{I'm really sorry, it's the third update today. The family has been too noisy these two days, and I can't write any more. I have spent a lot of effort on these three chapters. Forgive me, I may not be able to update too much tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. , It should be two or three changes, it will be fine after this year.Welcome to reading, but don't worry, Xiaolong remembers the chapters owed before, and will make up for them (including today's, there are five changes in total, plus four changes in the next two days, not to mention nine changes, directly I owe ten more, and I will make up a little bit after the Spring Festival), and I apologize again. }

Looking at the two lying down on the ground, Zhang Cheng was secretly depressed. Giving them food is not a bad thing, but a job to die. No wonder the manager let him do it.

However, he didn't blame the steward. If the steward hadn't asked him to come, he didn't know that the saints were still alive and well. Although their current situation was not very good, there was no danger of their lives.

Moreover, after this battle, Zhang Cheng can be regarded as sure that Tianlingzi is the mastermind behind the whole incident.

Before, he had always guessed that Tianlingzi might be the same person as the emperor of this world, but now it seems that this emperor is very likely to be a puppet supported by Tianlingzi to restrain several saints.

It's just that what he can't figure out is, where did he get such a big power in this world? You must know that in this world, the Supreme is no different from ordinary people. All the items in their world before, including pills and exercises, are not available. any effect.

Even if it is a magic weapon, it is only sharper than ordinary magic weapons, and it is almost impossible to cultivate such a large force.

However, when he thought that this Tian Lingzi had survived for several epochs, he didn't feel anything, because it was indeed difficult to cultivate power in this world, but as long as he had time, it was still possible.

But in this way, it shows that this Tian Lingzi has already started planning this matter a long time ago, and he didn't put it into action until a few months ago.

"This old guy can really bear it." Isn't it true that this Tian Lingzi had to endure at least one era before he established such a terrifying force in this plane.

Zhang Cheng thought about it again, and felt that the most direct way was to rescue the saints directly.

However, this method is not easy to achieve, or basically impossible, because the palace is very heavily guarded and there are so many emperor-level monks. Once discovered, it is difficult for even oneself to escape, let alone with a few of them.

Although they were saint-level existences in their world, in this world, these saints are not even as good as ordinary people.

"What should I do?" Zhang Cheng was also worried. He felt a little helpless. After all, he was the only one in the whole world, and there was no one who could help.

If he acted rashly, he might catch himself.

"Forget it, let's take one step at a time." Zhang Cheng sighed, then walked to the side of the two people and patted one of them awake.

"You..." After waking up, the guard saw Zhang Cheng squatting beside him, and he started to do it as soon as he said that, but then he felt a strong force grabbing his neck.

He wanted to resist, but he couldn't break free from Zhang Cheng's palm. At this moment, he realized that he was no match for the person in front of him.

"Do you want to die or live?" Zhang Cheng grabbed his neck, lifted it up, and asked coldly.

"I want, I want to live!" The guard answered his own answer without even thinking about it.

"If you want to live, I will ask you anything and you will answer me. Otherwise, you will not be able to live if you want to live." Zhang Cheng nodded in satisfaction, then threw him aside, and said: "The emperor Are you in the palace now?"

"Yes, he has always been here." The guard said.

"Oh? You didn't lie to me?" Zhang Cheng doubted his answer. After all, he was just a small bodyguard. How could he know the whereabouts of the emperor? The most important point is that he answered so simply, as if he knew the matter. As it is, there is a problem.

"No, I didn't lie to you. In fact, the two of us can be regarded as the emperor's bodyguards. Usually, the emperor gives orders directly. In recent months, we have only been sent to guard the nine prisoners. Moreover, we have been guarding the nine prisoners every day. I want to report their situation to the emperor, so I am making sure that the emperor is in the palace." The guard saw Zhang Cheng's doubts and quickly explained.

"I believe what you said for the time being." Zhang Cheng believed his words. After all, the saints have a great relationship with Tian Lingzi, and it is impossible for them to send some people who don't know the basics to guard it.

However, what made him a little depressed was that this guy was too spineless, and he rebelled as soon as he was frightened by him. Fortunately, this guy is the emperor's man. If he was his man, it would be a sad reminder.

"What is the main job you two usually do?" Zhang Cheng knew that the cook couldn't continue pretending, and had to change his identity. If he could, he felt that the identity of this guard was very good. will be suspected.

"The main job in normal times is to take care of the dungeon, and at the same time bring people to deliver food to them!" said the guard.

"Oh, does the emperor have any special requirements for you? By the way, will the emperor come here?" Zhang Cheng asked.

"There is a requirement, that is, to ensure that the nine of them will not die. There are no other requirements." After a pause, he continued: "The emperor used to come here every day, but now he comes here less often, but he still comes back. But the time is not fixed, and we don't know when he will come, but we have to report to him every day about the situation of these nine people."

"If I pretend to be another of your companions, will the emperor find out?" Zhang Cheng asked.

"Probably not, because we two emperors are not very familiar with each other." The guard said.

"Isn't it too familiar?" Zhang Cheng thought for a while, and felt that it made some sense. After all, the entire palace was his territory, and a large number of emperor-level masters were loyal to him. It was almost impossible for anyone to come in, even if he wanted to go out. It's all difficult.

That's why he sent two people here at random, which is also the possibility of this person's defection on the spot, because in the heart of the emperor, he didn't need someone who was devoted to him at all.

"Very good!" After a pause, Zhang Cheng pointed to the guard lying on the side and asked, "If I kill him, will the emperor or other people feel it?"

"No!" The guard shook his head and said.

"Understood, but you can go too." As he said, Zhang Cheng stretched out his right hand and pressed on the top of the man's head. The Soul Search Dafa started immediately, checked his memory, and after confirming that he was not lying, he put the people kill.

Although in this world, the power in the body is suppressed by the law, but the soul is not suppressed, and the soul search method is a kind of soul attack, so it does not affect the use.

As for why Zhang Cheng wanted to kill this person, the reason was very simple, because he knew too much, and keeping him by his side was like a time bomb that would explode at any time, making him uneasy.

Afterwards, he then transformed into the appearance of the next time, and then wiped this person's face, and his appearance changed immediately, becoming that of the cook.

In the end, Zhang Cheng changed his clothes again, gave his own clothes to this person, and woke up the fainted person.

In this way, I became a cook and directly became a bodyguard. The excessiveness was natural, and no one knew about it.

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