ancient myth

Chapter 14

Wang Hao's words in succession made all the people present change color.

The atmosphere in the hall suddenly became dull.

"Today, I will disappoint you all!"

Finally, after a long silence, the great elder of the Wang family spoke slowly.

The sound is not loud, but it is clearly transmitted to everyone's ears.Great elder of the Wang family, this is to tell everyone that the Wang family is not a place where everyone can run wild!The Su family can't get the result they want here!

"My Wang family, it's not your Su family's turn to point fingers!"

"Your Su family knows what Su Huang has done these years. Now you want to find my Wang family responsible? Hmph, is the Su family deceiving me that there is no one in the Wang family?"

As the great elder stood up to speak, the next moment, several elders of the royal family slowly spoke in the hall.


Watching this scene, Wang Hao raised the corners of his mouth and let out a soft breath.

Just now, he was persecuting the elders of the royal family.However, apart from the great elder who had stepped forward to help him during the spiritual enlightenment ceremony, Wang Hao had no idea about the rest of the people.

Now it seems that the situation is not the worst, even better than imagined.The clan elder who stood up at this moment has already occupied half of the Wang family.

Looking at Wang Tianyang's gloomy face, one can imagine what his mood is at the moment.


The expressions of the elders of the Wang family changed the expressions of the members of the Su family.

This result was unexpected.

It's fine for Wang Hao to become so eloquent.When did he already have such a status in the Wang family?

"Okay! Wang Hao, even if what you said is true. Su Huang made a mistake first, but you have gone too far!"

After blocking the rest of the Su family, the leader of the Su family always looked towards Wang Hao.

"Too much? No, no, no! It's not too much! If someone wants to beat you to death, what will you do? Su Huang just got his arms broken. He's lucky! You should thank me!"

Wang Hao said quietly.

"Wang Hao, you are arrogant, do you really think my Su family is easy to bully?"

"Hmph, you have to give my Su family an explanation for today's matter! Otherwise, don't blame my Su family for not being sympathetic!"

The members of the Su family who were constantly provoked by Wang Hao were furious, wishing they could shoot Wang Hao to death.

"Whether I'm arrogant or not, it's not up to you! When it comes to the Su family, I remembered something. Here, I'd like to ask you guys!"

Wang Hao suddenly stood up, approached everyone in the Su family, and sneered again and again: "It seems that you have forgotten who was trying to please and ask for help in times of crisis. Who is it that pulled your Su family out of trouble? What have you, the Su family, done all these years? None of you remember when you were begging for mercy.

snort!Now that the Su family is getting more and more wings, they are starting to avenge their kindness?In the past few years, don't think that I don't know how the rumors in Pingchang City appeared.Five days ago, I fell off the Qianzhang Cliff outside the city and nearly died, not to mention that I had nothing to do with the Su family.And that Su Huang, needless to say!The Su family, what a great ability!Since you want to do the math, do the math today? "

Since he wanted to tear his face apart, Wang Hao wanted to see how these people had the face to stand in front of him!

Facing Wang Hao's continuous questioning, the entire Wang family hall fell into a deathly silence.

Everyone in the Su family present has experienced those years.

Fifteen years ago, the Su family offended someone they shouldn't have offended, and fell into a desperate situation, with a century-old foundation at stake.At that time, Wang Tianwen happened to bring Wang Hao back to the family.The Su family licked their faces, begged in every possible way, and even moved out the slightest relationship between the Wang family and the Su family a hundred years ago to please them in every possible way!

It was at that time that Wang Tianwen stood up with his injuries.With his own strength, save the Su family from danger!

After the turmoil subsided, the Su family gave a marriage letter in order to cling to the Wang family!He gave Su Muyu, who is now known as the little phoenix of the Su family, to the Wang family.

However, the Su family did not expect that Wang Tianwen would die in Huangquan shortly after that incident.They didn't even expect that the Su family would come back to life and climb to new heights.

So these years, the Su family began to regret it?

How should the Su family say these things?

What's more, the Su family has done a lot of tricks over the years, and it's impossible for the elders of the Su family not to be aware of this.

If you really want to calculate...

"In recent years, my Su family may have done something wrong. However, we have no malicious intentions. It's just a play house played by some younger generations. If you offend me, I hope you will forgive me! As for today's matter, Wang Shao As I said just now, you were not the one who beat someone. Then, please, Young Master Wang, hand over the villain!"

After a long silence, finally, the elders headed by the Su family spoke again.

What Wang Hao said was not only a rehash of the past, but also a threat!If the Su family really wanted to pester Wang Hao today, Wang Hao would completely tear his face apart.At that time, how can the Su family be alone?Hurt the enemy one thousand and self-injure eight hundred, Wang Hao is so ruthless!

Now is not the time to tear face with the Wang family.

Since it was impossible to take Wang Hao away, the Su family simply shifted their target!

"What if I don't make friends?" Wang Hao sneered, the Su family really had the face to say this: "Let me tell the truth. Today, people, you can't take them away! Didn't you just say those things Are they all children playing house? I think Su Huang’s behavior is the same? It’s just right, I’m still young! I also like these tricks. I’m sorry, I won today’s game. I’m not an unreasonable person , Didn’t Su Huang break his hands? I’ll pay for the medical expenses! This matter is over! If the Su family wants to entangle?

So far, the goal I wanted to achieve has been achieved.What should be said has been said.Wang Hao gave instructions directly to the new housekeeper who succeeded Wang Fu.


Wang Hao made another attack, causing everyone in the Su family to smoke.

Today, they are obviously at a disadvantage.They were obviously looking for trouble.Why now...was utterly embarrassed by Wang Hao?This is not scientific!

The words of the elder of the chief clan were already giving in, but Wang Hao was pressing harder and harder?

This made the elders of the Su family, who used to be aloof, want to go crazy.

"Wang Hao has already made it very clear. Butler, why don't you see off the guests?"

The Great Elder on one side glanced expressionlessly at the housekeeper next to Wang Tianyang, and expressed his opinion directly.

Although the rest of the royal family elders present did not speak, the silence at this moment explained everything.

Even Wang Tianyang couldn't help but glance at the butler beside him.For the Su family, the situation is over.Today, his plan failed again.Don't see off the guests at this time, do you want to completely lose the last trace of his face?

"Everyone, please!"

Until this time, the new butler had a serious face, and said in a deep voice to everyone in the Su family.

The Wang family no longer welcomes them!

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