A huge battle platform was set up in the middle of the central square of the imperial capital, surrounded by crowds of spectators, and beside the battle platform was a huge stand with five chairs placed on it. :Reading novels

The chair in the middle is obviously much taller than the other four, and the material of the chair is also better than other chairs. You can tell that this chair is used for the emperor to sit on.

Zhang Cheng and Baili Qiongying had already arrived at the square, sitting with other members of the Baili family, and happened to be Gongshang Langyue directly opposite.

At this moment, when he saw Baili Qiongying who was intimate with Zhang Cheng, his heart was filled with anger, and he said to himself: "Stinky boy, when I get on the platform later, I will let you know what the end will be for robbing my woman." .”

On the other hand, Zhang Cheng simply ignored his provocation. How can he say that he is still in the early stages of a general, and the difference from Gongshang Langyue is not very big, so there is no suspense at all to win him.

Afterwards, people from other families came one after another, and the patriarchs of the four major families sat on the sidelines, leaving the middle seat unoccupied.

"Ang—" After a long time, there was a high-pitched dragon chant in the sky, and then a Nine-Dragon Dragon Chariot slowly approached, and finally stopped in mid-air.

"Long live the five emperors, long live, long live." Everyone including the patriarchs of the four major families knelt down.

It was nothing before, but at this moment Zhang Cheng guessed that this guy might be from their world, or the instigator who planned all this, and he felt aggrieved in his heart.

However, Zhang Cheng could only hold back the resentment in his heart because there were so many people here.

But after he went back and found out who this guy was, he wouldn't say that. He had too many helpers over there.

"Flat body!" The emperor lifted the door curtain, flew out of it, and landed slowly on the stands. With a big wave of his hand, the emperor's domineering aura instantly swept the audience.

"Thank you Lord Long En." With the approval of the emperor, they slowly raised their heads, still with that strange face and the feeling of deja vu.

"Who the hell are you?" Zhang Cheng asked in his heart, but he didn't dare to make it too obvious. After all, this is someone else's territory, and it's not good for him to reveal his identity.

And at this time, the emperor also looked at Zhang Cheng, and his eyes once again revealed the meaning of scrutiny.

However, he quickly withdrew his gaze and said loudly: "The competition begins!"

The emperor said this, and then sat on the seat specially prepared for him. After a while, an eunuch stepped onto the arena and shouted loudly: "The rules of the competition have changed, from the previous form of the arena to Freedom to challenge, the person being challenged can refuse, but refusing is tantamount to admitting defeat, the person challenging can choose things around the person being challenged as spoils, such things can be anything, including people.”

"Good guy, you came here to put on airs from the very beginning. This is to force me to die in vain." When Zhang Cheng heard this rule, he knew that it was made by the emperor for himself. People from the other three major families will challenge themselves in turn.

But they couldn't refuse, they had to fight, otherwise, they could take this opportunity to pick Baili Qiongying.

He didn't care if it was before, but this girl is already his own woman, so he can't watch his woman being taken away.

Moreover, with his current strength, he could not resist this unequal treaty at all, so he could only choose to accept it.

"In this case, instead of being challenged passively, it's better to take the initiative to scare everyone." Zhang Cheng made up his mind, he would never let his woman leave him.

"Now I announce the start of the competition. Who is willing to be the first challenger?" As soon as the person's voice fell, a figure appeared on the battle platform. No one saw how he got up, but he blinked He hadn't appeared before, but after opening it, he was standing on it, as if he was standing on it.

"I'm coming!" It was Zhang Cheng.

"It turned out to be the son-in-law of Baili's family. He really is a hero. No wonder he can marry such a first-class beauty as Baili Qiongying." The eunuch exaggerated in that sissy voice, and then shouted down : "Who dares to fight against Judd."

"I'm coming!" The one who spoke first was Gong Shang Langyue who wanted to tear Zhang Cheng into pieces. He had been waiting for this opportunity for a long time.

So, as soon as the eunuch's voice fell, he jumped onto the battle platform and looked directly at Zhang Cheng with those cold eyes.

If eyes could kill, then Zhang Cheng would have died long ago without a burial. Unfortunately, eyes can't kill people.

"It's Gongshang Langyue from the Gongshang family. It seems that this time there is going to be a fight between dragons and tigers. It was so intense from the beginning. It's really exciting. Let's stop talking nonsense and start." The eunuch said in a timely manner. Such a sentence mobilized the atmosphere of the scene, and then he retreated and jumped off the battle platform.

At this moment, Zhang Cheng and Gongshang Langyue were facing each other. Although Zhang Cheng was sure of winning Gongshang Langyue, he did not dare to take it lightly. After all, there were too many capsized things in the gutter, and he didn't want to be one of them. An example of

Clenched fists, placed on both sides of the cheeks, bouncing legs, a posture of free fighting.

This action stunned everyone present, some of them didn't know what Zhang Cheng was doing, because none of them had seen such a strange boxing technique.

The emperor was also very strange seeing this scene. The reason why he arranged such a competition was to force out his true skills, so as to confirm that he was Zhang Cheng.

For this reason, he also specially investigated Zhang Cheng's skills, among which "Supreme King's Seal" was the most important, and "Wu Wang Jian Dian" was the second.

However, Zhang Cheng came up with such a set of punches as soon as he came up, which made him doubt his previous guess for a while.

Because in his opinion, such a boxing method is like playing tricks, but who is Zhang Cheng, a supreme level existence, how could he do such a thing.

"Could it be that I guessed wrong?" The emperor couldn't help but wondered in his heart.

But after thinking about it, he felt that Zhang Cheng was suspected of deliberately concealing this, so he still planned to continue reading, maybe there would be some unexpected gains.

"I said where are you in a daze, if you hit me, hurry up, if you don't hit me, get out, I have to go back and make out with my wife, don't waste my time." Zhang Cheng saw that Gong Shanglangyue was in a daze over there, He cursed angrily.

"You're looking for death." When Gong Shang Langyue heard this, she thought that the woman she liked was being crushed by this hateful guy in front of her, and felt uncomfortable for a while.

Especially his contemptuous eyes made him almost go crazy. With a roar, he rushed towards Zhang Cheng with his bare hands.

"It's not certain who will die." Zhang Cheng sneered, then stepped forward, and suddenly drew closer to Gongshang Langyue, and then punched him on the left side of the face with a straight uppercut in free combat.

This punch looks ordinary, but it hides great power, as long as it is hit by him, it is enough for Gong Shang Langyue to drink a pot.

Gong Shanglangyue, the newborn Jingzhao at this moment, originally wanted to resist Zhang Cheng's punch, and then give Zhang Cheng another punch, but only now did he realize that there was a lot of power in this punch.

Because the fist was not close to his body, he felt a sense of oppression. If he was hit by this punch, he would lose his combat effectiveness even if he was not dead.

He didn't want to lose so foolishly, so he quickly stopped his forward body, drew out the long knife slung across his back with his right hand, and pointed it at Zhang Cheng.

"Use a weapon, but do you think it's my opponent?" Zhang Cheng snorted coldly, withdrew his fist, and moved to the left, avoiding his powerful knife, and then pulled him closer to Gong Shanglangyue distance, another punch came out.

This time, his goal was to hit Langyue's chest, and it was enough for him to suffer if he was hit in this place.

However, Gongshang Langyue's reaction speed was faster than Zhang Cheng expected. When he felt that he was in danger, he knew that it was too late to replay, so he directly swung the long knife in his hand across Zhang Cheng's. He slashed his head across, holding a strategy of dying with Zhang Cheng.

Zhang Chengna would die with this guy. He squatted down and then punched out his right fist, which landed heavily on Gongshang Langyue's abdomen. At this time, the long knife was also cut from the top of his head, even a hair None of them were taken away.

"Boom—" Immediately afterwards, there was a muffled sound, and Gongshang Langyue was sent flying, which showed how powerful the circle was.

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