ancient myth

Chapter 317

Feng Yunqing's words made the scene suddenly plunge into embarrassment.

Wang Hao and Tai Youqian looked at each other, and they both saw surprise in each other's eyes.

"It seems that we really underestimated him!"

After a while, Wang Hao smiled wryly.

"What the hell is he doing?"

Tai Youqian shook his head.

From Ye Wanyun's words yesterday to Feng Yunqing's narration today, Wang Hao and Tai Youqian have seen a brand new and unfamiliar Jiao Wubai.

Regardless of whether the destruction of the East Sacred Pavilion was directly related to Jiu Wubai or not, what is certain is that many things are not as simple as they appear on the surface.

What is Jiu Wubai planning now?Perhaps there are only a few people who know the trend, but Wang Hao and others are obviously not qualified to know things at this level.

In addition, Wang Hao and Tai Youqian also affirmed one point. Even though Jiu Wubai is not in the sect for a while, he knows much more about the sect than ordinary people.

Otherwise, he would not have rescued Feng Yunqing outside the Tianxuan Mountain Range for no reason.This is not accidental.

Jiu Wubai is here to save people, and even Jiu Wubai is here for that book of exercises.

He should know about Li Qingyu!

How can this make people not sigh.

"Unfortunately, we are still too weak. Otherwise, maybe we can share some!"

If before this, Wang Hao and others were more helpless and contemptuous of Jiu Wubai, then now they really feel a little more distressed.

What on earth is this old man who looks slovenly and shameless all day long carrying on his back?

Perhaps it is true as the ancestor of the Ye family said, these years, he has lived a very hard life.Suffering is where no one can see it.

"Did he say anything else?"

After sighing, Wang Hao looked at Feng Yunqing and asked.

"No more! Just let me give the things to you. Oh, yes, he seems to have said that the world is about to change, so let the youngsters in the sect save themselves!"

Feng Yunqing smiled wryly.

These words also made the corners of Wang Hao and Tai Youqian's mouths twitch.

"By the way, this is that set of exercises! Before I fell into a coma, the suzerain complained a bit, saying that it was a scripture without words, and it really wasn't something normal people could practice!"

Immediately afterwards, Feng Yunqing quickly took out a simple sheepskin scroll from the storage space.

"No Sky Secret Code!"

Opening the parchment, Wang Hao's pupils shrank when he saw the first few bold and powerful characters inside.

These four fonts are vigorous and unconstrained, like a runaway horse soaring into the sky and then leaving in the dust.Coming from emptiness and returning to emptiness, this almost crazy impulse of primitive vitality contains the changes of heaven and earth.It seems that for a while, people can see the spirit of a strong man who defies the sky and despises the world, controls the universe, and guides the country.

Just these four words, the impact on Wang Hao is unparalleled, which makes people admire.

It seems that this is indeed a priceless exercise, no wonder that after learning that Feng Yunqing had plans for it, the dark tide would react like that.

If it wasn't for Jiu Wu Bai, not only would he not be able to obtain the exercises, but Feng Yunqing's life would also be lost.

Even so, the death of a member of the Feng Clan and the death of a close friend of Feng Yunqing is unknown, isn't the price not high enough?

After sighing, Wang Hao continued to look down.

Seeing this, the corner of Wang Hao's mouth twitched, and his face became weird.

He seemed to understand why Jiu Wubai said it was a wordless scripture!

Because, this is really a book without words.

A strange picture, densely engraved with incomprehensible runes!If it weren't for the faint feeling that there is a trace of the power of heaven and earth contained in it, it would really make people regard it as a ghost drawing talisman!

"It seems that in this regard, Qingyu can only rely on himself!"

Standing beside Wang Hao, Tai Youqian, who also saw all this, smiled wryly.

Perhaps, in Li Qingyu's eyes, this is something different?

"That's good! We know too little about people who practice life. Rao Jin Shisan, the understanding of these people is just superficial. This road can only be left for her to walk!"

Wang Hao nodded.

"I will set off for the emperor's house tomorrow. During this period of time, you will stay in the sect to recover from your injuries. Although the Dongsheng Pavilion is weak now, it is not a place where everyone can come!"

Putting away the parchment, Wang Hao said to Feng Yunqing.

"I'm quite interested in the energy that Li Tian controls. If there is a need, I can help!"

Feng Yunqing said with a smile.


Tai Youqian answered very simply.

After Li Tian joined the sect, because of his status, he rarely showed himself in front of outsiders.Tai Youqian also took advantage of Li Tian's ability to recruit some people, and let Li Tian form a team that exists in the dark of the Dongsheng Pavilion.

Now, they got a lot of news about Dongsheng Pavilion.Some things that are not easy to do will be handed over to them in the future.Even this team will become the most important backbone of Dongsheng Pavilion in the future.

The only pity is that Li Tian's strength alone is still too weak.It would be great if Feng Yunqing is willing to join.


Leaving Feng Yunqing's room with the exercises, Wang Hao and Tai Youqian walked directly towards the other courtyard on the side of the sect.

"Book of Life and Death, open!"

As soon as he stepped into the other courtyard, there was a burst of drinking.


Faintly, with the sound of drinking, there was a sound of groaning, and a silver light radiated.

But in the center of the courtyard, a slender figure was holding the book of life and death.

If this is not Li Qingyu, who is it?Compared with the previous period, Li Qingyu, who now has no worries about the future, is obviously much more cheerful, with a trace of vigor that youth should have on his face!

At this time, Li Qingyu was holding the book of life and death, which looked quite impressive.Even, in just one day, she was able to initially control the book of life and death, which made Wang Hao secretly surprised.

You know, the current Li Qingyu is still without cultivation.A person without cultivation controls the book of life and death, prompting the book of life and death?If someone had told Wang Hao this way before this, Wang Hao would definitely think it was a wild night talk.However, now that such a thing really happened in front of him, Wang Hao couldn't help feeling that there are some people who are naturally suitable for taking the road of martial arts.Some people are born to be incomparable to others!

For example, Li Qingyu!

Although, her fate these years has been quite bumpy.However, if you survive a catastrophe, you will have blessings.Perhaps, the energy she erupted would really make everyone dumbfounded.

"Brother Wang Hao! Brother Taiyouqian!"

While Wang Hao was feeling emotional, Li Qingyu's eyes lit up when he saw Wang Hao and Tai Youqian, and he hurriedly greeted them.

"Can the book of life and death be controlled?"

Wang Hao asked with a smile.

"Well! I can already control it a little bit."

Li Qingyu nodded heavily.

"Qing Yu is not comparable to some people! In one day, she not only controls the book of life and death, but also has been able to mobilize some of the power of heaven!"

After Li Qingyu finished speaking, a burst of cynicism came from inside the room.

Emperor Phoenix!

In the Dongsheng Pavilion, Wang Hao didn't even need to think about the person who spoke so harshly and who was full of opinions about himself, he knew who it was.

Wang Hao has become accustomed to Dihuang's attitude.

But what Dihuang said made Wang Hao's eyes flash with shock: "Mobilize the power of heaven?"

The book of life and death mobilizes the power of heaven, what does this represent?

Wang Hao is too clear.

Just now Wang Hao thought that Li Qingyu had only initially controlled the book of life and death, and that he was able to control the book of life and death, which already surprised Wang Hao.

Who would have thought...she could use the book of life and death to mobilize the power of heaven?

Even if it is just a little energy, this is a terrifying thing.

This means that if Li Qingyu is willing, even if she has no cultivation level now, if she wants to use the power of heaven to break the fate of an ordinary person, she can easily live there.

The book of life and death has become a murder weapon in her hands!

"Yeah! I tried it this morning, and I can mobilize a little bit of energy!"

Under Wang Hao's surprised eyes, a blush flashed across Li Qingyu's face and he said softly.

After the words fell, Li Qingyu opened the book of life and death, and then, with a flash of silver light, a picture of a bird appeared on the book of life and death.Then, a sparrow that flew over the small courtyard fell directly from the sky.

With the power of heaven, frighten the soul of the sparrow!

Sure enough, Li Qingyu was able to mobilize the power of heaven.

"Play the book of life and death on me!"

Wang Hao said quickly.

"Brother Wang Hao, this is..."

Hearing Wang Hao's words, Li Qingyu's eyes widened.

"It's okay, he can't die! The scourge has been around for thousands of years, you can't kill him, just try!"

Dihuang quickly interrupted Li Qingyu, looking at the book of life and death in her hand, eager to try.

If it wasn't for the fact that Dihuang couldn't control the book of life and death, I'm afraid she can't wait to go into battle in person and kill Wang Haozhen here, right?

Dihuang's positive appearance made Tai Youqian beside Wang Hao couldn't help twitching his mouth, revealing a sympathetic expression.

I really don't understand, what did Wang Hao do to Dihuang back then, causing a little girl to hate Wang Hao so much!

In fact, it's not just Thai rich?

Even Wang Hao still doesn't understand where the Dihuang's resentment came from.

Could it be because there was so much hatred in the ancient city because of the matter of one room?

"She's right! Try it, if there's a problem, I'll make you stop! Don't forget, the book of life and death is also my treasure, and I know more about it than you do!"

After feeling depressed, Wang Hao encouraged Li Qingyu.

"Okay! Brother Wang Hao, be careful!"

Hearing what Wang Hao said, Li Qingyu finally let go of his worries.

As another silver light flashed on the book of life and death, Wang Hao's name was engraved in the book of life and death.


The book of life and death trembled faintly.

In an instant, Wang Hao could clearly feel that a mysterious energy descended on him, sweeping towards his destiny.

This is also the connection between Wang Hao and the book of life and death, so that the book of life and death will not be able to deter Wang Hao too much, otherwise, Wang Hao will really suffer if he is caught off guard.

The feeling that the breath of heaven and earth suppressed life and soul surprised Wang Hao.Li Qingyu's control over the book of life and death has reached this point unconsciously?

Not to mention ordinary people!Even for a person who gathers energy at the first level, facing such a shock from the heavens, it would be more or less ominous, right?

Li Qingyu, who had never practiced, unexpectedly...

The look Wang Hao looked at Li Qingyu became more and more complicated.

I have to say that at this moment Wang Hao felt a little jealous!

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