ancient myth

Chapter 27 The Selection Begins

As the crowd quieted down, an open space had been cleared at the front of the square.

Nearly [-] boys and girls from Pingchang City who participated in the academy selection are now standing at the forefront of the crowd.Everyone's face is filled with anticipation and excitement.

"Donghuang Calendar, 1086, the selection of the Chu State Academy starts now!"

When everything was ready, on the high platform, a middle-aged man with elegant demeanor slowly walked to the front, glanced at the crowd, and said.

The sound was not loud, but it was clearly transmitted to the ears of everyone present, and the atmosphere in the venue suddenly boiled up.

This person is Zhao Tongxuan, the city lord who is in charge of hundreds of thousands of people in Pingchang City and the military administration in the city.

It is said to be powerful and trusted by the empire.

"go with!"

As the words fell, Zhao Tongxuan flicked his wrist, and a stream of light shot out.


A soft moaning sound spread out, and the dazzling light made people subconsciously avoid their eyes.

When calm was restored, the open space in front of the square was covered with a layer of dazzling brilliance.

"The seal of the city lord!"

Looking at this scene, even though everyone present had seen it too many times, they were still amazed.

Chu State governs Kyushu, with 36 counties and 320 four cities in total.Every city lord is a powerful generation of the empire.Among them, it is the duty of the city lord to preside over the selection of the academy!

The city lord has the seal of the city lord bestowed by the state of Chu, and is in charge of the military and administration of the city.And this city lord seal is a spiritual treasure, and each city lord seal has the space of 'examination world'!It is performed once a year, and every time it is performed, it always makes people feel shocked!

"Is this the Lingbao? It's really amazing!"

Seeing such a scene, Wang Hao in the crowd couldn't help but his eyes brightened.

In this world, martial arts are prosperous.The magic weapon is even more mysterious.According to Wang Hao's understanding, the magic weapon is divided into the ninth level of magic weapon and the third level of spiritual treasure, a total of twelve levels!The seal of the city lord is the human-level magic weapon in the spirit treasure!It is said that it is extremely powerful, gathering the beliefs of hundreds of thousands of people in a city!

Soon, Wang Hao could feel its wonder.

"Except for Wang Lin from the Wang family and Su Muyu from the Su family, the rest of the people participating in the selection will enter the assessment world!"

Amidst bursts of exclamation, Zhao Tongxuan declared expressionlessly.

Before the start of the selection, the situation of the participants in the selection has been reported.Zhao Tongxuan naturally knew the situation of Wang Lin and Su Muyu.


After these words fell, the crowd boiled up.

Su Muyu from the Su family, and Wang Lin from the Wang family, this year Pingchang City produced two top-tier talents.Such Tianjiao are naturally exempted from the assessment, and some of them are wanted by the academy.

The rest did not have such luck.

Looking at the two figures at the front of the crowd, many people were envious and envious.

"Sure enough, there is no so-called equality in life!"

Although he already knew the result, Wang Hao still couldn't help but sigh with emotion.


The next moment, Wang Hao led Zhou Shan, followed the crowd through the light curtain overflowing with light, and walked into the assessment world.

"The first level of the assessment, walk a hundred steps! Go through the assessment world and reach the end, and you will pass the assessment!"

All the personnel entered, and Zhao Tongxuan's voice seemed to come from the void, like thunder roaring, pouring into everyone's ears.


At the same time that Zhao Tongxuan's voice fell, a gust of wind blew up in the assessment world, and suddenly the whole world became heavy.

A powerful coercion spread from all directions, as if to crush everyone's spine.

"To walk a hundred steps is to walk to the end with this coercion. The further you go, the stronger the coercion will be!"

Taking a deep breath, resisting the pressure and stabilizing his figure, Wang Hao in the crowd looked serious.

In this level, the talent, will and belief of the warrior are assessed, and there is even a certain strength test!The stronger the talent, the less affected it will be within this space.Conversely, the worse the talent, the greater the pressure.In addition, if you don't have a firm heart of martial arts, you will lose yourself here, and you are destined to be crushed by coercion!Talent and the heart of martial arts are important factors for a warrior to go far.It is also the most valued by these academies!

Finally, there is strength!If you really have enough strength, you can also rely on the support of strength to go to the end.This is considered to be the last chance left by the empire to those who are less talented.


While Wang Hao was observing the situation in this assessment world, the crowd had already started to act.

Following bursts of loud shouts, the teenagers took their own steps.


However, after only ten steps, some people couldn't hold on anymore, screamed, and fell to the ground in front of the coercion, losing the qualification for selection.

ah ah ah...

As time goes by, as the footsteps advance, more and more people begin to fall and fail!

"Haha...Wang Hao dare not move anymore?"

"He won't be scared to pee? Wasn't he very arrogant just now?"

"Wang Hao wants to show his true colors! The worst low-level talent is also trying to participate in the selection? Who gave him the courage?"

"If you dare to humiliate our little Phoenix like this today, this trash should go to hell!"

Although separated by the enchantment, you can clearly see the situation inside!

Thousands of people gathered on the square, looking at the starting point of the assessment world, the only two backs standing there who never set off!gloat.

Because those are Wang Hao and Zhou Shan!

Thinking of Wang Hao's actions just now, these people gritted their teeth.He was lucky not to tear him up on the spot.Do you still want someone to support him?

Now, he makes jokes, and people are happy to see him succeed.

"let's go!"

However, when people were full of sneers and ridicules, in the assessment world, Wang Hao moved.

One step, two steps...

I saw Wang Hao and Zhou Shan walking towards the finish line as if they were strolling in the garden, under the gaze of everyone!

"No way... this..."

"How could it be... Thirty steps away, he..."

"Fifty steps, no, sixty steps! Damn it, it's understandable that Zhou Shan is so ruthless. That guy is not human! But Wang Hao, this trash..."

As Wang Hao moved forward, those gloating people had stiff expressions and frozen smiles, and soon their eyes widened even more, as if seeing a ghost.

From people's point of view, today's selection is the time for Wang Hao to humiliate himself.They were all waiting to see a joke.

As just now, it is normal for Wang Hao not to take a single step.

But now...

Seventy steps... Eighty steps... Ninety steps...

Seeing Wang Hao catching up from behind, surpassing all those who participated in the selection, and becoming the most dazzling star in the field, how can people remain calm?

This is not scientific!

Didn't you say yes, it's trash?How can it be like this now...


On the square, Su Muyu, who was exempted from the examination, couldn't help but let out a soft breath when she saw this scene, and a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes.

"Are you surprised? It should be because you have never been optimistic about him, so you are so shocked at this moment?"

Standing beside Su Muyu, staring at Wang Hao's back, Wang Lin, whose eyes sparkled with excitement, turned her head to look at Su Muyu, her expression suddenly turned indifferent.

This is the coldness and sarcasm that Wang Hao has never seen before, where is the innocence of the past?

"so what?"

Su Muyu frowned.

"It seems that what brother Wang Hao said is true, you are duplicity! Just watch, he will become the most shining person. Or, one day in the future, do you need to look up to him?"

Wang Lin smiled innocently.

"You think too much!"

After Su Muyu sneered, he shifted his gaze.

Wang Lin's ridicule made her very uncomfortable.

" is this possible! He has reached the end!"

"Fifth! He turned out to be the fifth to reach the finish line!"

"What the hell happened!"

During the conversation between Wang Lin and Su Muyu, there were bursts of exclamations and roars in the square again.

Wang Hao, we have reached the finish line.

He was second only to the little overlord of the Su family and the other two already well-known geniuses in Pingchang City, and he reached the finish line almost at the same time as Zhou Shan.

This is the result of Wang Hao delaying his departure for a long time.

If he leaves immediately...

When many people think of this, their faces are even more messy.


On the high platform, people who knew Wang Hao's situation couldn't help showing a surprised expression.

Chu Tianrong's face turned dark!

"Something's wrong!"

Wang Kun frowned.

Even if he knew that Wang Hao had the strength of the Nine Heavens of Divine Power, he would not be able to accept this result.

Assessing the world is not just an assessment of strength.Even, strength only occupies a small part.If the talent is too bad, even if the strength is strong, it is impossible to reach the finish line so smoothly.

There is a ghost in it!


Compared with Wang Kun, Luo Tianqiu's expression is much more playful.

"The person I like is really extraordinary!"

Rich Thai smiled harmlessly.

Walk a hundred steps?It was simpler than Wang Hao imagined.He surprised countless people.

Looking at the eyes of Su Huang and others standing at the finish line at the moment, and looking at the unbelievable crowd who have not reached the finish line, Wang Hao showed a smile.

"Interesting! Unexpectedly, I have gained a lot along the way!"

Feeling the changes in his body, Wang Hao was overjoyed.

Along the way, with every step, the flesh and blood seemed to be condensed again.Until he reached the finish line, Wang Hao could feel that he had been sublimated, and his strength seemed to be further improved?Maybe this is the benefit that the empire gives to every selected child?it's actually very good!

"Very good! You didn't let me down. If you can't get here, how can I beat you!"

Above the finish line, Su Huang stared at Wang Hao like a poisonous snake.

Although the result was unexpected, Su Huang was very excited.His eyes became more and more bloodthirsty!

"It's not good to fight and kill all day! Come on, have a smile, young man, you should be full of vigor!"

Wang Hao in a good mood rolled his eyes.


Su Huang snorted coldly, and his face became even more ugly.

This caused the other two people who passed the assessment to look at each other in dismay!

Wang Hao, this is preaching and molesting Xiaobawang...

The young people in Pingchang City who dared to do this are already dead, right?

Sure enough, he is a lunatic!

"Time is up! The assessment is over!"

Another quarter of an hour passed, and as the number of people above the finish line increased, Zhao Tongxuan announced with a blank face.


After the words fell, those selected people who had not reached the end, or had already been overwhelmed, were sent out of the assessment world.

This year's academy selection, they failed!

In the end, out of a thousand people, only 500 could pass the first test.More than half of the people were eliminated, which is enough to show the cruelty of the academy's selection.

"Those who pass the assessment, prepare for the second round of selection!"

Zhao Tongxuan announced again.

"No, Lord City Master, this is wrong! Wang Hao cheated! He can't be counted!"

"Yes! Lord City Lord, please investigate strictly. This Wang Hao is cheating!"

However, just as the selection of the second round was about to begin, the scene suddenly changed!

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