Sensing the bursts of oppression coming from behind, Zhang Cheng was also very nervous, because Tian Lingzi was different from those other people. Those people did not integrate the skills of their world, so their strength was not as strong as this one. People all over the world are the same.Visit download txt novel

But Tian Lingzi is different, he, like himself, has reached the Supreme Realm in their world, and is familiar with many exercises.

His own advantage over others is almost zero in front of him, and it is absolutely impossible to defeat him if he fights alone.

Therefore, there is only one way he can choose now, and that is to run.

However, Xia Lingyun is still on his back at this moment, and his speed has been greatly impressed. If he continues to run, it is very likely that he will catch up with him. Needless to say, the result of being caught up will be death. undoubtedly.

What's more, there are Baili Qiongying and the others in front of him now, if he dies, the fate of Baili Qiongying and the others will be difficult.

After thinking about it, he finally decided to fight this old boy.

So he came to Baili Qiongying and the others, and handed Xia Lingyun over to them, while he stayed where he was.

"Why didn't you run away?" Tian Lingzi looked at Zhang Cheng with a sneer on his face, and at the same time, his heart was full of murderous intent. As for the others, they were simply irrelevant existences to him, so he didn't care about their escape at all.

"Stop running, I can't compare with you in this respect!" Zhang Cheng said seriously.

"If that's the case, then you can go die." Tian Lingzi didn't intend to continue talking nonsense with him, and shot directly, because he was afraid that this kid would play tricks on him again.

Kill him directly, so as not to have long nights and dreams.

"Hey, it's not so easy to kill me." Zhang Cheng sneered, and quickly made a seal with his hands, which was the seventh wisdom fist seal.

"You still want to lie to me, do you think I'm a fool!" This time Tian Lingzi will not be fooled again, even if he really intends to use the seventh seal to greet himself, it's fine, at worst, he will fight to the death.

Moreover, if you fight recklessly, Zhang Cheng's fish is doomed, but your own may not be broken.

"Whenever you are a fool, it means your IQ is not too high." Zhang Cheng chuckled, seeing that he was no longer fooled, he quickly changed his fingerprints and printed out the inner binding seal.

Afterwards, his figure slowly disappeared into the invisible, and disappeared from Tian Lingzi's eyes.

"The sixth seal?" Seeing this scene, Tian Lingzi was not in a hurry. With a wave of his hand, the space around him condensed, and in an instant, within a radius of a hundred miles was enveloped by a space cage.

"How is it possible?" Zhang Cheng looked at this scene in disbelief, because it was beyond his imagination.

Although he can easily do this trick, it is fully displayed in their world, and in this world, the laws are different from that world, let alone sealing a space with space, even tearing the space is difficult do it.

Moreover, he has never seen such terrifying power in this world.

Originally, he thought that he had already overestimated Tian Lingzi, but now he saw that he had underestimated him.

"I haven't wasted all these years in vain. I have already thoroughly understood the laws of this plane in the past few epochs. Although I only have the cultivation base of an emperor-level monk, I can still achieve strength beyond the emperor-level. Otherwise, I Why do you control a world?" Although Tian Lingzi couldn't see Zhang Cheng, he could hear his voice.

He was even happier after hearing his surprised voice, especially when he heard that his voice was also within the space cage he had set up.

"So what, you can't see me, so can you still kill me?" Zhang Cheng quickly calmed down, since he couldn't escape, let's play with him.

Although this Tian Lingzi is very strong, he is not completely without weaknesses. As long as he can seize the opportunity, it is not impossible to defeat him.

After all, it's not like he hasn't done the thing of defeating the strong with the weak, so it doesn't matter if he does it again.

"I can't see you, do I have to be able to see if I want to kill someone?" Tian Lingzi laughed again, this time the smile was so direct and insolent, as if he had already killed Zhang Cheng.

"Why..." Zhang Cheng suddenly had a bad feeling, but before he could think about it, the spatial cage was slowly shrinking around Tianlingzi.

"This..." This time, Zhang Cheng became depressed. If this continues, even if he continues to be invisible, he will be caught by Tian Lingzi, and he doesn't know what to do for a while.

"I've heard an idiom before, it's called catching a turtle in a urn, it should be very appropriate to describe you at this moment." Tian Lingzi sneered.

"What to do, what to do..." Zhang Cheng didn't want to listen to his emotion. He just wanted to leave this ghost place as soon as possible. If this space cage shrinks to a certain extent, he would be a normal person, let alone a blind person. Can also easily catch yourself.

So he began to charge towards the space shield of the space cage, but the space shield was very hard, and Zhang Cheng felt as if he had hit an iron plate after bumping his head.

"It's useless. In this world, I am a god. No one can open this space cage except me!" Tian Lingzi's smile became wider when he heard the impact. I want to see how embarrassed Zhang Cheng is.

"I don't believe it yet." Zhang Cheng didn't believe this evil, his hands turned into seals, and a sun disc formed. A huge sun disc appeared in the cage, and then hit the space barrier at an extremely fast speed.


The sun wheel was bounced off, but the space barrier stood there intact.

"I've already said that in this world, I am a god. Without my permission, no one can leave here." Seeing Zhang Cheng's futile work, Tian Lingzi didn't intend to stop him at all.

He is very confident in the strength of this space cage, as he said before, no one can leave here without his permission.

"I think you should stop doing useless work, just show your body and surrender. I promise you that I will leave you a whole body." Tian Lingzi said seriously.

Zhang Cheng didn't answer his words, but took back the sun wheel.

He knew that Tian Lingzi was right, he couldn't break through the cage in this dimension.

"Why, figured it out?" Tian Lingzi was very happy, and finally solved this serious problem.

However, this made him feel a little boring. After all, the solution was too simple. After killing Zhang Cheng, there would be no one in the whole world who could compete with him again. A kind of loneliness of a master appeared in his heart.

"..." Zhang Cheng didn't answer, and there was silence in the entire spatial cage, except for the echo of Tian Lingzi's own words, there was no other voice.

"Huh?" Tian Lingzi frowned involuntarily, not understanding what Zhang Cheng wanted to do.

However, after thinking about it, he smiled, because he felt that Zhang Cheng was playing psychological warfare with him, making himself think that Zhang Cheng had already escaped, but did he look like a fool?

Zhang Cheng didn't speak, and he didn't speak anymore, because he felt that talking to the air was a stupid behavior in the eyes of outsiders.

However, the movements of his hands didn't slow down in the slightest, but sped up a lot. The space cage around him was only ten cubic meters in size in a few breaths, and it was still shrinking rapidly.

"I'll see how you can escape from my grasp." Tian Lingzi showed a murderous intent in his eyes.

"Okay, okay, I agree to cooperate with you." Zhang Cheng's voice suddenly remembered, full of helplessness.

"Agreed to cooperate with me?" Tian Lingzi was startled, then burst out laughing, and said: "Your wishful thinking is quite good, and you only want to cooperate with me when it falls into my hands. Will I agree in this case?"

"I know you won't agree, I just said that casually, you really take it seriously." Zhang Cheng's somewhat teasing voice came from all around, and as soon as the voice fell, a huge sun disc appeared in Tianling In front of Lingzi, it happened to divide the entire space into two, so that Tianlingzi could not touch him.

"You..." Tian Lingzi was stunned. He didn't expect Zhang Cheng to think of such a way to deal with him. In this way, he was really not sure that he would take Zhang Cheng down.

"Do you still think you can catch me now?" Zhang Cheng sarcastically said.


Tian Lingzi directly answered Zhang Cheng's question with actions, and the huge roar hit the sun disc, but unfortunately, the sun disc was not damaged at all.

You must know that the defense of the solar disk is absolute, and almost no one can break through it.

What's more, the powerful blows issued by the Sun Wheel and the Wisdom Fist Seal are different. The Sun Wheel Seal is not limited by the cultivation level of the caster. As long as it can be used, it has such a perverted ability.

Therefore, there is no difference between the sun disc at this moment and the sun disc used by Zhang Cheng in their world.

Although Tian Lingzi is indeed very powerful in this world, it is absolutely impossible to break through the absolute defense of the sun.

"Look, I can't get out now, and you can't catch me. It's just a waste of everyone's time if it goes on like this. Do you think this is good? We'll be tied in this round. You open the space cage and let me go." Go out, if we fight again next time, how about I decide the outcome with you?" Zhang Cheng suggested.

"Do you think it's possible?" Tian Lingzi snorted coldly, he knew very well that if he couldn't beat Zhang Cheng this time, he would definitely leave this world immediately after running away.

After all, he can't compete with himself in this world at all, and only by returning to another world can he have the strength to compete with himself.

So, he can't let go.

"Why are you doing this? It's not very good for you or me if it goes on like this." Zhang Cheng was a little distressed, why didn't this guy know how to be flexible.

"It's definitely not good for you, but it's not necessarily good for me." Tian Lingzi suddenly thought of a good way, and then said to the people outside: "Hao Yue, go and kill all the members of the four major families for me." !"

"You..." Zhang Cheng was depressed. This guy knew he couldn't do anything about himself, so he just spread his anger on others. This is too villainous.

"Tell me, are you able to persist for a long time, or are they able to persist for a long time?" Zhang Cheng was angry, and Tian Lingzi was very happy. Although he didn't care about the lives of those people, at this time, he had to Use external forces to achieve your goals.

"No one ever said that, you are really despicable." Zhang Cheng couldn't help cursing.

"Thank you for the compliment!" The more anxious and angry Zhang Cheng was, the happier and happier he was. If Zhang Cheng was not in a hurry, he would find it meaningless.

"You won." With that said, Zhang Cheng took back the sun wheel.

"Give up so quickly, you are too..." Before Tian Lingzi finished speaking, he felt an extremely terrifying force coming from ahead, he couldn't help but panic, and subconsciously split his body.

However, just like that, the small half of his body on the left side was cut open by the sudden force, and blood overflowed immediately.

The seventh seal, the Wisdom Fist Seal, was displayed by Zhang Cheng at this moment, and at such a close distance, Tian Lingzi couldn't hide even if he wanted to. This was Zhang Cheng's real plan.

Using the sun wheel to block him before was just a part of his whole plan.

Now, Tian Lingzi was calculated so carefully by Zhang Cheng that a small half of his body on the left side was directly cut off, making him crippled even if he didn't die.

However, because of this blow, all the power in his body was instantly turned into nothingness, and his whole body also fell from the midair due to loss of strength.

But in the process of falling, he used the last bit of strength to take out the killer weapon and the crystal that he had prepared in advance, and began to recover.

However, after one Yuanjing was consumed, the emptiness in his body was still not satisfied. He wanted to continue to absorb the second one, but no one gave him this chance at all.

Hao Yue and the others who had rushed towards Yunlan City before, that is, the Emperor and the others, were also shuddered at the sight of Tianlingzi being so sad, and immediately stopped chasing and killing Baili Qiongying and the others, and turned back instead.

A group of people went to see Tian Lingzi's injury, while another group, led by Hao Yue, rushed towards Zhang Cheng.

"Death." Hao Yue yelled, and stabbed Zhang Chengcheng.

However, just before he stabbed Zhang Cheng, his immortal master felt a pain in his left leg, looked down, and saw a strangely shaped long knife stabbed his left leg.

At the beginning, he didn't pay much attention to it, but was very angry. In this case, he was actually injured.

So, he once again raised the long knife in his hand.

However, this time, the long knife he held high did not come down again. It was as if someone had cast a holding spell on his whole body, and at the same time, there was a hint of fear on his face.

At this moment, he felt that the power of his whole body was converging towards the wound on his left leg at an extremely fast speed, and in the blink of an eye, not a single drop was left.

But this suction did not let go of him after absorbing the power in his body, and began to absorb his own flesh and blood. At this moment, he was afraid, and a fear of death lingered in his heart.

However, this feeling of fear did not last long, because soon he had turned into a mummy.

"It's been a long time since I used a weapon to kill people. It's a great feeling that the more I kill, the more powerful I get!" Zhang Chenghui felt a cold light in his eyes because of the previous feeling.

Those emperor-level masters who saw Hao Yue killed were stunned because they were frightened.

It was the first time they had seen such a strange knife. They were only stabbed once, and a living person became a mummy in an instant.

This made them involuntarily think of themselves. If they touched their bodies with a knife, would they also become like Hao Yue, a mummy without any life.

"Who's next?" Zhang Cheng had a smile on his face. Although Zhang Cheng was smiling, it made them feel fear and fear.

As a result, the whole scene changed dramatically. Zhang Cheng took a step forward, and those dozens of emperor-level powerhouses took a step back. The whole scene was very strange.

It's like a child holding a knife and scaring a group of adults.

"Don't be afraid, rush up and kill him. Whoever kills this person will be the king of the Dark Moon Kingdom." At this moment, Tian Lingzi got up from the ground, and at this moment he was greatly traumatized. Death, but it takes a very long time to recover in this world.

He didn't expect that he would be fooled by Zhang Cheng again, and he was very annoyed.

However, seeing that group of emperor-level monks being forced back step by step by Zhang Cheng, his annoyance immediately sprang up, and he yelled loudly while cursing these trash.

Although this group of trash is useless, now he must use their power to check and balance Zhang Cheng, otherwise, if he is killed, it will be completely over.

"Yes... yes!" There must be a brave man under the heavy reward. Although they are very afraid of the weird long knife in Zhang Cheng's hand, Zhang Cheng's strength is there, which reduces their psychological burden.

At the same time, the position of the emperor was fatally attractive to them, so, one by one, they rushed towards Zhang Cheng regardless of the loss.

"Huh, it's just in time." Zhang Chengzheng worried that he didn't have the extra strength to make up for his loss, and it would be great if they could contribute.

So, Zhang Cheng swung his long knife and rushed towards them.

For a moment, the scene became extremely chaotic, and the emperor-level monks fell under Zhang Cheng's knife one by one, turning into mummified corpses.

However, Zhang Cheng also got a lottery on his body, and he was hit several times. Fortunately, he had a killer weapon in his hand, and the supply of Yuanli was almost endless, so the more he fought, the more excited he was, and the more he killed, the easier it was.


At this time, the members of the four major families who had fled before turned back at this moment. With the addition of a large group of people, the entire battle situation has undergone a shocking reversal.

The emperor-level powerhouses who had been chasing them to fight were chasing around like they were on funeral leave.

"It's not good!" Seeing this scene, Tian Lingzi was annoyed, but he also knew that the whole situation was no longer under his control, and if it continued like this, his life would be in danger.

Then he blew a whistle, and the Nine Dragon Chariot flew over.

Tian Lingzi jumped directly onto the dragon chariot, and fled towards the passage of Yuanshi Plane.


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