ancient myth

Chapter 12 Rich and Willful

"Wang Hao, stop for me!"

"Wang Hao, if you don't apologize today, this matter will never end! Neither Su Huang nor the Su family will let you go!"

Seeing Wang Hao leave just like that, the girl beside Su Muxue screamed loudly.

It's a pity, how could Wang Hao care about it?

Not only this proud girl, but at this moment, how many people in Wan Dan Pavilion gritted their teeth in hatred for Wang Hao's last offensive action just now?If you take care of them one by one, does Wang Hao need to get down to business?

"Sister Mu Yu, look! This Wang Hao is so crazy, he... can't, let's go, let's find Su Huang. Let him teach this guy a lesson!"

Seeing Wang Hao walking up the stairs, the girl was full of indignation, and complained to Su Muyu.

Su Muyu didn't reply.Frowning slightly, looking at the direction Wang Hao left, a trace of solemnity and doubt flashed in his eyes.

"Miss, Miss, it's not good..."

When Su Muyu was silent and the girl was furious, a figure ran from outside the Wandan Pavilion, looking at Su Muyu, the servant-like man looked anxious.

"what happened?"

The unease in Su Muyu's heart began to spread.

"Young master! Something happened to the young master! The master asked the young lady to go back as soon as possible..."

The servant took a deep breath.


The girl beside Su Muyu widened her eyes and exclaimed.

Su Muyu pursed her lips, subconsciously clenched her hands hidden in her sleeves.

It turned out to be true!

"The little overlord of the Su family was really beaten?"

"Who is so brave... dare to touch that lunatic?"

"Wang Hao, he...has this strength?"

Inside the Wan Dan Pavilion, people who heard the news couldn't help but look at each other.When Wang Hao said that Su Huang was beaten, people just took it as a joke.However, now that these words come from the mouth of the Su family, who dares to doubt?

Everyone is in a mess.


No matter how much trouble his actions caused, at this moment, Wang Hao, led by the middle-aged shopkeeper, came to the second floor of Wan Dan Pavilion, in an extremely luxurious room.

What caught my eye was a fat and strong boy who looked about sixteen or seventeen years old.Roughly estimated, no less than three or four hundred catties.From a distance, it looks like a meat ball.Great visual impact!

"Let me introduce myself, my father's surname is Tai, and my family is very rich! So, my name is Tai Youqian! This Wandan Pavilion, I can be the master!"

When Wang Hao observed the boy with fat head and big ears, the boy showed a harmless smile and said directly.

"Wang Hao!"

The corner of Wang Hao's mouth twitched.

Tai Youqian...the enough!

I really don't know, what's the name of this guy's father...

"I like you very much!" Looking at Wang Hao who was sitting in front of him, Tai Youqian's eyes shone brightly: "Teach the little overlord of the Su family a lesson, molesting the little phoenix of the Su family! Haha... Admiration!"

"It seems that my every move is under your nose?"

Wang Hao frowned.

"I said, I'm rich! There's nothing money can't do!" Tai Youqian was quite proud: "For example, I know why the little phoenix of the Su family hung you. You should be taught a lesson! You should hate her very much now, right? Five days ago, if it wasn’t for her, you wouldn’t have gone outside the city, and you wouldn’t have been pushed off a cliff. You wouldn’t have nearly died! Now you probably want to get Su The marriage contract that the family gave to the Wang family. Those who get the marriage contract can get the Su family's little phoenix. This is the sincerity that the Su family gave to the Wang family in the beginning! However, now the Su family wants to go back! The little phoenix is ​​not Just wanting to use you to get the marriage contract, she wants more, including your life! For you, the best revenge is to destroy this little Phoenix of the Su family!"

Fatty's eyes sparkled, his face was full of excitement.As if he was the one to get revenge.

"What else do you know?"

Wang Hao narrowed his eyes. The words of this seemingly harmless fat man made Wang Hao unable to calm down.

"Hey... money can turn ghosts around! If I, Wandan Pavilion, don't know about the Su family and your Wang family, how can I gain a foothold in Pingchang City? As for revenge, it's my own idea! Haha... But now It seems that you and I are on the same path! So, I like you!"

Seeing Wang Hao's reaction, the fat man said enthusiastically.

"This fat man is very narrow-minded!" Hearing what the fat man said, Wang Hao secretly rolled his eyes.It is undeniable that what he said was pretty much what he thought.Wang Hao thinks this way because he was too influenced by that unreliable old Taoist priest!However, this fat man... is self-taught!This is the scariest thing!

"I didn't come here to tell you these things! Come to think of it, the shopkeeper has already told you my purpose just now?"

Wang Hao cut directly to the topic, and didn't want to have too many conversations with this fat man.God knows what else he'll come up with.

"Haha! Yes! It's important!" Tai Youqian's eyes lit up: "Let's make a price!"

"Danfang? Are you not afraid that I will lie to you?"

Tai Yuqian's directness once again surprised Wang Hao.

"I said, I like you! We are friends!"

Tai Youqian smiled innocently.

"This number!"

Wang Hao stretched out a finger.

"10 taels of silver?" Tai Youqian frowned: "I told you, I'm rich! 10 taels? Look down on me? 20 taels! It's settled."

"You... are really rich!"

Wang Hao was stunned.

He knew very well that in this world, ten taels of silver was enough for a family of three to live a well-off life for a year.Even for a big family like the Wang family, a direct descendant is only ten taels of silver a month.

Tiger bone powder is the lowest level body quenching potion!Such potions may be considered expensive for ordinary people.However, for families like the Wang family, it was a rather cheap cultivation item.Many families are even able to refine by themselves.

Therefore, even if the body quenching potion is 10% more effective than the tiger bone powder, it would not be too valuable.Wang Hao originally thought that [-] taels of silver was not a low price, but who would have thought that Thailand is so rich...

Sure enough, poverty still limits my imagination!Wang Hao was filled with emotion.

"Who made us friends! You are so self-willed when you are rich!" To Wang Hao's emotion, Tai Youqian looked complacent: "Okay, that's it for Dan Fang! I was just below, did you see the need?" things? Maybe take some back with you?"

"That Heavenly Toad Pill Furnace, I just need it!"

Wang Hao responded directly to Thai Rich's promotion.

"Send it to you!"

Tai Youqian waved his hand and said.

"1 taels of silver! Are you sure?"

"From the moment we're friends, it's yours!"

"There are still some medicinal materials needed for the quenching state..."

"Give it!"

"I need a lot!"

"Give them all! That's how willful they are!"

The next conversation between Wang Hao and Tai Youqian not only made the middle-aged shopkeeper on one side feel pained, made Zhou Shan's eyes widen, but also made Wang Hao feel speechless.

This Thai is rich... so rich, he is really willful!

"What do you want from me?"

From the beginning to the end, Tai Youqian was too straightforward, which actually made Wang Hao feel more and more heavy.If you pay, you should always get something.The more you pay, the bigger the plot!Especially for businessmen.

Ty is rich, what exactly does he want?

"I said, we are friends! And, I got Dan Fang!"

Tai Youqian took a sip of tea with a relaxed expression on his face.

"and then?"

Wang Hao narrowed his eyes.

"there is none left!"

Tai Youqian looked innocent.




ps: New book issue, please take care of me.Leave your valuable suggestions, don't forget to collect and spread flowers! !Mmm, Thai rich will fall in love with you guys!Ha ha……

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