ancient myth

Chapter 17 Tiger Wolf Pill!

"Old man, the sun didn't come out to the west today. Why are you awake?"

Until the Great Elder left, looking at the sleepy Zhou Uncle, Wang Hao looked curious.

"I've been sleeping for a long time, so I have to exercise."

Uncle Zhou's voice was still hoarse, and he glanced at Wang Hao with his cloudy eyes, but he didn't know what to say.

"Okay!" If besides eating, drinking and lazing, waking up only once in more than ten days is counted as exercise, then Wang Hao believed it: "The Great Elder seems to be very afraid of you?"

The performance of the Great Elder just now was a little strange.Just a word from the old man made him retreat straight away?This is very abnormal!

"That's his fault!" The old man rolled his eyes and turned to look at Zhou Shan: "You, not bad! You can try the Qi Gathering Realm. You should know what you need to practice, don't believe in all kinds of cats and dogs. I want to teach you ? They are not eligible!"

"it is good!"

Hearing Uncle Zhou's words, Zhou Shan smiled innocently, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

"Old man, are you strong?"

Wang Hao, who was left alone, said depressedly.

To be honest, even the original Wang Hao didn't know much about Uncle Zhou than outsiders.

All he knew was that he followed Wang Tianwen to the Wang family 15 years ago.After Wang Tianwen's death, he stayed at Wang's house and became Wang Hao's caretaker.Strictly speaking, he is not even a servant.To the Wang family, he is an outsider.

For more than ten years, Zhou Bo only ate, drank, and slept. Even Wang Hao rarely communicated with him.On the contrary, Zhou Shan seems to be quite the old man's fancy.

From what he said just now, he seems very strong?

"An old man, what can he do? I'm going to bed! Don't disturb me!"

Uncle Zhou glanced at Wang Hao contemptuously, turned around and walked slowly towards the rattan chair not far away.


The moment he lay down, a snoring sound followed.

"Hey... this... isn't it about exercising? I still have something to ask..."

Wang Hao was dumbfounded.

Man, can you be so shameless?

The old man fell asleep again, and he couldn't shake Lei if he didn't want to wake up.This allows myself how to ask things.Wang Hao had a lot of doubts in his heart, and he hoped that the old man could help solve it!

"Are you going to hit the Qi Gathering Realm?"

After a long time, accepting the reality of being ignored again, Wang Hao looked at Zhou Shan who was smiling innocently.

I didn't know how strong this guy was before, but now, Wang Hao has a more direct understanding.


Zhou Shan kept a naive smile all the time.

"Your smile really deserves a beating!" Thinking of his own strength and the similar age of the two, Wang Hao suddenly felt hit.

Immediately afterwards, looking at the wooden box in his hand, Wang Hao showed a sneer: "Wang Tianyang? It seems that he hasn't given up yet! In Chu Kingdom, it takes seven days to finalize the marriage certificate registered and registered. Wang Kun, but there are five more I'll be back soon... It's really a good idea!"

"Su Muyu is not good enough for you!"

Zhou Shanweng said.

If outsiders hear this, Zhou Shan will be beaten to death!Su Muyu, the little phoenix of the Su family, is a slender beauty, and this year she even tested her top-grade talent.Such a person, how many people's dream lover?In Chu Kingdom, how many people are she unworthy of?

"That's what I like!"

Wang Hao was also shameless,

Since Wang Tianyang still doesn't give up, then Wang Hao will accompany him to the end!

"Go to Wan Dan Pavilion and help me buy something!"

Taking a deep breath, Wang Hao said to Zhou Shan.

The situation is becoming more urgent.The time left for himself is less than imagined, and Wang Hao can't afford to wait.


Bang bang bang!

When Zhou Shan came back from Wandan Pavilion, in the small courtyard, the wind danced and the wind roared.

Relying on his previous experience and understanding of martial arts, in the past few days, with the help of limited time, Wang Hao has achieved a small amount of success in the cultivation of Kaitian Palm.

When a set of Opening Palm is used, the momentum is extraordinary.

Especially the Da Ri Yin Qi Art, the vitality cultivated is extraordinarily vigorous and the aura is extremely fierce, which makes Wang Hao even more powerful.

"I bought something back? How much?"

Stopping to practice, Wang Hao asked, looking at the two bags weighing two to three hundred catties on Zhou Shan's back.

"Twelve thousand taels of silver!"

Even Zhou Shan had a complicated expression at this moment.

"If you have money... let's be self-willed for a while!"

Suppressing the feeling of heartache, Wang Hao's mouth twitched.

Damn Thailand is rich, damn profiteers... 5000 taels, why don't they grab it!However, thinking of the money he got from him, Wang Hao finally got some comfort.

In order to improve his strength as soon as possible and cope with the upcoming situation, Wang Hao spent a lot of money this time.Ordinary means can no longer satisfy Wang Hao.He intends to be even crazier!

Just now, Wang Hao asked the second fool to go to the Wandan Pavilion to carry back a large amount of monster flesh and blood!In this world, monsters are powerful, and their flesh and blood contain the energy of heaven and earth, which is the best nourishment for warriors!The price is naturally extremely expensive, and ordinary families don't have to think about it, nor can they enjoy it.

In addition, Wang Hao also asked Zhou Shan to help buy back some medicinal materials and materials for refining elixir.

"You go get lunch first, just eat these things! I have something to do!"

Wang Hao directly picked up the things he needed and walked towards the house.

Tiger Wolf Pill, a prescription that the old Taoist priest found from an ancient book.It is said that the effect of the medicine is violent, like a wolf like a tiger.Unbearable for ordinary people.If it is used rashly, it is very likely that the seven orifices will bleed to death.However, if you can persist, the effect of this elixir is extremely terrifying.

In that world before, no one dared to take risks.There may be, but they are all dead.

Now Wang Hao wants to try.

This world is different from that world.At the very least, Wang Hao's physical strength is already stronger than that of him who was a master back then!This is the root of Wang Hao's adventure.

In his mind, he confirmed the alchemy recipes he had seen before, carefully recalled the alchemy secrets and key points left by the old Taoist priests, and then Wang Hao started to do it.

Taking out the fire seed in the center of the earth, which cost a full 5000 taels of silver, and setting up the alchemy furnace, Wang Hao looked dignified.

Tiger Wolf Pill, eighteen herbs, thirteen of which are the same as in Wang Hao's memory, and the remaining five herbs are replaced by herbs with the same efficacy in this world.This is something that Wang Hao had already paid attention to when he was in Wandan Pavilion that day.

As the flames burned, the temperature in the room rose sharply.

"This flame in the center of the earth is really domineering. It is indeed the best choice for alchemy. Wandan Pavilion, it is really extraordinary to be able to store this thing!"

Facing the roiling heat wave, Wang Hao gasped.


Without giving Wang Hao time to think, as the temperature rose, when the Tianchan Pill Stove let out a deep moan, Wang Hao quickly put the three-flavored elixir that had been prepared in front of him into the Pill Stove.


Thick smoke billowed and the fragrance of the medicine overflowed, Wang Hao focused his attention on the alchemy furnace in front of him.

It seems that as the temperature changes, his heartbeat also changes...

The way of alchemy needs to be cautious, and a little carelessness will waste all previous efforts.The cost of this batch of elixir is no less than 3000 taels of silver, plus the time it takes, Wang Hao must be more careful!

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