At this moment, Zhang Cheng, Zhao Shan and others came to the outside of the saint's tomb. The trap they set up was actually nothing special. They didn't set up a large formation, and there was no special method. A valley that is impenetrable on all sides and does nothing else.update the fastest

It's not that they are lazy, but because they all know that in the face of such a terrifying existence, doing anything is superfluous.

All they had to do was run as far as they could, leaving only Zhang Cheng sitting at the lowest end of the valley, waiting for Qiu Xiaotian's arrival.

To be honest, he has already put his heart in his throat, knowing that what he is facing at this moment is a saint, this feeling is like comparing strength with an elephant, which makes people feel powerless.

However, no matter how weak he was, Zhang Cheng had to persevere, because he knew that once he failed, not only would he die, but everyone else would die.

Of course, Zhang Cheng is not the kind of kind person who cares about the world. The main reason is that among these people are his own women and relatives.He can take care of others, but he must take care of them.

"Roar—" A trembling roar sounded from a distance, and then Zhang Chenggong felt an extremely strong sense of crisis, and then, Zhang Chengcheng saw Tian Lingzi and his party flying towards this direction at an amazing speed Quick, it came here in the blink of an eye.

"I'll leave the rest to you." After Tian Lingzi saw Zhang Cheng, he felt relieved, feeling that his mission had been completed, so he led the rest of the people and fled towards the distance.

At this moment, Zhang Cheng's heartbeat gradually accelerated, and it took only a few breaths to rise to a terrifying level.

Suddenly, a black shadow rushed towards him at an extremely fast speed, and its target was himself.

At this moment, Zhang's sense of achievement seemed to be perfect. His heartbeat and breathing stopped, but it made his heart calm unexpectedly.

Just when Qiu Xiaotian arrived at his side and opened his mouth to bite him, Zhang Cheng let go of the law that enveloped the holy flame of good fortune, and then directly stuffed the many budding "flower bones" into Qiu Xiaotian's mouth.

Zhang Cheng didn't have time to observe the result, almost at the same time he threw the flame of good fortune, he wrapped his body with the law, and then quickly backed away.

With a sound of "bang", Qiu Xiaotian's throat was directly burned through, and a ball of flame rushed out from his eyes, ears, mouth and nose, and spread all over his body in an instant. In the blink of an eye, Qiu Xiaotian was reduced to a pile of ashes.

And the holy fire of good fortune also fell directly to the ground, burning the ground into a hole in an instant, and a volcano similar to Yuanji volcano appeared on the magic moon plane.

"Is he dead?" Zhang Cheng didn't care about the changes in the surrounding environment, he couldn't believe that he killed Qiu Xiaotian so easily.

One must know that the ten or so saints joined forces back then and failed to completely wipe out the dark blood worms, but at this moment, a person who has not even reached the realm of a saint has killed a dark blood worm. This is really unbelievable.

But the matter was really guessed by Zhang Cheng, because he felt several powerful auras gathered from all around, and dozens of monsters exactly the same as the previous monster appeared on the surrounding mountains.

"How is this possible?" Zhang Cheng obviously remembered that the dark blood worms could not reproduce, but why so many dark blood worms appeared in such a short period of time was completely beyond his imagination.

"Zhang Cheng, stay safe." At this moment, a somewhat familiar but very strange voice came from the front. Looking closely, Zhang Cheng discovered that the source of the voice turned out to be a monster.

" are Qiu Xiaotian?" Zhang Cheng couldn't help asking.

However, what he saw at this moment has exceeded his imagination. As far as he knows, the person parasitized by the dark blood worm has already surpassed the scope of human beings, and is no different from a beast, or in other words, it is a dark blood in human form Worm, it's impossible to talk at all.

However, this situation broke what he knew before, completely beyond his expectations.

Not only did this guy speak, but he seemed to still retain his previous consciousness, that is to say, the monster at this time was Qiu Xiaotian himself, and he deceived everyone.

"I didn't expect you to remember such a small person like me. It's not in vain that I have been thinking about you." Qiu Xiaotian walked to the other side of the crater, facing Zhang Cheng far away, his face full of sarcasm.

But his sarcasm coupled with his terrifying appearance made him even more ferocious. Even Zhang Cheng, who had a strong mental capacity, was startled by this appearance.

"How is this possible, how can you possibly be able to resist the erosion of the dark blood worm!" Zhang Cheng asked the question in his heart, probably only Qiu Xiaotian himself can answer his own question.

"You know quite a lot, you even know about the dark blood worm." Qiu Xiaotian heard Zhang Cheng's inquiry was somewhat unexpected, he originally thought that he was the only one in the world who knew about the dark blood worm.

"You haven't answered my question yet." Zhang Cheng asked, ignoring what he said.

"Well, let me think about it!" Qiu Xiaotian scratched his little hair with his front paw without any hurry, and then said: "Oh, I thought of it."

"Why?" Zhang Cheng asked.

"But why should I tell you?" Chou Xiaotian asked, and then he grinned his perverted mouth and sneered.

"This..." It was only then that Zhang Cheng understood that just now Qiu Xiaotian was teasing himself, which made him very annoyed.

"Why, are you angry now?" Chou Xiaotian smiled, and said again: "Don't worry about getting angry, if you get angry now, after I kill your woman, wouldn't you be angry?"

"If you dare to touch a single hair of my woman, I will never end with you." Zhang Cheng's expression changed, but he didn't expect that Qiu Xiaotian wanted to catch Gongyang Xinyue's attention, and his expression turned ugly.

"You're not finished with me?" Qiu Xiaotian was startled, then he burst out laughing, saying: "You are not finished with me, haha, you are not finished with me... Do you think that I am still the same Qiu Xiaotian who you bullied and slaughtered before?" ?"

As he said that, the aura on his body suddenly increased, and a pressure like Mount Tai pressed down on him.

At this moment, Zhang Cheng finally came to his senses, the current Qiu Xiaotian was no longer something he could handle.

"How about it, do you still feel that you can never end with me?" Qiu Xiaotian looked at Zhang Cheng with a half-smile, seeing that he also had such a defeated day, he was very relieved.


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