At this moment, Zhang Cheng's heart rose to his throat. You must know that if Qiu Xiaotian can really devour the corpses of other saints to improve his cultivation, then although this seal is strong, there will always be a point that will be broken.update the fastest

Because there are too many saint corpses here, enough for Qiu Xiaotian to break through several realms.

"Evolution?" Although Xia Lingyun and the others heard the word "evolution" for the first time, they could guess the meaning of the word, and their faces changed involuntarily.

"Brother, I think we have to think of a solution as soon as possible, otherwise, after a long time, this guy broke through the seal, and we can't deal with him at all." Zhang Cheng said seriously.

"But what can we do?" Xia Lingyun and the others were also helpless. Facing such an unknown existence, he felt a great sense of powerlessness.


At this moment, there were several sounds of breaking through the air outside, and then two figures rushed in from outside.

These two people were none other than Li Benqing, the suzerain of Jianzong, and Wang Qingan, the suzerain of Danzong. At this moment, they looked anxious.

Seeing them, Zhang Cheng couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and asked, "Why are you here?"

"Back to Supreme, Tian Lingzi and the others have already started attacking my illusionary moon plane." Li Benqing said hastily.

"You said that Tianlingzi made a move?" Zhang Cheng's eyes widened immediately when he heard this, and he thought to himself: "I don't come early, I don't come late, but I come at this time. Isn't this a nonsense?"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Zhao Shan and asked, "Second brother, what should we do now?"

"No matter what, we can't let Tian Lingzi capture the Huanyue plane again." Zhao Shan thought for a while and said, "Well, eighth brother, you stay here and watch over there with my eldest brother and seventh brother. .”

"Alright." Zhang Cheng is really worried about the situation here, if this Qiu Xiaotian really breaks through the realm and breaks the seal, I'm afraid he will have nothing to do with this guy.

At that time, Qiu Xiaotian's threat must be greater than Tian Lingzi's.

"Let's go!" After saying that, Xia Lingyun and the others flew out of here, but Zhang Cheng couldn't calm down for a long time, especially when he saw Qiu Xiaotian who was evolving in the middle of the pit, he felt nervous for a while.

To be honest, he didn't think that he would see this guy one day, let alone meet Eqiu Xiaotian in such a state under such a situation.

However, speaking of it, there was no deep hatred between the two of them, and the reason why he wanted to kill him was just to avenge Xiang Tian.

However, Xiang Tian didn't intend to continue to pursue this matter, so he decided to let Qiu Xiaotian go, as long as he didn't come to trouble him, then he wouldn't kill him.

But now Qiu Xiaotian has become like this, even he feels a little fear, which makes Zhang Cheng curious about what he has experienced before, but also has some sympathy

Because he could see that Qiu Xiaotian was completely controlled at this moment, that is to say, what he showed at this moment was not his own will.

In other words, Qiu Xiaotian had already been killed.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but recall Xiang Tian's demeanor when he talked about this matter with him, and couldn't help but feel a pity in his heart.

Suddenly, Zhang Cheng felt the creation fragments in his body start to tremble, as if he had noticed something.However, this time was different from the last time. The intention of the last time was very obvious, and Zhang Cheng could clearly feel that it was a warning.

But this time, he couldn't feel the intention of the Creation Fragment.

So Zhang Cheng sat cross-legged and carefully felt the changes in the creation fragments. Suddenly, the scene in front of him changed, and then he came to the creation space.

At this moment, the creation space is the same as before, only the long law releases colorful brilliance.

But after a closer look, it was found that the creation space of this matter was different from the previous ones, because there were countless tiny bright lights in this space.

Just like the stars, it fills the entire creation space.

"What is this?" Zhang Cheng subconsciously reached out and grabbed a few star points, but the moment these star points touched Zhang Cheng's palm, they melted into his body and merged with the fragments of the law of creation in his body. As one, an extra picture appeared in his mind.

This is an extremely tragic scene of war, a group of people and a group of ferocious wild beasts are confronting each other, but when I look at it myself, I find that those wild beasts are actually human beings, just lying on the ground.

And their eyes were extremely red, accompanied by a strong killing intent.

Seeing this, Zhang Cheng immediately associated the "beast" in this picture with Qiu Xiaotian's current situation.

Zhang Cheng seemed to have realized something, and then immediately finished cross-legged, and sacrificed the fragments of the law of good fortune. Suddenly, the "stardust" all over the sky began to gather towards the fragments of the law of good fortune, like fireflies that had seen the fire.

Although these "stardust" are small in size, they are filled in the entire creation space.

After being pulled, these "stardust" actually formed a substantial torrent, gathering towards the fragments of the law of good fortune above Zhang Cheng's head.

With the addition of these "stardust", the fragments of the law of good fortune above Zhang Cheng's head grew rapidly, doubling in an instant.

At the same time, there are more pictures in his mind, but the protagonist is completely different.

After sorting out for a period of time, Zhang Cheng found a very important message from these pictures, which made him both happy and scared.

What pleased him was that these "stardust" were not other things, but tiny fragments of the laws of creation. These were the many fragments of creation left by the dead saints when they died. At this moment, they absorbed these "stardust" Dust" saves him the time to feel good fortune.

However, some memories of these saints were sealed in these fragments of good fortune, which was also the source of Zhang Cheng's fear.

According to the memory fragments he obtained, the deaths of these saints were actually cannibalism, but they were passive cannibalism.

But the instigator of all this is just an ordinary bug.

This kind of worm is called dark blood worm, it is a worm that was born between heaven and earth together with good fortune, and it is also a kind of parasite.

However, this worm is different from other parasites. Other parasites look for hosts to reproduce, but this dark blood worm is not. It looks for hosts entirely to gain new life.

What does it mean to gain a new life? It is to change to a new way of life, just like seizing a house in the cultivation world. Once he is parasitized by this kind of dark blood worm, then this person will die, and his body will be completely destroyed by the dark blood worm. control.

The reason why this kind of bug is so strange is that this kind of bug is not bound by the laws of creation, and even a saint can hardly resist his control...

That's right, you read that right, that is, even saints can be recruited, and their bodies themselves have a complete law of creation, once the invasion is successful, then this person will become an existence of the same level as a saint.

Moreover, this kind of bug is extremely harmful, and it is difficult to kill it. Even if it kills the host, it can change the host very quickly.

From this, one can imagine how terrifying this kind of bug is.

And those saints before were not all saints, most of them were parasitized by dark blood worms, and their bodies evolved to reach the level of saints.

But once the host died, the dark blood worm would leave the host's body, which also resulted in the saint's corpse.

At that time, there were more than ten dark blood worms, but in the end they were all beheaded by more than ten saints at that time, and the saints also suffered heavy casualties.

But even so, a dark blood worm still fell, hiding among many corpses and refusing to come out.

The saints didn't have the strength to search one by one, so a group of people built this palace at the cost of their lives and completely sealed it.

In order to make future generations vigilant against the danger of the dark blood worm, I left a map and a seal, hoping that future saints can kill this dark blood worm.

What I didn't expect was that after that battle, all the saints at that time fell, and most of the Supremes also suffered heavy casualties. This matter was forgotten by most people as time went by.

Even some people who remembered this event gradually deviated from the truth as time passed, and finally the sealed place used to seal the dark blood worms turned out to be a holy place that some people yearn for, which is really ridiculous.

What's more, the development of the matter was beyond the expectations of those saints. Not only were the map and seal not obtained by the saints, but Qiu Xiaotian got them instead, and his arrival was like a key, unlocking the secret of the dark blood worms. Sealed, and provided a living parasite for the dark blood worm.

According to the predictions of those saints, this dark blood worm would be easily beheaded without a parasite, but if Qiu Xiaotian did this, the matter would become serious.

Moreover, if you want to stop the dark blood worm, you must kill Qiu Xiaotian, but it won't take long for Qiu Xiaotian to break through the realm of a saint, and there is no saint who can compete with him in the current world.

After learning this, Zhang Cheng not only did not get the slightest relief, but became more and more nervous.

He is well aware of how dangerous it is for the dark blood worm to reappear in the world, and the consequences may be even more terrifying than Tian Lingzi's possession of the entire world. If it cannot be stopped, the world will become a purgatory, and everyone will die. Doomed.

Although this seal is strong, after such a long period of time, it is very likely that it cannot withstand its impact.

"No, we must stop it." Zhang Cheng sighed in his heart, but at the moment he was alone and helpless, and he couldn't help thinking of Tianlingzi.

Looking at the whole world, only he can fight side by side with him.

But will he cooperate with himself?This is also a very serious question. After all, they have different positions. Sooner or later there will be a battle, and it will be a battle of life and death.

"It doesn't matter so much, let him try it, if it doesn't work, find another way." Zhang Cheng left a clone to continue to monitor the situation here, and the real body rushed outside.

At this moment, Tian Lingzi is in the dark moon kingdom, and is sending a large number of masters to attack the fantasy moon plane with crowd tactics.

Because Xia Lingyun and the others arrived in time, they immediately sent people to other planes to rescue soldiers, so they blocked Tian Lingzi's attack, but the battle continued.

"Are they crazy?" Tian Xuan was surprised when he saw the saints rushing out of the wormhole like moths to the flame, because they were not fighting at all, but sending people to die.

After all, they were affected by the law of the dark moon kingdom before, and the moment they returned to this world, there would be a moment of incompatibility. Although the time of inadaptation was short, it was absolutely fatal to them.

However, after being killed by them for a few batches of Supreme Beings, Tian Lingzi didn't intend to stop at all, instead he intensified his efforts and photographed more and more people, which made him unable to figure it out.

The battle was still going on, and Zhao Shan and the others became more and more nervous.

They are very clear that as long as it is a war, there will be casualties. Although the losses of Tian Lingzi's side are greater, their losses are not small. If Tian Lingzi does not restrain himself, they may not be able to resist them offensive.

Moreover, Zhao Shan couldn't figure out what Tianlingzi's purpose was for attacking the Phantom Moon plane this time.

Based on his previous understanding of Tian Lingzi, he knew that he was a very rational person and would not take risks easily, but what he did at this moment subverted his usual image, which caught Zhao Shan by surprise.

"Big Brother, Second Brother, Seventh Brother." At this moment, Zhang Cheng flew from behind.

"Eighth brother, why are you here? Is there something wrong there?" Seeing Zhang Cheng coming, Xia Lingyun's heart skipped a beat. Although he didn't know what was going on there, he also had a premonition. Things are more difficult over there than Tianlingzi.

"Now is not the time to explain. Stop blocking now and let Tian Lingzi and the others come in." Zhang Cheng expressed his thoughts.

"Eighth brother, what are you talking about? Don't you know what will happen to us after they come in?" Zhao Shan asked in shock.

"I know, but I also know that if I can't cooperate with him, we will all die." Zhang Cheng said seriously.

"What do you mean?" Not only Zhao Shan, Xia Lingyun and the others also frowned, not understanding what Zhang Cheng meant.

"I said, now is not the time to explain, quickly let Tian Lingzi and the others in." Zhang Chengdao.

"Okay!" Although Zhao Shan and the others were still confused, they understood Zhang Cheng, and Zhang Cheng would not joke with them at this time, so they ordered to stop the attack.

Without a strong resistance, Tianlingzi's troops quickly occupied the wormhole, and after a while, Tianlingzi, Yuanfang and others walked out of it, looking at Zhang Cheng and the others with strange expressions on their faces. .

To be honest, he didn't expect why Zhang Cheng and the others stopped blocking, so he guessed: "Could it be that this kid has figured it out and plans to cooperate with me?"

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