"Are you okay?" Zhang Cheng really couldn't adapt to Baili Qiongying's abnormal change, if the girl beat him up violently, maybe he would feel better.update the fastest

It wasn't because he was a masochist, but mainly because he felt the sadness in Baili Qiongying's heart, which made him feel a sense of self-blame and shame.

After all, he was a big man no matter what he said, and it was unreasonable to treat a weak woman like that before, especially her appearance, which greatly increased his self-blame.

"What's your real name?" Baili Qiongying opened her mouth to ask, which made Zhang Cheng stunned.

"What does she mean? Does she know that she is not using her real name?" Zhang Cheng couldn't help but wondered, but he didn't answer her question.

"Don't be surprised. When you first told me your name was Judd, I knew it was your fake name, but we didn't know each other well at the time, so I didn't need to expose you. But now that we are married, I From today onwards, I will be your woman, so I must know your real name." Baili Qiongying raised her head and looked at Zhang Chengdao seriously.

"Well, you misunderstood. This marriage is just a play that your father made without our consent. You don't have to take it seriously at all..."

"I also don't think it's serious, and I also think our relationship is just a show, but that was before. Now that we have worshiped heaven and earth, then you are no longer my fake husband, but my real husband. I will only be with you for the rest of my life. Of course, if you don't want me, you can divorce me." Baili Qiongying said it very seriously, not as if she was joking.

This time, Zhang Cheng was a little confused. This girl didn't look like a conservative woman, but why she was so serious about this matter.

What he didn't expect was that this world could fool around with other things, but everyone took the matter of getting married extremely seriously.

This is also the reason why Baili Qiongying only asked Zhang Cheng to pretend to be her husband and did not hold a wedding.Because if there is a wedding, then there is no truth or falsehood.

"What's your name?" Baili Qiongying asked.

"Well, I'm going to divorce you." Although Zhang Cheng was a little bit reluctant, after all, that man was willing to let such a lovely person leave him, making it easier for others.

However, he always felt a little awkward, whether it was the way the marriage was held or the feeling between the two of them, it was all so awkward.

Therefore, Zhang Cheng said without hesitation.

"Am I that unworthy of you?" However, what Zhang Cheng said caused Baili Qiongying to backlash. She really did not expect that Zhang Cheng would choose to divorce herself without hesitation.

This made her, who was always very conceited about her appearance, a little surprised and unbelievable, and at the same time felt very wronged.

"No, you misunderstood. You also know that we were just a cooperative relationship before, but your father's approach made us fake the show. I think it's unfair to you, so..." Zhang Cheng really did it for her own good After all, the real victim of this matter is her.

"Actually, I am also very grateful for everything my father has done for me. Although your cultivation base is not very good, you have no family background, and your appearance is not very good, but you are the most special person I have ever met. Moreover, this is also the most special person I have ever met. It will allow me to get rid of Gongshang Langyue's entanglement, so I think this is the best result." Baili Qiongying said.

"You really think so?" Zhang Cheng was a little surprised by Baili Qiongying's change. To be honest, she gave off the feeling of a super strong woman before, and people wanted to stay away from that.

But at this moment, she has become a little weak and gentle, and one can't help but want to hold her in his arms and take care of her with heart.

Zhang Cheng didn't know what caused her to undergo such a huge change, but such a change had a fatal attraction for Zhang Cheng. That man didn't want to have such a woman who was only gentle with himself and tough with others as his wife.

"Yes!" Baili Qiongying nodded, with a look of determination in her eyes.

"This..." Zhang Cheng was moved, but he thought of Xuanling and the others, so he asked, "If I told you that I have other women, would you still think so?"

"This is normal. No matter which world you are in, the strong have privileges, but what I am curious about is, you are not very strong, so where do you get so many women?" Baili Qiongying asked.

"You don't need to worry about this. You will know in the future. Now, I won't tell you anything. As for my name, I will only tell you one person. I hope you don't tell others, otherwise, my situation will be very dangerous. "Ever since Zhang Cheng met the emperor, he had a feeling that if his identity was exposed, he might encounter great danger, even his life.

"I swear." Seeing what Zhang Cheng said, Baili Qiongying said seriously.

"Well, my real name is Zhang Cheng." Zhang Cheng nodded and said.

"Zhang Cheng, what a strange name?" Baili Qiongying thought for a while, and she found that the surname "Zhang" didn't seem to exist in the Dark Moon Kingdom.

"As for my identity, I can't tell you for the time being. It's not that I don't trust you, but I don't want too many variables. Also, you have to find out what I asked you to do as soon as possible. I need it urgently. "Zhang Cheng said seriously.

"Okay!" Baili Qiongying was a smart person. She could tell that Zhang Cheng didn't tell her that because those things were very important and might endanger Zhang Cheng's life, so she stopped asking.

But after she finished speaking, she moved her seat and motioned for Zhang Cheng to come on the bed.

Zhang Cheng is also not polite, although he does not love Baili Qiongying now, and Baili Qiongying may not love herself either, but he believes in a famous saying, that is, the flowers blooming are worthy of being broken, and there is no need to break the branches without flowers... …

There was nothing to say that night, and Zhang Cheng opened his eyes in the early morning of the next day, feeling the naked Baili Qiongying lying on his body, feeling a sense of loss in his heart.

Thinking about it, he felt a little dramatic, because it took only three days for them to know they were married and then to have a relationship.

In the past, he would never have dared to think about such a thing, but this almost impossible thing actually happened. At this moment, he had to admit that God's will tricks people.

However, Baili Qiongying was also very strong, and he could satisfy his own needs by himself. He was both surprised and delighted to know that Xuanling and the others could only be satisfied if they went together.

However, this also exhausted the girl, after all, it was her first time, and it was also a physical job, so she didn't wake up now.

Zhang Cheng didn't bother her either, just hugged her like this, stroking Baili Qiongying's back lightly, feeling the tenderness, and felt very happy in his heart.

About an hour later, Baili Qiongying woke up slowly and found herself crawling on Zhang Cheng's body. Her heart skipped a beat, but then she felt an unprecedented sense of security and warmth, which made her reluctant to leave.

But not long after, she felt a pair of eyes looking at her. When she looked up, she met Zhang Cheng's eyes. Look at Zhang Cheng.

"Qionying, now that I see you, I realize that you are really pretty." Zhang Cheng said with a smile.

"You just know." Baili Qiongying glanced at Zhang Cheng, but it was quite useful to hear her man praise her beauty, and she felt sweet in her heart.

But at this time, there was an untimely voice outside, which made Baili Qiongying and Zhang Cheng frowned, and shouted in unison: "Who is it!"

"Hey, sister, brother-in-law, it's my younger brother. I have something to do with my brother-in-law. I hope my sister will lend me my brother-in-law for a while." It was Baili Rongguang, and upon hearing his voice, Zhang Chengcheng knew what he wanted to do.

Originally, he didn't really want to teach him "Wu Wang Jian Dian", but now that he has become his brother-in-law, it would be a little different if he didn't teach him.

So he patted Baili Qiongying, and said: "You continue to sleep, I'll go play with him."

Baili Qiongying nodded, and then Zhang Cheng came out of the bed, put on his clothes in front of Baili Qiongying, and then walked out of the room.

And seeing Zhang Cheng's strong body and brother, Baili Qiongying couldn't help thinking of the madness last night, and couldn't help feeling a yearning in her heart.

"Oh, what am I thinking?" Baili Qiongying shyly covered her head, but the scene of last night could not be lingered.


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