ancient myth

Chapter 328 1 Line of Hope

In the end, Dihuang still failed to take Wang Hao away.

In the words of the ancestor of the Di family, that is——Little Phoenix, why are you so nervous?You said that this little guy didn't bully you, I believe it.However, my yard has not been visited by outsiders for many years.Seeing this little guy is pleasing to the eye, he intends to stay and have a heart-to-heart talk.I have recently gained some experience in fishing and growing vegetables. I have no other place to be embarrassed by my ancestors.That old man from the Ye family, I've had a fight with this little guy, I can't be left behind, can I?

In short, these rhetoric finally gave Dihuang no reason to take Wang Hao away.The relationship between the ancestors of his own family and the ancestors of the Ye family... Dihuang knows a little bit.

In the end, Dihuang could only give Wang Hao a self-seeking look, and led Ye Wanyun out of the courtyard.

As for Ye Wanyun, she was as gentle as ever, and she never had any objection.Instead, the ancestors of the emperor's family piled up and saluted slightly!In that way, it seemed that Wang Hao being left behind was an excellent thing.

On the contrary, it was Di Hua who looked at Wang Hao with a smile, and didn't know whether this guy was gloating or expressing goodwill...

"Damn it! It's finally over."

Until Dihuang and the others disappeared from sight, the ancestor of the Ye family curled his lips and couldn't help cursing.

The swearing made the corner of Wang Hao's mouth twitch.

At this moment, the patriarch of the Emperor's family is completely different from before.

But one thing is for sure, the one who cursed so badly would definitely not be Dihuang.

"I don't know what orders the senior left the junior behind!"

Wang Hao asked carefully.

"You kid, don't do this to me! You almost cried my little Phoenix in the ancient city, don't think I don't know."

The patriarch of the emperor's family glanced at Wang Hao angrily.

"It was just a misunderstanding that day, and I still look at the senior..."

Wang Hao explained with a bitter face.

"Don't explain to me! Just do it if you do it, and do what you say so much. Now that little girl doesn't bother you, can I still trouble you? Then she can't trouble me? You kid is good at tricks! Tsk tsk tsk... It's fine if you tricked the little lady of the Ye family in the ancient city. Now I've even tricked my little Phoenix!"

Completely without the demeanor of the emperor's family and a strong man of a generation, the old man looked at Wang Hao with a playful smile on his lips.

"Senior misunderstood, Miss Dihuang and I are not like that."

Wang Hao said quickly.

At this time, Wang Hao only felt that the person standing in front of him was not the ancestor of the emperor's family, nor the top powerhouse in the spirit world.Looking at the old man in a coarse hemp farm uniform, he was actually a vulgar farmer.

"You don't need to argue, kid! I haven't said what to do, why are you so anxious!"

Seeing Wang Hao explaining again, the patriarch of the Emperor family rolled his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, he looked Wang Hao up and down: "Damn it, you look pretty good, no wonder that old man from the Ye family fell in love with you, and it's no wonder Little Phoenix helped you speak!"

Seemingly displeased with Wang Hao's appearance, the ancestor of the Di family complained.

"Ahem... Senior, I..."

Wang Hao really didn't know how to answer this question from the patriarch of the emperor's family.

"How is my little Phoenix?"

The Patriarch of the Emperor's Family waved his hand, interrupted Wang Hao's words, rolled his eyes, and suddenly asked with a smile.

Seeing that smile, Wang Hao felt chills in his heart.

"it is good!"

Wang Hao said quickly.

You don't need to think about it to know the answer.

Judging from the attitude of the ancestor of the Emperor's family towards Little Phoenix, do you dare to say that Emperor Phoenix is ​​not good?

Not to mention whether the patriarch of the Di family would let him go, if Di Huang knew about it, he would still have a good life.

"That must be!" Hearing Wang Hao's answer, the patriarch of the Di family showed a smug expression, and then asked with a smile: "What do you think, compared to the little girl of the Ye family?"

"all good!"

Wang Hao groaned in his heart.

He didn't know what the patriarch of the Di family wanted to do.In short, there is a feeling of uneasiness spreading in my heart.

"Then you go and tell that old man in the Ye family that you don't want his little baby anymore. How about my family Dihuang making a marriage contract with you?"

The eyes of the ancestor of the emperor's family brightened, and he asked with a smile.

"Cough cough cough..."

Wang Hao was really stunned this time.

Who would have thought that the patriarch of the Di family would...

"Senior is joking."

Wang Hao said quickly.

"Huh?" The patriarch of the Di family narrowed his eyes: "Then you just said that Di Huang is good, is that a lie?"

"Don't dare! This junior speaks from the bottom of my heart. Ms. Dihuang is a celestial being, and her family background is even more extraordinary. This junior can't afford it!" When he said this, he paused, and Wang Hao said solemnly: "Junior and Wanyun, early With a marriage contract in hand, it is even more like-minded. In this life, I dare not betray my beauty!"

"Fuck... the little bastard now speaks better than singing! Don't think I don't know about Ling Yaoyao and Wang Lin!"

The patriarch of the emperor's family rolled his eyes and looked at Wang Hao with disdain.

For a moment, Wang Hao paused and touched his nose, not knowing how to explain it.

Wang Lin?Ling Yaoyao?

Thinking of these two girls, Wang Hao couldn't help sighing softly.It's just that I didn't expect that the patriarch of the Emperor's family even knew these things?

It seems that the ancestor of the emperor's family has already investigated himself.

So, why is he keeping himself now?Wang Hao's heart is still full of doubts.Wang Hao absolutely didn't believe it, the patriarch of the emperor's family stayed here just to make a joke of himself.

"I don't know what else the senior ordered?"

Thinking of this, Wang Hao asked tentatively.

"That token, let me see!"

The patriarch of the emperor's family glanced at Wang Hao, and said lazily.

Hearing the words of the patriarch of the emperor's family, Wang Hao's heart skipped a beat.

What is Wang Hao's purpose for coming to the emperor's house this time?

Don't you just want to unravel the doubts in your heart?The key to all this is that token.

Wang Hao was still thinking about how to ask about this matter.

Who would have thought that the patriarch of the Di family would take the lead in cutting into this topic before he asked.

After being surprised, Wang Hao couldn't help showing a little more excitement on his face.

"Senior, please see!"

Without hesitation, he directly handed over the token to the emperor's patriarch.Then, Wang Hao looked at the ancestor of the emperor's family expectantly.

What answer can he give himself?If what Jiu Wubai said is correct, the patriarch of the Di family is straightforward and has a hot temper.If he knew something, he shouldn't hide anything from himself.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Holding the token that Wang Hao handed over, the face of the ancestor of the Di family changed, and his eyes became more and more strange.

"Damn~ he~ damn it, I'll tell you why that old bastard from the Ye family can't wait to throw his baby's heart to you. I will try my best to make me interested in you. Feelings are a trap!"

After a long time, almost when Wang Hao felt that he couldn't bear it any longer, he ruthlessly threw the token back to Wang Hao, and the patriarch of the emperor's family cursed loudly.

The patriarch of the Ye family, corrected without defeat, was scolded by him all at once.Even myself!

The corner of Wang Hao's mouth twitched fiercely.

Fortunately, from just now to now, Wang Hao has gradually gotten used to such an ancestor of the emperor's family.Quickly putting away the token, Wang Hao asked cautiously: "I wonder if senior knows the origin of this token?"

"They said that this token is related to your identity? Wuyou asked who are you?"

The patriarch of the emperor's family curled his lips and asked.

"It's my father!" Wang Hao replied subconsciously, but his eyes widened quickly: "Senior has seen..."

"Father? You're also a shameless little thing!"

The patriarch of the emperor family snorted coldly.

"The doll back then was pretty good, but it's a pity!"

As if thinking of something, the ancestor of the Di family sighed.

"Senior, have you seen my mother?"

Wang Hao's eyes widened, and his breathing suddenly became short of breath.

This may be the closest he's come to an answer.

Back then, both Jun Wuhai and Jiu Wubai told themselves that they could find the answer by entering the spirit world.

However, it has been several months since he entered the spirit world, instead of finding the answer he wanted, Wang Hao has more and more doubts in his heart.

Until now.

The patriarch of the emperor's family gave Wang Hao hope.

Obviously, he recognized this token. He even met his nominal father and his mother back then.

This made Wang Hao's eyes burn.

"I said, that little doll is not bad. It's a pity that I met a heartless one!"

The patriarch of the emperor's family glanced at Wang Hao and snorted coldly.

His expression changed, as if he was thinking about something: "I didn't expect that you would be her child. Tsk tsk tsk... It's a miracle that you can live to this day. This is really surprising!"

"What happened back then? Why did my father and my mother end up?"

Wang Hao couldn't bear it any longer, and hurriedly asked.

"Back then? Some people who shouldn't have appeared here appeared here. That Wang Tianwen is a nice young man. According to me, although the little girl's vision is not very good, but she is not bad luck. It's a pity , After all, he took a wrong path and killed an innocent little guy! You must pay me back what Wuyou owed me!"

The patriarch of the emperor's family had some answers that were not relevant to the question.

"What does my father owe you?"

Wang Hao's eyes widened.

Now I haven't found the answer I want to find, but I have made such an account?

Not only did my father meet the ancestors of the emperor's family back then, but he also owed something?

Judging from the look of dissatisfaction shown by the patriarch of the emperor's family, it seems that what he owes is not small.

Wang Hao groaned in his heart.

Perhaps, if he knew why the ancestor of the Ye family told him to have nothing to do, he would not come to the emperor's house.Feelings, come here, want to pay off the debt?However, compared to this, Wang Hao is more eager to know what happened back then.

At this moment, Wang Hao felt that he was getting closer and closer to the answer he wanted.The doubts in my heart seemed to be completely unraveled, and the layers of fog were about to dissipate.

"If my father owed senior something back then, this junior will definitely repay it with all his strength. I also hope that senior can tell this junior what happened back then, and help this junior solve the doubts in his heart!"

Thinking of this, Wang Hao took a deep breath, and made a respectful gift to the emperor's ancestor!

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