middle stage of a general, while Zhang Cheng is only in the early stage of a general. The difference should not be too big.

Coupled with the fact that he was a sneak attack, even a master in the general stage could not block his attack so easily, but Zhang Cheng did it easily, which made him hard to believe.

"We are all men. Wouldn't it be better to say something face to face? Why choose to use this method to solve the problem?" Zhang Cheng was also a little depressed. If he had known that his family was radical, Anyone who doesn't agree with each other and shouts to be beaten and killed, even if he is killed, he will not accept the job.

"How did you do it?" Baili Rongguang ignored what Zhang Cheng said, but asked an irrelevant question.

"How did you do it?" Zhang Cheng asked, not understanding what he meant.

"Just block my attack with the sword." Baili Rongguang explained.

"That's how it was done, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing!" After saying that, Baili Rongguang was about to turn around and leave, but before he could take a step, his body turned around again, and the dagger in his hand pierced his neck with extreme speed.

"I'll see how you hide this time..." But before he finished speaking, he felt something blocked his wrist, and when he looked closely, it was the long sword that blocked his dagger just now.

At this moment, the long sword happened to block his wrist with the blade, preventing him from continuing to sprint.

"This..." Baili Rongguang was stunned again, because he had exhausted all his strength this time, but he couldn't break through the sword's defense.

However, while being shocked, he also couldn't figure out why a person who was only in the early stages of command could have such a powerful strength, which is completely illogical.

"Boy, if you attack me again, I'm going to fight back." Zhang Cheng was also a little annoyed, and he let him go once, but this kid even kicked his nose and tried to kill him, which is too ruthless. What a bloody feud it must be.

"Come on, I want to see if your strength is really that great." Baili Rongguang still didn't believe that Zhang Cheng's strength would be so strong, and wanted to test it out himself.

As he spoke, he jumped down, stood on the ground and shouted at him, "Come on."

"Hehe, you really don't think of me as a master, okay, I'll teach you a lesson for your sister, you ignorant guy." As he said, Zhang Cheng's feet exerted force...and he fell directly.

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