ancient myth

Chapter 307 The Prestige of Luck


As the sect's luck was mobilized by Wang Hao, in an instant, there was a muffled thunder above the sky of the East Sacred Pavilion.

In just a split second, thick clouds formed over the Dongsheng Pavilion!

The tumbling clouds, even if they are not dark clouds, still bring a sense of terror to oppression.


Suddenly, within the clouds, a golden figure rushed out, making a dragon chant.

The gathered luck of the sect!

Seeing that golden figure appear, Wang Kun and others in the distance held their breath!At this moment, all of them could even feel the aura in their bodies being drawn!

"As expected of the sect's luck, it is closely related to us! The luck has been mobilized, and the vitality in our bodies has also begun to stir up!"

Jing Fengyu was amazed.

"I feel like I can't help but worship that golden dragon!"

Tian Buer curled his lips, looking unhappy.

From Tian Buer's point of view, as a man who will control the Dongsheng Pavilion in the future, how could he have such an urge to worship the luck of the sect?Shouldn't it be the luck of the Zongmen who saw that he wanted to come and worship?

"This aura is much stronger than it was just gathered that day! It is worthy of being the most mysterious existence in the spirit world, and it is worthy of being called the will of heaven! In the East Sacred Pavilion, controlling this sect If Qi Luck can be fully utilized, Wang Hao is afraid that he can really compete with people in the Shenfu Realm?"

Wang Kun couldn't help but sigh with emotion after looking complicated.


This is how everyone feels about that sect aura at the moment.

" are you guys? Now you know the horror of the sect's luck? You refused to pay more respects to me when I asked you to pay more respects to me. Do you regret it now? Hahaha...or else you just worship me now Let me know, when the time comes, I will find a way to give you a little more control over the sect's luck? Have you seen that the golden dragon is me, and I am the golden dragon!"

Looking at Wang Kun and the others with expressions of emotion, Jin Shisan showed a smug smile on his face.

This made Wang Kun and others couldn't help but roll their eyes fiercely, and simply ignored Jin Shisan.

Could this guy be any more snarky?Besides, Wang Kun and others are more concerned about Wang Hao now!How can there be time to pay attention to Jin Shisan?

Can the coming of this breath allow Wang Hao to erase the mark in Feng Yunqing's body?

Everyone's hearts hung up.

"Don't worry. With the blessing of the sect's luck, and my young master sitting on the sidelines, there will be no major problems!"

Seemingly feeling the thoughts of Wang Kun and others, Jin Shisan pouted, not caring at all!

In fact, as Jin Shisan said.

As the sect's luck was activated, Wang Hao, the person involved, could clearly feel a surge of extremely majestic energy pouring into his body.


Just above the sky, while the Luck Golden Dragon roared, deep in Wang Hao's dantian, the spiritual veins awakened, and a high-pitched dragon chant sounded out!

The sound of the dragon's roar and the roar of the golden dragon above the sky echoed each other. For a moment, Wang Hao only felt his pressure suddenly drop!Even, the power of his soul that was extremely consumed was horribly made up for at this moment.

It was as if a stream of pure energy poured into his body, directly bringing his soul power back to its peak!

The power of the sect's luck is indeed incomparably mysterious!Feeling this, Wang Hao couldn't help but feel refreshed.


The life and death book was stabilized and the breath soared, Wang Hao's confidence increased greatly.

With a roar, Wang Hao used the luck of the sect to crazily catalyze life and death!It wasn't until this moment that Wang Hao felt that the book of life and death was truly controlled by him!

It was a feeling of a god coming down to earth, controlling life and death!

This book of life and death is truly worthy of being the treasure of the spiritual world!


Under Wang Hao's urging, the book of life and death shone brightly with silver light, and amidst the soft chants, the whole book of life and death vibrated faintly, and the power of heaven began to become stronger.

The power of heaven that Wang Hao felt was difficult to control before, now also began to blast towards Feng Yunqing's fate according to Wang Hao's thoughts.

"Relax your heart!"

As the power of heaven rushed into Feng Yunqing's body, feeling Feng Yunqing's subconscious blocking, Wang Hao shouted loudly.

At this time, if one is not careful, both Feng Yunqing and Wang Hao will be finished!This made Wang Hao dare not be careless in the slightest!He needs Feng Yunqing's full cooperation!Otherwise, once Feng Yunqing starts to resist, not only will Wang Hao's previous efforts be wasted, but even both Wang Hao and Feng Yunqing will fall into crisis. No one can guess what the final result will be!

Hearing Wang Hao's words, Feng Yunqing completely relaxed and opened his mind!

It can be said that Feng Yunqing at this moment gave his life to Wang Hao!If Wang Hao is willing, at this moment, he can completely kill Feng Yunqing without any effort!

After all, under the blessing of the Zongmen's luck, the power erupted from the book of life and death is beyond ordinary people's imagination, and how terrifying is the power of heaven that it arouses?Feng Yunqing gave Wang Hao absolute trust by letting go of his defenselessness.

With Feng Yunqing's cooperation, Wang Hao's hanging heart was relieved.The power of his soul merged into that breath of heaven, and he felt it quietly.Following the power of heaven, Wang Hao felt it when the ray of divine soul power came to the deepest part of Feng Yunqing's body.

It was an incomparably mysterious feeling.

It was as if the nothingness of fate had turned into substance at this moment, presenting itself in front of Wang Hao!

On top of that fate, Wang Hao seemed to 'see' a strange mark wrapping it!

"Break it for me!"

After seeing this imprint, why would Wang Hao hesitate?

He tried his best to control the power of his soul into the breath of heaven, and at the same time carefully controlled the book of life and death, controlled the breath of heaven within the range he could control, and swept towards that breath!


Between the lightning and the flint, there was a faint dull roar that exploded.


Feng Yunqing trembled violently, a mouthful of blood spewed out, his complexion turned pale suddenly!

Even though Wang Hao has been careful and careful, he still accidentally shakes Feng Yunqing's fate!

After all, the power of heaven is not so easy to control.

"Damn it, Jin Shisan, what are you still doing? Come and help me!"

Feeling that the power of heaven was gradually losing control, Wang Hao roared loudly.

At this moment, with Feng Yunqing's fate fluctuating, the power of heaven seemed to smell a bloody shark, and became savage, gradually showing signs of breaking free from control and starting to wreak havoc.

After all, the real purpose of this power of heaven is to cut off Feng Yunqing's fate under the urging of the book of life and death!Once out of control, the consequences will be disastrous.

"It's already ready! Kid, remember that you owe me another favor!"

Hearing Wang Hao's words, Jin Shisan's eyes flickered.

As soon as the words fell, Jin Shisan shot straight into the sky in a flash!


In the blink of an eye, Jin Shisan's body merged into the golden dragon transformed by the luck of the sect in the void.

There was a burst of dragon chant, and the heavens shook.


Accompanied by the dragon's chant, an extremely terrifying energy descended, forcibly helping Wang Hao to suppress the violent power of heaven.

At that moment, above the sky of Dongsheng Pavilion, the wind and clouds surged, and the whole world seemed to go crazy.The luck of the sect of Dongsheng Pavilion stirred up the whole world.


Taking advantage of this opportunity, Wang Hao followed the method that had been deduced countless times, and once again headed towards that mark to be wiped away!




Bursts of muffled sounds exploded in the deepest part of Feng Yunqing's body at this moment.

Blood continued to overflow from the corner of his mouth, Feng Yunqing's complexion turned pale, and his body trembled uncontrollably.

Time passed by every minute and every second!

On Wang Hao's forehead, Dou Da's sweat flowed down.

This moment, every second, seems like a long time to Wang Hao!


Until Wang Hao's complexion also began to turn pale, until he felt that the power of his soul was almost exhausted again, finally with a roar, the breath of the last imprint was completely obliterated by Wang Hao.

"Seal me!"

The moment the imprint disappeared, Wang Hao forcibly sealed the book of life and death, and erased Feng Yunqing's name from the book of life and death!

Since you can engrave your opponent's name with the power of the soul, you can naturally erase the name!

Only in this way can we cut off the shroud of the power of the heavens and avoid being strangled by the powers of the heavens!


The moment the name on the book of life and death was erased, and the power of heaven was cut off, Wang Hao's body shook violently, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and he staggered back towards the rear!

If Wang Hao hadn't been completely swept away by the luck of the sect at the critical moment, Wang Hao would have suffered the backlash of the power of heaven now!

The book of life and death can be said to be a competition of fate supported by the power of the soul!

Since the other party has never fallen, the power of that day's Tao will start to bite back, and the person holding the book of life and death will have to pay the price of life.

Book of life and death, life and death!That's what it says!

"Wang Hao, are you okay?"

"How are you doing?"

After a while, the wind and cloud dissipated, and everything returned to calm. Seeing Wang Hao sitting on the ground, his face pale, and the blood continuously overflowing from his mouth, Wang Kun and others hurried forward, their faces full of worry.

"The injury is serious! Fortunately, there is no shaking at all!"

Facing the voices of concern, Wang Hao smiled wryly.

Just as Wang Hao and Jin Shisan deduced, they used the energy of the sect's luck to cover Wang Hao's aura and blind the sky, making him forcibly avoid the backlash of heaven.

However, even though he escaped death, Wang Hao is not feeling well right now.He almost lost half his life!

Sure enough, such things as using the book of life and death to erase the imprint of fate, and then deceive the way of heaven, are full of dangers, and if you are not careful, you will be smashed to pieces!

Not to mention Wang Hao, any person in the Divine Palace would not dare to do such a thing lightly, would he?

After all, there are only a handful of people in the entire spiritual world who can control such a majestic fortune of the sect!

"How are you doing?"

After feeling emotional in his heart, Wang Hao quickly looked towards Feng Yunqing in front of him.

How is the result?This is what Wang Hao is most concerned about now.

"The imprint is gone!"

Hearing Wang Hao's question, Feng Yunqing, who was also pale, closed his eyes and felt it quietly for a moment, then a blush suddenly appeared on his face.

Years of shackles, really freed!At this moment, only Feng Yunqing knew what kind of mood he was in.

"Your injury?"

Hearing Feng Yunqing's words, Wang Hao let out a long breath, and then asked.

Good luck!Otherwise, it would be useless to pay such a price and endure such dangers. I am afraid that Wang Hao himself would not be able to accept such a result.

Now that the imprint is gone, Wang Hao has fulfilled his promise to Feng Yunqing.

As for the injury... I don't know, how is Feng Yunqing's condition now.

"It's okay! It's just that the viscera have been hit a bit, it's harmless!"

Feng Yunqing moved his body and showed a smile.

"I will leave this place now, and after seven days, I will return with the exercises you want!"

Then, Feng Yunqing took a deep breath and said directly to Wang Hao.

Now that his problem has been solved and Wang Hao fulfilled his promise to himself, now it's Feng Yunqing's turn to pay.

It is very clear that Feng Yunqing didn't even plan to stay in Dongsheng Pavilion for a long time, but was ready to start his action.

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