ancient myth

Chapter 30 Qi-gathering environment, you can have

"Hahaha... Wang Hao. This time it's fun!"

"So what if the war drums sound ten times? You can't even enter the academy! This is a big joke!"

Some people sympathized with Wang Hao, while others made trouble.

Looking at the two figures in front of them, these people looked excited!

Who made Wang Hao so arrogant just now?Who made Wang Hao humiliate Little Phoenix?This is the punishment God gave him!

"In this case, it seems that we don't need to stay here?"

Hearing the sound of discussion coming from all directions, looking at Chu Tianrong who was sneering on the high platform, Wang Hao squinted his eyes and said.

"You guys, you can go!"

Chu Tianrong said coldly.

"and many more……"

However, no one would have thought that just as Chu Tianrong finished speaking, before Wang Hao could react, an indifferent voice suddenly came.

"Little baby, it seems that your luck is not very good! Since no one wants you, how about my Tianwu Academy taking you in?"

Behind the high platform, a figure slowly walked out.

With the appearance of this figure, the square became quiet again.

Who is he, that he wants to accept Wang Hao and Zhou Shan at this moment?Tianwu Academy, one of the four great academies in the empire?Wasn't their representative silent just now?what now...

More importantly, the figure that appeared at this moment was too powerful.

But seeing that this is an old man with half-white hair, unshaven beard, wearing shabby clothes, and a pair of ripped sandals on his feet, unkempt!

At this moment, under the gaze of everyone, he was digging his nostrils unhurriedly as he walked... Don't be too shocked!

Could this be the reason why one of the four major academies, Tianwu Academy, declined?It is precisely because of such people that today's Tianwu Academy is not as good as it was a hundred years ago.Almost fell out of the sequence of the four major academies.

"Brother, why do you..."

Seemingly noticing the embarrassment of the scene, the middle-aged representative in charge of Tianwu Academy's enrollment was full of embarrassment.

However, even so, the middle-aged man still looked respectful towards the old man in front of him.

"They, I want them!"

The old man stopped picking his nose, poked it with his hand, and seemed to poke out a ball of booger, and flicked it to the side indifferently.This made Chu Tianrong, who was standing aside, avoid quickly, with a cold face!

"Hmph! Tianwu Academy, you want to recruit these two people?"

Chu Tianrong asked coldly with an ugly face.

"Who is this? When did I need other people's consent to enroll students at Tianwu Academy?"

The old man glanced at Chu Tianrong in dissatisfaction, curled his lips.

The disdain on his face was obvious.

This scene is really weird.Countless people on the square were stunned.

Will things change?

"This is the sixth prince, Chu Tianrong."

The middle-aged man from Tianwu Academy explained with an embarrassing face.

The Sixth Prince of Chu!As Chu Tianrong's identity was revealed, everyone present felt their hearts stop beating!This is the supreme prince!But Tianhuang nobles!

At this moment, people seem to understand.Why are Wang Hao and Zhou Shan so against the sky, but no academy dares to ask Wang Hao.Because Wang Hao offended the prince!He was not beheaded on the spot, which is already a very heaven-defying thing.

Do you still want to fly to the top?Think too much.

And the Su family!Actually clinging to the prince?

This time, it is really going to heaven.Then the little phoenix of the Su family is really going to become a phoenix!

This made countless people feel a lot of emotion!

Behind the crowd, Wang Yue danced excitedly and almost laughed out loud.

Prince!This is the prince!

Thinking of how Wang Hao humiliated the sixth prince just now, Wang Yue was ecstatic.

Let Wang Hao suppress himself, let Wang Hao humiliate himself...

Now, Wang Hao is committing suicide!He has no future!

"Sixth Prince?" Wang Hao's pupils shrank faintly.It's really a great identity: "It seems that we have offended someone who shouldn't be offended? What a little Phoenix! Was she tricked again?"

Wang Hao glanced at the expressionless Su Muyu in the distance, and sneered.

This deep-minded woman has long planned to offend the sixth prince, and then be forced to have nowhere to go, right?

"What's wrong with the sixth prince? Can he control my Tianwu Academy? Don't forget, my four major academies were established by the founder of the country, and have always been under the jurisdiction of the emperor. Could it be that the sixth prince can't wait?"

The old man glanced at the sixth prince with great interest.

If the identity of the sixth prince is shocking, then what the old man said at this moment is once again shocking.

Seriously, it made countless people present messy.

Does this imply that the sixth prince wants to rebel? !

How mighty this old man is!Is it really okay to frame the prince so blatantly?If there is such an old man in Tianwu Academy, if he is not in decline, then it is God who has no eyes, right?

"You..." Hearing the exclamation all around, Chu Tianrong's eyes flashed with panic and anger: "Blood spouts!"

"Okay! A Tianwu academy! I will report this matter to my father!"

Chu Tianrong said coldly.

"It's up to you! Go to Tianwu Academy if you have something to do!"

What the old man said made the corners of the middle-aged man's lips twitch even more.Sure enough, shameless.Is this making the academy take the blame for him?How many times has he done this?

"Tianwu Academy, are you really going to recruit those two?"

Chu Tianrong's plan was about to succeed, but he was suddenly slapped in the face. This anger could not be appeased.


The old man pulled out a nose hair and blew it away leisurely.

"Hmph! When is a person with the lowest level of talent qualified to enter the Four Great Academies? It seems that you have forgotten the rules!"

Chu Tianrong sneered.

"What about inferior talent? I just like it!"

The old man looked superior.

"Tianwu Academy doesn't care about the empire's regulations?"

Chu Tianrong drank it.

"What rules?"

The old man asked the middle-aged man beside him.

"Cough cough cough... Enshrined... These two people, I'm afraid we can't have them! Especially Wang Hao! The low-level talent is barely reached. Although I don't know what opportunity I got to reach the current height. However, if I don't enter Qi Gathering Ordinary academies may be able to break the rules. It’s just that our four major academies, at the beginning of their establishment, had no such precedent! We..."

The middle-aged man twitched his mouth and explained.

"Air Gathering Realm? Kid, have you reached it?"

The old man suddenly realized, and looked towards Wang Hao.

Everyone's eyes shifted to Wang Hao again.


Qi Gathering Environment!

If it wasn't for Wang Hao's outstanding performance, it wouldn't mean that he had never reached the Qi Gathering Stage.Even if it is achieved, it is not certain whether ordinary academies want him or not.The four major academies simply don't even think about it!

Now, even if Tianwu Academy is interested in him.However, if you don't enter the Qi Gathering Realm...

Those gloating people became excited again.

"can reach!"

Among those eyes, Wang Hao said unhurriedly.

"Bragging without drafting!"

"Achievable! Who does he think he is!"

"Is it so easy to step into the Qi Gathering Realm? Hmph! How many low-level talents would not be able to step into this level in their lifetime, otherwise, why would those academies not like low-level talents and set such a rule?"

Wang Hao's words caused bursts of contempt.

"Then come to a gas gathering environment?"

asked the old man.

"it is good!"

A smile appeared on the corner of Wang Hao's mouth.

Then, without waiting for everyone's reaction, I saw him sitting cross-legged.


Under countless gazes, Wang Hao flicked his wrist and a Good Fortune Pill entered his mouth.

"Come again!"

Then, Wang Hao threw another Yuan Condensation Pill into his mouth!

This made Wang Kun on the high platform gnash his teeth again.

This damn Wang Hao.Is this taking his things and attacking the gas gathering environment here?This made Wang Kun very depressed.

"Good Fortune Pill! Condensed Yuan Pill? I didn't expect such a treasure! Hmph! Although these two pills can make people with low-level talents step into the Qi Gathering Realm. However, it requires thorough preparation. Now I want to be in this square. Stepping into the Qi Gathering Realm? It’s just a dream. The influence of the outside world is enough to make him fail! If he makes a slight mistake, even the muscles and veins in his body will suddenly explode, and he will become a cripple from then on!”

The way of cultivation requires caution.People with extraordinary talents need to protect the law and find a quiet place when they break through the barrier.What's more, a person with inferior talent?The impact of the gas gathering environment is even more so.Open up the muscles and veins of the whole body, how can you allow mistakes?Chu Tianrong sneered.

"This Wang Hao, isn't he too rampant?"

The people who saw this scene were also surprised.This is simply a crime!What a good pill, is it going to be wasted?

If it is possible, how many people would like to pounce on it now and snatch the elixir from Wang Hao's mouth.They are not too dirty!

However, Zhou Shan's strong body is so intimidating that people have to endure the desire in their hearts.

wow wow wow...

Time goes by little by little.

As the energy of the two elixirs melted in his body, Wang Hao quickly refined them using the Great Sun Entraining Art.

Spiritual energy from the outside world rushes in, gathers in the body, and fuses these two energies. Wang Hao guides this breath to gather, gather, and gather again!

In the end, under the guidance of the Da Ri Yin Qi Jue, endless energy rushed into the tendons, as if finding an outlet, and began to vent.

Divine Power Realm, Body Tempering!Qi-gathering environment, condense vitality!In this realm, a monk needs to open up the muscles and veins of the whole body and gather a lot of vitality in the body.Every move, every move contains the power of heaven and earth.People who are not in the realm of divine power can match it!

What Wang Hao has to do now is to guide this wave of energy to break through the veins in his body.


With a strong body as support, you have the best foundation.With the support of the Great Sun Yin Qi Jue, it is the best exercise.With the assistance of the Chaos Spirit Seed, it is an extraordinary talent.Plus Good Fortune Pill and Qi Gathering Pill.

Wang Hao is really powerful!Each tendon was completely penetrated.

Qi gathering environment, is it difficult?

Not difficult!

Wang Hao was already prepared.

This is also the reason why he was not in a hurry to take the Creation Pill and Qi Gathering Pill that day.He is ready to hit the Qi Gathering Realm above the selection.

It's just that he didn't expect that he almost lost this opportunity.Now, because of an old man, he continues his plan in this way!

woohoo hoo...

Wang Hao was silently cultivating.

Zhou Shan is like a god of war, standing beside him, not allowing anyone to get even half a step closer!

With the progress of the cultivation and the operation of the Great Sun Yin Qi Jue, the spiritual energy in the outside world surges and the wind dances.

With Wang Hao at the center, a whirlwind was faintly formed, and the momentum was truly astonishing.


I don't know how long it took, but in the deathly silent square, the gust of wind let out bursts of deep roars.

The aura in the air seemed to be suddenly confused at that moment.

In the next moment, Wang Hao's momentum rose steadily!

"Air Gathering Realm!"

There were bursts of exclamations.

At this moment, I don't know how many people opened their mouths and eyes wide, in disbelief.

The appearance of this aura represents~ Wang Hao, he has really rushed into the Qi Gathering Realm.This momentum can't fool anyone!


Why is God so unfair.Let a guy who is so arrogant, so rude, so shameless, and such a useless guy have such unnatural luck?He actually succeeded.

God has no eyes...

Countless people wailed in their hearts again and again!

Especially those warriors who were stuck outside the Qi Gathering Realm, or those who almost lost half their lives because of a Qi Gathering Realm, feel aggrieved!

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