Alien Madness

Chapter 96

{I'm sorry everyone, Xiaolong's condition is not good today. The three updates before today are all the previous saved manuscripts. This chapter was coded at night. The slow speed made me crazy, but it's still coded. The rest should not affect tomorrow's update, but it should be later in the morning, I have to look for the status. }

Under the leadership of Ouyang Qianyun, the two of them walked into this big family that ordinary people daunted without any obstacles.

"This is the luxurious life of the rich." Zhang Cheng sighed, and then followed Ouyang Qianyun into the hall.

At this moment, there were already six people talking about things in the hall, two of them he knew, one was his father Zhang Fang, and the other was Ouyang Qianyun's father Ouyang Tianhong.

The remaining four are middle-aged men, sitting on both sides at the moment, chatting and laughing with Ouyang Tianhong and Zhang Fang, obviously at the same level.

Although Zhang Cheng didn't know them, he could guess their identities pretty well. These people should be the heads of the big families in several other countries that Ouyang Tianhong mentioned before.

"Brother Zhang Cheng, the one sitting on the right is Shangguan Yunkong, the Patriarch of the Shangguan Clan, who is also the father of the previous Shangguan Hongyan, a member of the Tianlong Empire, and the one next to him is the Patriarch of the Shentu Clan of the Donglai Empire, Shentu Wanli On the left are Li Kun and Sima Chaoyi, they are the patriarchs of the Qingluan Empire and the Huangming Empire respectively." Ouyang Qianyun whispered in Zhang Cheng's ear.

"En!" Zhang Cheng nodded, and had a general understanding of the identities of these four people. However, because of Shangguan Hongyan's matter, he took an extra look at Shangguan Yunkong.

This person looks somewhat similar to Shangguan Hongyan, but it doesn't mean that he looks like a woman, on the contrary, he looks very manly, and he is also very handsome. It can be seen that when he was young, he must have had a lot of Women are fascinated by him.

"Daughter, you are back, come, come and meet all uncles!" Ouyang Tianhong immediately beamed with joy when he saw Zhang Cheng and Ouyang Qianyun coming, and then greeted them, and then pushed Ouyang Qianyun and Zhang Cheng Going to Shangguan Yunkong and the others, he said: "Brother Yunkong, this is my daughter, how about it, this is no worse than your precious daughter!"

"Hehe, not bad, not bad!" Compared to Ouyang Qianyun, Shangguan Yunkong seemed to be more interested in Zhang Cheng, looked at him and asked, "This little brother should be Brother Zhang's son!"

"Hehe, yes, he is my son!" Zhang Fang also walked over and said proudly.

"What a talent, brother Tianhong, I really envy you. I have found such a good son-in-law. If he hadn't been engaged, I would have let my daughter snatch him over!" Shangguan Yunkong It has been known for a long time that the batch of foundation building pills that Ouyang Tianhong is going to sell belong to Zhang Cheng, and, also known, Zhang Cheng has joined the Taoist alchemy sect.

So he was really envious of Ouyang Tianhong. With such a son-in-law, he had a better future than having the support of a cultivator.

If Zhang Cheng is willing, he can really give him his daughter as a gift, so as to build up the relationship between their Shangguan family and Zhang Cheng.

However, it seems that this is just his wishful thinking.Moreover, if he was told that his daughter had an unpleasant incident with Zhang Cheng outside, he didn't know how he would feel.

"Hehe, Uncle Shangguan was joking, I am already content with Qianyun!" Zhang Cheng smiled. Although Shangguan Hongyan was very good-looking and in line with his aesthetics, he couldn't bear that kind of temper.

In comparison, Ouyang Qianyun is better, gentle and considerate, beautiful and generous, able to live in the kitchen and in the big bed, uh, although it is not possible now, but it will definitely be possible in the future.

"Haha, Brother Shangguan, don't make any crooked ideas. He is my son-in-law-to-be. Whoever comes to snatch me is in a hurry!" Ouyang Tianhong laughed.

"I would like to, but my daughter has to listen to me!" Shangguan Yunkong said.

"Hehe, Brother Shangguan, sit down!" Ouyang Tianhong introduced the two of them to Shentu Wanli, Li Kun and Sima Chaoyi respectively.

These three people gave Zhang Cheng a completely different feeling. As the name suggests, Shentu Wanli looks very simple and straightforward, but there is also a hint of shrewdness in his eyes. It is obvious that he is not as good as he looks on the outside. Simple.

Li Kun's first impression on Zhang Cheng was that of a tiger with a smiling face. Although there was a smile on his face all the time, his eyes were very sharp.

As for Sima Chaoyi, although he didn't talk much, he was the one that gave Zhang Cheng the best feeling among the four.Because he gave people a very real feeling, unlike Shentu Wanli who pretended to be simple and honest, nor did he want to pretend like Li Kun.

"Okay, nephew, you and Qianyun sit aside and listen. We are discussing the auction tomorrow. You are the owner of this batch of pills, and you have the right to know." Ouyang Tianhong pointed to the chair next to him and said.

"Well, good!" Zhang Chengcheng wanted to hear the difference between the auction here and the auction on the earth. If it is not good, he can introduce some advanced methods, after all, it has a direct interest relationship with him.

After speaking, Zhang Cheng pulled Ouyang Qianyun to sit aside, and the kitten was hugged by Ouyang Qianyun. Although it resisted a little, under Zhang Cheng's lust, it could only stay honestly in Ouyang Qianyun's place. in his arms.

Ouyang Tianhong sat back, and then said: "Everyone, what we are going to sell this time is Zhuji Dan, which is extraordinary, and our first priority is to ensure the safety of these pills! Half a month has passed, I don’t know if you have obtained the king’s consent to send the offerings from the Foundation Establishment Period to serve as guards?”

"Our Heavenly Dragon Empire has decided to send three priests from the Foundation Establishment Period to be responsible for the safety of this auction!" Shangguan Yunkong replied.

"Our Donglai Empire has also sent three priests from the Foundation Establishment Stage, and they have arrived at the auction site at this moment!" Shentu Wanli said.

"Our Qingluan Empire is a little weaker, so we only sent two masters from the Foundation Establishment Stage, and they have already arrived at the auction venue!" Li Kun replied.

"Our Huangming Empire, like the Qingluan Empire, has also sent two!" Sima Chaoyi replied.

"Three from the Tianlong Empire, three from the Donglai Empire, two from the Qingluan Empire, plus two from the Huangming Empire and five from our Huaxia Kingdom, in this way, we have fifteen masters from the Foundation Establishment Stage Guardian, I believe that there should be no big problem in terms of safety." Ouyang Tianhong continued: "In this case, let's discuss how to sell these foundation building pills as high as possible!"

"After nearly a month of vigorous publicity, many ancient Cultivation Families and Cultivation Sect Families and Cultivation Sects have attracted a lot of people. Moreover, there are conflicts between the various families. We can use this to increase profits. Space." Shangguan Yunkong said.

"Well, what the head of the Shangguan family said is very true. The struggle between these cultivation families and cultivation sects is very fierce. If the fourteen pills are auctioned together, it will inevitably lead to a fierce price war. Only in this way In order to obtain higher returns." Shentu Wanli agreed.

"This is a good way. It will intensify the conflicts among the major families and thus gain greater benefits. I also agree to do so." Li Kun replied.

"Patriarch Sima, do you have any suggestions?" Ouyang Tianhong asked.

"I don't have any opinion, I also think it's good." Sima Chaoyi nodded and said.

"Since everyone has no opinion, let's do this..."

"Wait a minute!" At this moment, Zhang Cheng interrupted Ouyang Tianhong.

"Why, nephew, do you have any opinions?" Ouyang Tianhong asked curiously.

"Yes, I have an idea. The method Uncle Shentu said is good, but I don't think it is the best method!" Zhang Cheng replied.

"Oh, then tell me what you think." Shentu Wanli asked curiously.

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